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Michael's Bio

Michael Fulop (AKA George Harrison) is also the "quiet one"...they are very much alike. Michael is really quiet...but really nice once you get to know him. If I remember correctly, I think that he was the first one to remember my name. (Thanks, by the way!) He is one of the nicest four guys in the universe, and we all love that about him!

From what I have read from the other Roaches sites, he is a big fan of rockibilly and working on his car! He is really nice and is (like the other guys) willing to meet everyone possible and will sign even the weirdest objects. One year at Lenox, I saw them sign this girl's inflatable baseball bat, her stomach, her arm, and whatever else she had. I walked away at that point. But that was just proof that they won't laugh at you when you ask them to sign your stupid little toys...they will just do it!

One more thing to say about him, he is the GREATEST guitar player! Just watch him one'll be enchanted!

Siobhan Says:

The first time I saw them,and actually got to see them play(1/6/99),it was a private concert.And there wasn't many people there.And he seems to be the 'quiet one'.He is one HECK of a guitar player though!!!I mean,he's just awesome!!He really has the role of George down pat!He's quiet,he plays guitar like you wouldn't believe,he's tall,and he has a great smile!:o)(sorry I couldn't resist!).But he really is awesome!

[View Fuller Pix| through thick and thin she'll always be my friend]
