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Mike Answers Our TOUGH questions!!!

What about being the Roaches do you like?
The opportunity to put everything on the line as a performer.

When is your birthday?

What other groups do you listen to?
NAACP, The Janitorial Union

Do you personally get tired of all the fans?
What fans?

What do you like to do on your days away from the Roaches?
There are no days away from the Roaches.

What would you be doing if you weren't a Roach?
Serving the community as a head of state.

When you look back on the years that the Roaches have been together, what is one thing you think you will NEVER forget?
The Fire Eternal, The Fire Eternal

How long have you been a Beatles fan?
Since early childhood

what do you believe you'll do if the Roaches break up?
Take down all of Young's pictures from my wall

Were you friends with another band member before the Roaches formed?
Yes, we are no longer friends. He and is band moved to Quebec.

When and where was the idea for the Roaches formed?
Ask Fuller.

Who came up with the Roaches?
Everyone presently in their very early twenties

Who were you into before you got into the Beatles?
Monet, Van Gogh, Melville.

What is one thing you would take away from the usual atmosphere? (The drunks, etc)
the ozone hole, plankton are dying!

And...if you could have a nick name like the Beatles did (the quiet one, etc) what do you think yours would be and why?
The unnecessary one.

Hareeee Krishna
