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JJ Jackson

Also known as the world's coolest radio DJ of all time

JJ Jackson, a disc jockey on Fox 97 (A local radio station that plays oldies), has just had a major career change. Unfortunately, Atlanta listeners will no longer be hearing his voice over the airways. (To see the whole story, go to Freeman: Atlanta Airwave Action.) JJ Jackson was the voice and brains behind the Afternoon Love Fest and the Sunday Gold Countdown - two of the most fun filled time slots of the station. He says he'll be getting a new job at a different station, but it will most likely be out of the Atlanta area. He has no idea how much we'll miss him.

JJ Jackson has been a big influence on the success of the Roaches. He promoted them by having them on the air at least twice, got them to play at the Georgia Dome twice for the Ultimate Oldies Concert, sponsered them at the re-release of Yellow Submarine, and has been to different night clubs just to see them. He is a true Roaches fan.

So this section is just for the fans and friends of JJ to give their thoughts on the greatest radio personality to hit the airways.

The Roaches

Hey JJ, this is Adam from the Roaches. I just wanted to say that I hate to see you go, and the Roaches really appreciate everything that you have done for us. You were a definite springboard in the success of this band. Good luck wherever you go, and don't become a stranger.

From us to you,
The Roaches

Michelle Harper

Michelle with JJ and his wife, Patty

JJ Jackson has been my friend since the Fall of 1995, when he and then Fox 97 program director Bill Cahill became head cheerleaders for the very first Atlanta Fab Four Fest! Later, he invited me to cohost the Fox 97 morning show with him in June of 1997. I was extremely grateful for this opportunity, but pretty much ended up turning it over to a bunch of sleep-deprived musicians called "The Roaches" (after a band sleep-over at my house). The six of us really hit it off and that morning was without a doubt the biggest break our little outfit would ever get.

JJ continued to be the band's most enthusiastic supporter for the rest of the time that I was with them. The week after that morning show he drove (WAY) down to Griffin on his own time to host a Fourth of July Roaches concert in their home town. He even spent the day with me, the Roaches, and our families down there as we celebrated his and Ringo's birthdays before the concert, and of course, it was because of JJ that they got the chance to play for thousands and thousands and thousands of people at the 9th and 10th Ultimate Oldies Concerts at the Georgia Dome!

I am very grateful for all of the support JJ has shown to my various Beatles and Roaches projects over the years. But I am even more proud to count him and Ms. Patty among my friends. I'm sure you all join me in wishing them the best. And here's hoping the listeners, wherever they end up, are worthy of the "clown prince of rock and roll"!

Michelle Gilzenrat

JJ has long been my favorite voice on the airways. I always tuned into the Afternoon Love Fest for a smile after the school day was over. As a long time Roaches fan, I would also like to thank him for giving them the opportunity to go on the air and be heard by thousands. I had the opportunity to talk to JJ at a Roaches show at GA Tech last year.. I was excited to hear how sincerely interested he was in helping out the band and getting them "Out there" to a wider audience. Wherever there was a JJ, there was energy and excitement... Only JJ could turn a Roaches show into a mad dash Beatles trivia contest! (Thanks for the hat!)

JJ, I'll miss hearing ya here in Atlanta!
Wishing you all the best,
Michelle Gilzenrat

Jarah Westmoreland

JJ Jackson has by far been my favorite DJ. (Explains the reason I made this page) He was FUNNY, he knew tons about rock and roll, Beatlefan, Roachfan, and just all around wonderful guy! I met him once at the first Fab Four Fest and then again at a Roaches show when they played at Flannagan's. He was joking around with everyone and dancing with these ladies and just having a blast. To add to what Michelle Gilzenrat said, wherever he was, the atmosphere was so much better than it was anywhere else. Everyone was laughing at his jokes, or you were in serious competition for something he was giving away, and you just wanted to talk to him. To hear that same voice you hear on the radio everyday talking just to you about something you love (like the Beatles), it's such a cool thing!

JJ, I'm REALLY going to miss hearing you everyday! You were part of my daily schedule and have been for YEARS! You're amazing!

Never forget us JJ!!

Siobhan Hall

I met JJ in 1997, at the Fab Four Fest. He was extremely nice. I got my pic with him too. I was really quiet and stuff, so when I asked for a pic, I figured he was going to say no and break my heart, I dunno why, I suppose cause he was famous. Well, I got the courage to ask, and he said SURE! I was startled, but happy. So we took the picture, he even signed an autograph for me! (yay, which is framed,as are all my autpgraphs!!!) Anyways, he even gave me a cd (promo of Celebrities butcher songs of the Beatles!) He was just so nice! He was funny too. the second time I saw him was at the YS premier! He was just as nice then! I can't believe they fired him. It angers me. He was such a good man, even in meeting him twice! Sometimes I'd call the station just to say hey to him!! He was so awesome! JJ, I'm not really good with words, as you can read, but I will definately miss you. Good luck in the future!! :o)
Siobhan Hall

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