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Everything I Never Needed to Know......

Everything I never needed to know, I learned from the Roaches!!

1. Greasy chicken is sent from Heaven.

2. Never be afraid to flaunt blue sequened jackets.

3. Brian Wilson is really Mozart.

4. Everybody can twist.

5. We all live in a yellow submarine.

6. You really can live with no ego.

7. You can never sign your name too much.

8. The first one is beep...and the other one's yeah.

9. Coke and M&Ms are part of your daily diet.

10. Hold me...clap me...clap clap.

11. You can never play in certain places too much.

12. Smile at every camera you see.

13. Kazoos make good trumpets.

14. You know you're coordinated when you can play tamborine, maracas, bounce, chew gum, and sing...all at once.

15. Wave ever chance you get.

16. You can never have too many pictures of the same people.

17. You can never be too nice.

18. No matter how hot you are, there is always someone sweating worse than you.

19. Never be afraid to state your personal opinions.

20. One smile can seriously affect someone.

21. Never, ever, ever turn down free pizza.

22. Being exhausted is a small price to pay to stay up to see the sun rise.

23. Celebrity crushes are fun. And Jennifer Love Hewitt CAN act.

24. Everyone has a little rock and roll in them somewhere...even security guards.

25. Don't ever brush your teeth around Michelle.

26. Some things never get old. (You say you've seen Stevie Wonder...I still LOVE that!!)

27. Even the greatest photographs are no substitute for a great memory.

28. Patience is a virtue. Especially when it's 4000 degrees outside and you're wearing a life vest and standing in the sun with a bunch of grouchy tourists.

29. A hug can make someone's whole day.

30. A Roach with any other hair color would me one cool guy!

31. You can never own too many guitars.

32. The best looking one is not always the nicest one and vice versa.

33. "There's no such thing as bad publicity." - Fulop.

34. "You won't be 14 forever." - Thurston.

35. All you learn in art school is that you can paint just as well as people on acid.

36. There's always time for dinner.

37. Always sing "Good Vibrations" in the shower.

38. Be nice to everyone!

39. LP is British for album.

40. Watch out for moving fire hydrants.

41. Always have a Sharpie in your inside pocket.

42. If you don't have a flat surface to sign something, find another Roach back.

43. You really CAN willingly hug an extrememly sweaty guy.

44. You can fit the words "stoked" and "inebrated" into real sentences.

45. There is correct way to hug people.

46. Always have extra guitar picks.

47. Mike Williamson will forever be the keeper of the Fire Eternal.

Do you have some to add? E-mail us!! Tell us some and we'll add them.

Numbers 1-20 from Jarah!
Numbers 21-30 from Rachel!
Numbers 30-38 from Michelle!
Numbers 39-47 from Gwynne!

I'll buy you a diamond ring
