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Roachfans:The Roaches Yahoo Club

It seems everyone has a club on Yahoo these days.Since the Roaches did not,I decided to make them one.They deserve,just as any other does.

You can join roachfans by:
1.Emailing us at and asking us to send you an invite.
2.Email Siobhan at and ask her to invite you.
3.Go to Yahoo clubs and search for Roachfans.
4.Go here and click the Join Club link at the top!

What to do after you've joined:
As a member of the club you can post a message on the message board.Or post a link in our personal links section.You can add your favorite photo of the guys.We also have our very own chat room.Maybe we can get the guys to come sometime.

You have to be a member to have access to these wonderful things.If you do not have a Yahoo identity,get one at you're all set to join us!

yeah,roll over beethoven
