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Complaints of a Roaches fan......

This is JUST FOR FUN!!!! This is stuff Jarah and Siobhan joke about! Enjoy!

-PRIVATE EVENTS: grrrrrrrrrrrrrr......I think this is the MOST annoying thing about being a Roaches fan! All these concerts and literally not being able to go! (although Siobhan has been to ONE private event! Which was totally cool, being as she was one of about 6 teenagers there! Very very cool!!!)

-System Failures: It's something we absolutely HATE to see happen!!! For fear that our boys can't play any longer and we'll have to leave! And if you have NEVER experienced a system failure at a show,then you have never seen the scared Roachfan look! It's a look ONLY a Roach fan gets!

-Young's avid chewing of cud during a show: Actually,it's gum. But the way he chews it, it looks like a cow chewing cud!! It's the funniest thing! I'd LOVE to get it on video! See, John used to chew gum on stage, so that's why he does it .And I can understand why he chews it like that: He's bouncing, singing, playing instruments, being cute and staring at the crowd at the same time!!!! That's what I call talent!

-The fact that we original fans had to wait until we had established ourselves with the guys before we got hugs and now they hug people they don't know!!! GUYS!!!! We deserve it more!!!

-How come they don't make another Rochesters tape?! Mike said it himself...the one we all have now is OUT OF DATE!!!! Get a clue, people! (I'm talking to the Roaches!!) We're getting a trifle bit tired of hearing the same songs all the time!!!!!

-Has anyone ever noticed that they never do the songs that we consistantly scream out for them to play?!? I mean...we ("we" being the original Roachbabes) stand RIGHT THERE in their faces and just YELL and they just stand there ignoring us!!!! I mean...they acknowledge that we're there...but that just doesn't seem to matter! ARGH!!

-Why do they NEVER want to talk online?!!? It's their fault for getting an email address and then telling us about it!!!! I mean..they DO talk...but not all the time like they should!!!!! *grin*

-Why do they never play the old old old songs they used to?! Like "Leave My Kitten Alone" and "Talkin' Bout You"? I mean...they SOMETIMES play "Talkin Bout You" but I think it's just them doing what they can to shut me up!!! But they used to play all those BBC songs and they just don't now!!!

-The new truck!!!! AAHH!!! I'm just not even used to seeing that thing!!!! I have been seeing nothing but the groovy white van for soooo long!!! And when I asked where it was....Young just said "We set it on fire and threw it in the river...there were only a few people in it". Funny, huh?? *haha*

-The way they constantly (well...not CONSTANTLY...) play at places for people over 18. It's not our fault if we were born a couple years late! But...I (Jarah) have to brag. I've been on an over 21 bar once. FUN!!! Haha.

-The way that people at certain bars have to be CRUEL to everyone and not let us dance or make noise. I'm not naming any names...but I think I've mentioned it to the guys. Does anyone agree with me here??

-Why must they be so popular? I order to ask a simple question (Uh...where is the bathroom is this place???) you have to stand in a line! And there's nothing worse than a bunch of us crowding around one innocent man. (Sorry guys!!!)

-Why does Young never play the black and white Rickenbacker??? That is the GREATEST guitar ever and he always plays the gold one and the Gibson! For a while there the gold one was messed up and he had to play the white one...back in June of 99. (See...I still remember!)

-Why do I (still Jarah) live so bloody close to them and yet we NEVER see each other aside from bars??? Get a clue guys! There's a gal over here that sits around a lot! You could come over and I could make you dinner! (Toast anyone?)

-How many autographs must we fans get?? And believe me...I'm not judging anybody...I have a ZILLION Roaches autographs now. I'm just saying...we're so pathetic!!! All of us could forge checks now if necessary. :-)

-Why is it that we always act so incredibly surprised when the guys come out for an encore. You KNOW they'll be back! It's happened before!!! And they always act so surprised that we ASKED them back....

tomorrow it may rain
