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Roach Dreams..........

Soooo long ago
was it in a dream
was it just a dream?

Ok, we know that there are people out there who dream about the Roaches-NONSTOP! And there are some dreams that are absolutely realistic and others you should be put in the psych ward for! However,that doesn't matter! If you have Roach dreams, and don't mind sharing them, send them to us! We don't mind! However, if it is anything more than kissing, I'm afraid, we can't post that! However,if you still think it's a great dream and REALLY wanna share, just say-kissing all night! (we get the idea!) But we'd LOVE to hear your dreams!!! Send them today!

I was going to the Roaches "Anniversary Show" whatever that means.. They were playing the Galleria Center. I was with my dad and brother. As we were walking towards the room where they were playing, I could hear music. (By the way, the Galleria Center looked very different. It was basically a big mall, and we walked through a clothing department store to get to the gig) So, we figured the Roaches had already started, which I thought was cool because when I first saw them, we walked in after they had I thought it would be like the first show. The only problem was, as I realized when we walked in, they weren't playing Beatles!!! They were actually playing, as I recall, "Whole Lotta Love" by Led Zepplin. I remember looking for Jarah when we walked in, but didn't see her...We sat in these seats on the side of the stage. I was wondering why a Beatles tribute band wasn't playing Beatles songs..but for some reason it wasn't all that weird in the dream. Somehow I gathered from what they said later that each Roach had a "set" that they played, of songs they like. Zep was I think part of Fuller's set. Then they played these awful country songs, which was Young's set. And then they were closing and Adam interrupted and said they forgot to play his songs..and they played something really weird..but I can't remember what. Williamson didn't get a set..i think we missed it. Williamson, by the way, was OLD. He had beer belly too...In the dream I was thinking "Well, guess the Roaches aren't as young as they used to be" so maybe this show was supposed to be in the future...even though Williamson was the only old looking one. I dunno.
Michelle Gilzenrat
Age 17

I went to a Roaches concert last night in celebration of my best friends, Siobhan, birthday. I decided that Fuller was my favorite but last night i dreamt up something else. I dreamed that it was summertime and it was really hot outside and my birthday was coming up so Siobhan and I decided that it would be perfect to get the roaches to play at my party. Wouldn't it be nice, Sweet 16 spent out by my pool with 4 hot guys singing to me and my friends. Ok so anyways, Siobhan, Jarah, Amanda, and all of the other regular chics, were singing and dancing alond in front of the stage. After one of their songs was over they decided to take a break. During thier break my friends and I were crowding around them, asking them questions, drooling on them, you know the norm. I was talking to Young and he gives me this yellow guitar pick that he had been playing with the entire concert and tells me he wants me to keep it to remember him by. Then he gave me a little kiss. (Don't beat me Jarah, it was just a dream and it was just a "little" kiss!!) My mom even liked them and she doesn't like any guy that I like. She thinks they are all evil. Then the dream went on to me and Siobhan and my sister, Crystal, being in Florida together to go to one of the concerts for some reason. Then Siobhan woke me up with some babble about it being 7am. I dunno, you ask her. She has created a monster outta me. I'm really kinda fallin for these guys. Te hee. Thats all folks.

comin atcha live,
and new ROACHES FAN!!
Age 15

In my dream, I was at a dance competition (which is not really unusual) and this guy said something about my I punched him. And then my friend Ashley Fitts started to drag me away because I kept trying to attack the poor guy and then out of nowhere, she just dropped me on the floor. Of course, this confused me so I looked up to ask why and there stood the Roaches. I asked them why they were there and Adam said "Because you told us to come" so I figured that was a good enough reason for me. And then he asked me what had just happened (I guess the fact that Ashley had just drug me across the floor seemed kind of suspicious) so I told him about the guy I'd punched and he starts to go over to the guy to hurt him...I guess he was defending me. I grabbed his leg so he wouldn't kill the dude and he ended up falling on me...and it HURT. So then Young says "Hey...since you're hurt now and can't dance, do you want to go to Alaska?" (We'd talked before about how much I like Alaska...) and I said yes and then somebody starts yelling "We can't go without Jarah and Leah!" and Young goes "Hey...good point" and then they remembered that they had no way of getting her. Nobody knew where she lived (even though Ashley had been there. She just forgot) so then Young remembers that he had her phone number so they call her and she instantly agreed (anybody surprised?) but then says that she needs to call Leah and pack and stuff. So they finally get the two girls and head off to Alaska (after ignoring the fact that they had a concert to do...they chose us....thanks guys!)
Rebecca Singletary
Age 13's time for you to send in your dreams! You KNOW you have them!

wait,til i come back to your side
