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Reasons to love the Roaches need reasons to love the Roaches?? My guess is that you've never seen I right? are some reasons. Enjoy!

1. The white van
2. Adam's drumming
3. Those awesome black suits
4. Mike's blue sunglasses
5. The Rickenbackers
6. The bridge in "I Saw Her Standing There"
7. The way Young bounces when he sings
8. "God Bless You XXX"
9. Young and Mike F.'s expert kazoo playing in "Yellow Submarine"
10. That feeling all us AOL members (or anybody with Instant Message) feels when ROACHFAN pops up in your buddy box
11. Roach hugs...'nuff said
12. The unexpected (but wonderful) chance to be able to hear the Roaches jam before a show
13. Young's blue eyes *sly grin*
14. Getting pictures developed of them and being able to sorta relive the show
15. All the great friends you make through them
16. Seeing them run out for the first set
17. Making friends with the Roach parents
18. Being able to introduce your friends to them for the first time
19. The fact that they never resist signing something
20. "Hold me...clap me...clap clap"
21. Being able to see the Roaches rap! *cracks up*
22. Adam's cuteness
23. Walking into a room and seeing the instruments set up before a show
24. Those days when they have two or three shows a day and showing up at all of them...and getting excited before each one
25. The way Young sings on "This Boy"
26. Mike's bass playing
27. Having a conversation with one of them while they are on stage
28. The once in a lifetime thrill of seeing them in Beatle wigs and hearing them complain about how they hated them even though YOU thought they looked so cute in them!
29. Being able to meet Michelle Harper
30. Seeing them somewhere where you are the ONLY groupie there so you get more attention from stage than usual
31. Seeing Mike dance
32. Checking your e-mail and the overall feeling of "Ok...I'm going to die" when you notice it's from one of the Roaches (so what if it's a one word reply to a letter you sent them?)
33. Having tons of friends that don't care if all you talk about is the Roaches...cause it's all they talk about too since they control everyone's minds
34. Thinking about Mike whenever you see Jennifer Love Hewitt on TV or in the movies (even though I never hear him talk about her anymore)
35. Watching Young chew gum and drop picks during shows
36. Being able to at least pretend that you have seen the Beatles live whenever you see them cause they are just SO GOOD at what they do!
37. Getting a thrill when Young spits on you during the show because you are sitting entirely too close!

Numbers 1-36 made up by Jarah!
Number 37 made up by Alexis! *hugs*

I'd love to turn you on

Got any? Send them to us!!
