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Roaches Concert Reviews!!!

Yellow Submarine premier (September 16, 1999)
If you weren't aware (like you were living under a rock or something) then maybe you didn't hear that it's been 30 years since Yellow Submarine was released!!!! Siobhan and Jarah (and about a zillion other people) went to the premeir of the re-release last night and THE ROACHES were there as well! JJ Jackson from Fox 97 was LAUGHING at us!! He was introducing them and he's like "The Roaches!" and Siobhan and Jarah just lose their minds!!! He looks at us and then goes "Roachbabes!" AAHHH! Oh well!! The show was aweosome!! Among the usual songs, the Roaches did "Hey Bulldog", "Sgt. Pepper's Lonely Hearts Club Band", "Nowhere Man", "All Together Now", and many other AWESOME Beatles songs!!! Oh...and if you didn't get a chance to see sure to check out the re-release of Yellow Submarine...they added a "Hey Bulldog" clip in the movie!! It's incredible!

Reviews of the Hapeville City show. (September 18, 1999)
This review is just from Jarah. (Siobhan couldn't make it to this show!...she was devastated!!) Well, I got there LATE (which has NEVER happened before!!) so when I got out of the car, I could HEAR them....but I couldn't see them! I started SCREAMING and dancing all over the sidewalk like the idiot I've been known to be. I was bringing some of my friends (two of which I'm related to) to the of course I had to be a know it all!! I managed to get like 36 million Roach hugs (I could have died a happy girl at that moment). The show was great, too! (LOL) They did "Hey Bulldog" again and all the normal songs. INCLUDING "This Boy" and "Yesterday" two favorite songs the Roaches do! But it was WEIRD without my "twin retard" there with me!!! AAHH!! :-)

Reviews of the show before the Falcon's game (October 17, 1999)
This show was...different. I ROCKED...but it was a totally different atmosphere than I'm used to. It was the morning...well, it was different. It was very much like last year...if you were there last year. The cheerleaders came out and everything. Which of course got the attention of the guys!! (Grr....) *kidding* It was awesome!

Review of the Houck's show. (November 13, 1999)
If you have never seen the Roaches....then you really should have caught this show. They sounded incredible. And even though they had a little trouble with the sound system...they put together those cute brains and fixed the problem and STILL put on a fantastic show!!! GOSH...those guys totally rule!!!!!

Review of the TJs show (December 18, 1999)
This show was so awesome for many reasons. was a big reunion of all the fans and the Roaches themselves. Two...they are WONDERFUL musicians and great people!!! Three...they conducted a small interview for the page! Four...*sigh*...they are so stinking CUTE!!!! Now...keep in mind that there is only ONE concert left in the 20th century!!!!!!!! SO BE THERE!!! (December 30th at the congress center)

Reviews of the Congress Center show (December 30, 1999)
Well....the Roaches ended the 20th century with an amazing show. The perfect combination of giant dancing cows, clowns, people on stilts, celebrities (Evander Holyfield was there for those interested), and lots of football fans. Half in orange and half ringing these (annoying) cowbells. At any rate...the show was amazing! A lot more people than last year! (Last year there really wasn't a lot....this year there were tons!) They didn't play any unusual songs...and only played one set. But at least us fans could end this century with the guys! There's no better way to end it! We love you, guys!!!! Thanks for spending these last years with us!

Review of the Houck's show (January 8, 2000)
This was probably the best show I've ever been to. And I've been to 47. (But who's counting?) Not only was the show worth going to see but the guys...MAN! They have such wonderful personalities! A lot of the regulars weren't there...just the die-hard Roachfans like myself. The guys were unusually afraid of my camera (they saw my pictures...that's probably why) and so I got a lot of pictures of Roachpalms. And Mike was singing Backstreet Boys entirely too much...even so, I still love them. *grin* (I'm not a huge fan of Boybands...sue me) STILL....Long live the Roaches!

Review of the TJs show (February 5, 2000)
Well...this show was definitely worth the wait (it was scheduled for a week earlier). We finally got to hear This Boy again along with tons of other songs they don't do often (VERY early Beatles songs and stuff). And the management was being very nice and not making us go stand outside (which I was very grateful for even though I spent most of the night out side). They got the crowd going by the first song ( least my friends and I were dancing) and never allowed us to slow down except when they went into This Boy or You've Got To Hide Your Love Away. (Oh guys...I'm still working on that flute part...*sarcastic laugh*....yeah right. I gave up on that a long time ago...). The next concert is on the 26th and it's also at TJs so we hope to see you there! (Oh..and March 4 will be my 50th show!!!!! This last one was number 48!!! I never thought it would get THIS pathetic but it obviously has!!'s alright though. It's a wonderful hobby, you agree?)

Review of Tj's Show(February 26,2000)
This was a wonderful show!It's been a while since I've seen the boys,but they were awesome,as usual.Of course,this was the first gig with our 'Jimmy Nichol'.Adam couldn't attend,he was drumming for 1964(although you already knew that!).We all missed Adam dearly though!!!But the new guy was just as good!And nervous,you could tell,dude!The management/staff didn't seem to like us too much though.grrrr....And apparently,we had a semi-famous person there,(I saw him,so yes he was there),Senator Max Cleland.So that was kinda neat.Overall,I'd say the show was a success!It felt good to be back home!!!

Well, here's Jarah's review of the show. I thought it was wonderful. My friends and I danced for EVERY SONG even after this lady told us to calm down and stop screaming (she had good intentions I guess but it was rather annoying anyway). I was glad to see Siobhan again! It was a TOTAL surprise, she caught me when I was hanging out by the jukebox! Haha. And to agree with her WE MISS YOU ADAM!!! Come home!! and I guess that's it! The next one is this Saturday at HOUCKS. See you there!

Review of the Houcks show (March 4, 2000)
JARAH'S 50TH CONCERT!!!!! This was an UNBELIEVABLE show!!! They rocked like never before!!! They had the whole place dancing, half of them on chairs, some on the TABLES (they were very tall up there!), and the rest of us were squeezed in a spot about the size of a bagel trying to dance. That place was very crowded! But that makes it makes it more authentic. They did most of the same songs they usually do but they did them better, louder, and with more Beatlesque spirit than I'm used to. (At least in my opinion) a nutshell...that was an amazing show! The next one month. Let's all cry together, shall we?

Review of the TJs show (April 8, 2000)
This show was really really...sad. I mean, the SHOW rocked. But Young was sick (food poisoning) so he left after the first set and they got this guy named Kenny in from the Lizardmen to fill in for him. And, you know, he was good. Really nice. But we all really missed Young...and we'll be SOO glad when we get all the regular Roaches page again!! :-) WELCOME BACK ADAM....and....GET WELL YOUNG!!! We love you!

Review of the Cloisters show (April 22, 2000)
This was the BEST show I think I've been to. It was at this really awesome place in St. Simon's Island...and besides the fact the guys tried to kill me by never taking a break (I was HOT!!) it was amazing!! And Young was back up and running!!! (Moonwalking actually...*wink wink*) They had all sorts of people up dancing...none of which even LOOKED like Beatles fans. And they wished my friend Ashley happy birthday from the stage! (Happiest happiest birthday-ASH! haha)

Review of the Taylor Farm Park show (May 6, 2000)
This was AWESOME. Siobhan and I FINALLY saw each other again (it's been since February...) and I brought along my cousin Leah (It was her fourth show) and Siobhan brought her friend Brandy so we hopped around like usual during the show and when we weren't dancing we were handing out schedules, which was our "very tough assignment" given to us by the Roaches. (At least that's what Young called it..."We have a very tough assignment for you") The Roaches were going to sing the Birthday song to this other girl named Tara, but Leah and I freaked and were screaming out "SIOBHAN! SIOBHAN!" (her birthday is May 9th) so Mike mentioned Siobhan from stage too, so they sang to her. (Feel special, Siobhan...) It was amazing!

Siobhan's Review!
So the guys were TOTALLY amazing!!I had a lot of fun,as well as a lot of children,who seemed to be having more fun than the Roachbabes!!(is this possible?)Anyways,the Roaches also managed to make several new fans,including my parents and Brandy!YES!So I'll be seeing more shows!
The guys were playing great!And yes,my name was mentioned!I was extremely happy!Of course,Mike said it,so I really wasn't paying attention.But my birthday wasn't as special as the other person's,FULLER!Fuller's birthday was yesterday!!Oh yes.So happy birthday to our beloved Fuller!I hope it was good.
Anyways,I hope to see you all very soon!Thanks for a great show,guys.It was memorable!As was seeing Jarah!

Review of the Village Green show (May 19, 2000)
This was really really great! (I say that about all of them but they are ALL good shows!) I got there late and managed to freak out Siobhan by running up and grabbing her neck during whatever song it was...she screamed and jumped up and down making the Roaches laugh at us. Haha. But it was fun. The guys were in REALLY good moods and they were playing some new songs that they've been recording and they were GOOD songs. There's this one...I don't know which one it was...but I just fell all in love with it. Young's voice sounded AMAZING on it. *sigh* I'm seeing the guys tomorrow at Houcks so I'll have a review for that soon!

Review of the Houcks show (May 20, 2000)
Yummy! Great show...I suffered a minor freak out after the show (don't ask) but the guys ROCKED!! They did "Talking Bout You"!!!! (Thanks guys!!!!!!!) It was awesome...we did a lot of dancing. I think I was more tired than they were after the show...but that's the best way to be. Dancing makes the show more fun! I got to hear those new songs again! I love them....gosh. I love those guys...

Review of the Glover Park show (May 26, 2000)
This was such an awesome show. It was VERY hot though...lots of humidity. Not cool at all. But after you sweat a LOT you begin to start getting used to it. (I think you just get numb to the heat after a while) Anyway, there was a MASSIVE crowd there. Tons and tons of people. And even though the schedule had lied and said it was a four hour show (it was only two hours) it was still amazing. Besides, I don't think I could have lasted two more hours. I was about dehydrated out there dancing like a maniac. And I HAD to dance or I'd miss the show...there were SO many people out there. I would have not been able to see if I'd sat down. Haha. it was great. You guys rule!

Review of the B. Merril's Show (June 30, 2000)
Hm..well...great show! The guys sounded amazing...not that I could see them or anything. I wasn't allowed past this certain point because I was underage so I hung around the back for the show (spending a long time on the pay phone talking to Siobhan) but then (when I was told I had permission to go to the front to talk to the guys) I went up and we had a nice long conversation. I even had time to get freaked out by this French woman who was flirting with me...haha. Then I got kicked out for being underage (don't laugh...Adam already has...haha) so I hung around outside talking to them and then we left about 2:30ish. But the show sounded AMAZING!

Review of the Lenox show (July 4, 2000)
This show was really awesome. It was the debut of Mr. Shane Landers (sorry adam) on bass...(if that statement confused you, email me. I'll clear things up for you)...but the show rocked. It was HOT...all my friends and I were wiping sweat all over each other (sterile, huh?)...but we all had a blast. I got one of the new shirts...they are totally awesome. Everything's awesome...have you noticed it takes a LOT to get me to write a bad review?

Review of the Houcks show (July 7, 2000)
Happy Birthday Ringo!!! This show rocked in a major way. They did lots of songs they don't usually do. (They did We Can Work It Out...and YESTERDAY finally....) Some things never get old...I'm never going to get sick of going to Houcks. That feels like a second home to me now...haha. Anyway, I see the guys tomorrow again. (Houcks) So I guess I'll write more then! (Oh and to Young...thanks for helping calm down the drama out on the patio...*grin*)

Review of the Houcks show (July 8, 2000)
Wow. They had that place ROCKING!!! Seriously! I think the audience was sweating as bad as the band was from dancing so hard. But you couldn't help it...they rule and everyone can tell. I have noticed something though...Houcks clears out a lot faster now after the show. Has anybody noticed that? Like 30 minutes after the show everyone's just GONE. Except the usual crowd of course...those of us that refuse to leave until we can see the guys drive away. Or maybe I'm the only one like

Review of the Cloister show (July 22, 2000)
This show was *awesome*. The crowd acted a little snooty at times, but it was still a great show. The guys sang Sweet Little Sixteen for me (my birthday was the next day) and they were just being way too sweet. Thanks again guys!!!

Review of the Houcks show (September 1, 2000)
How could you not love these guys? I mean, please, they did Hippie Hippie Shake! That's got to be one of the greatest songs live...that and Shout. Which they also did. Siobhan was there! We just danced like complete dorks for 2 hours...surprise surprise. But now it's close to 2 in the morning. I'm sleepy. My eyes are burning, my feet hurt, my voice is nonexistant...*sigh* the price to pay for being a fan. It's totally worth it.

one day you'll look to see I've gone
