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Mike's Bio!

Mike Williamson (AKA Paul McCartney) is BY FAR the coolest human on the face of the earth!! I mean, this guy actually DEFINES cool. Do you think I am overreacting?? Wrong! And he is probably one of the nicest as well! He always makes you feel like you are just his favorite person in the world...and we all fall for it too! And he just really enjoys what he does, you can tell. He really looks like he is having a blast on stage! And when you see the band having fun, it helps you have fun yourself! Not that we need any help or anything!

If you are the least bit intimadated about concerts or anything but want to be a part of the "Roach crowd" suggestion is to meet Mike first. And get a picture with him!!! You will just melt the way he puts his arm around you!! (Haha..if you don't believe me, the next time you see me, ask to look at my pictures and just look at my expression in the first one of Mike and I! It's hilarious!) And if you want to have a real conversation with him, ask him about something that he knows a lot the bass. He'll just get on this kick and talk to you for the longest time! Just don't act like you are about to freak out, even though you probably are!

Mike is the oldest member of the band and (in my opinion) comes across as the most mature. But that is just my opinion...don't hate me if you dissagree!!

Siobhan says:

You can NEVER get too much of this Roach!!!His personality and great looks TOTALLY match!!!*sigh*Mike will take pictures with you till his face freezes!*giggles like a maniac*He really is a major sweety!And he's never afraid to say hey to anyone!His sweetness(and GREAT looks) keeps me coming back for more!Not to mention,he has a LOT of talent!!And he has fun playing for us,so it makes US have a great time in return!

[View Mike Pix|feeling two foot small]
