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From Us To You!

From the fans to the Roaches

We see you now and start to think
About the time that holds our link
We met one day, years ago
Not realizing the friendships that would grow

We follow you from town to town
To scream and yell and dance around
But after shows, when you come to say hey
We know there's nothing better about that day

But to be honest...there's not that much to say
I mean - we think about you EVERY day!
We call our Roach friends just to talk about you
And daydream of the day when YOU'LL say "I do"!!!

We know you think that we need a shrink
Screaming everytime we see you sing (or breathe...or blink...)
But we have good reasons and here they are
Here's what we love about far...

We love the way you start the song
We scream...and yell...and sing along
It takes our breath to see you smile
Oh can't you just hold us for a while?

We love the way you greet new fans
By just walking up and shaking hands
You are so COULD be snobs
And you wonder why we come in mobs!

There is so much more...but my brain hurts
Coming up with rhymes is for the birds!
Just get my drift and then you'll know
That this obsession will surely grow!

I think it's so groovy now

Written by Jarah (Roachbabe) Hines
