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You know you're a Roachfan If.....

1.) You are one of the proud few that gets up to shake your booty after the first chord of a song.

2.) You know each of their names (including middle ones too).

3.) You get to the buddies with the parents (who are really really cool by the way).

4.) People ask you if you are a girlfriend (it has happened a lot, but I have always had to say no...)

5.) You get on TV because of them.

6.) You skipped calss to see them on tv (he he was way cool doing this and actually getting permission to do it...he he he).

7.) You know the directions to some of the bars that they play at by heart.

8.) You have been to more than 2 shows in one day (I think three is around the most though)

9.) You know what kind of gum Young chews.

10.) You have a favorite!

11.) You've been to Griffin

12.) You know the songs on the tape by heart...and have a favorite one.

13.) You have lots of frustrating embarrassing moments in front of the boys.

14. People know you as part of the "girls" or "cathyandmelissa" or another of the big group to identify you.

15.) You own a t-shirt (and have their signitures on them...I have had to have it resigned already!)

16.) You have white van sightings.

17.) You go to a Shake-and-bake and are all paranoid they'll be there.

18.) You harass them to play songs from the good ol' BBC days.

19.) Their names come up in a converstation at LEAST once a day.

20.) You have a pic on a webpage concerning them.

21.) You've made lotsa great friends at their concerts and have fun every minute with them!

22.) You've watched them eat (and eat and eat and eat).

23.) You've heard Williamson go off on a Jennfer Love Hewitt tangent.

24.) You've seen Young's baggy pleated pants.

25.) When you're in a large crowd of people who have never seen the Roaches before, people look at you and mutter weird things about you such as "Man those girls have to get a life".

26.) You've been asked if you're paid to go along and cheer on the band.

27.) You've seen 'em in bathing suits.

28.) You know what they look like at 4 in the morning.

29.) You've memorized their phone numbers.

30.) You remember their AOL name when it was Barbbain.

31.) You send them holiday cards.

32.) You use a picture of them as wallpaper on your computer.

33.) You use pictures of them as the wallpaper on your walls.

34.) You used to IM Michelle H. hoping that the guys would be at her house.

35.) You think of things to say before you see them, so you don't stand there with your mouth open going, ", good show" -even though you wind up doing that anyway.

36.) They've signed various parts of your body.

37.) You've gotten (temporary) Roach tattoos.

38.) You have nicknames for them.

39.) You know what they're going to play simply by Mike's intro.

40.) You've seen the Rochesters.

41.) You've spent unknown amounts of $ on buying film and developing the pics of the guys from various stages in their careers.

42.) You can tell the guy's life story from the past few years just by looking through your photo albums.

43.) You look forward to every concert, even if you just saw them a week before.

44.) Your friends at school know all about them because you have talked about them enough.

45.) Whenever you come to school happy on a Monday, your friends ask you if you say the guys over the weekend.

46.) You've spent unknown hundreds (can we say CRUISE...make that thousands) of dollars on going to different places to see the guys.

47.) You have Roach related nicknames.

48.) You have Roach themed birthday parties...and then take the decoratioins home and hang them up in your room.

49.) You have every single intro of the guys memorized just from hearing them so much, and can say them along with the lads!

50.) You can tell what song they are gonna play just by the formation they get in. (This Boy all on one mic, etc...)

51.) You've been asked if you were one of the guys' wife.

52.) You have (or once had) a shrine to the guys in your locker.

53.) You buy one of their guitars.

54.) You know their music tastes and favorite songs.

55.) You invited them to a party.

56.) You go on a pilgrimage to Cable Beach with them.

57.) You remember the bread truck.

58.) You used to get the newsletters that came out, before the "Offical Fan Club" was started.

59.) You've written out your first name with their last names (just in case!).

60.) All other tribute bands pale in comparison!

they call me mellow yellow

Send some more in you obsessed people!! (You know who you are!!)
