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Take a Roach home!!!


OK girls! We've ALL been to TJ's Sports Bar and Grill a MILLION and a half times to see the Roaches play, and we've all been to Houck's many many many times before... And whether one admits it or not, we all love them to death! But the question still you want to take a Roach home???? I bet you do!! Well, here's how to do it!!

Step 1: look through your 1,001 pictures of them you have stuffed in your top drawer and pic out the best one of each of them. Is this too hard? Are there WAY more than one good one?? Then in that case, pick out the best picture of Young singing, and then the best one of him just standing there or doing something the same with all four of the Roaches...Young was just an example.

Step 2: Go to the next Roaches show, wherever it may be, and watch them carefully. By the end of the night you should know which one you want to "take home". Once you have done this, say you picked Adam...after the show, have a friend take a good picture of the two of you together...say him with his arm around you or something to this effect.

Step 3: Go home and make your final selection of the perfect picture of Adam in your archives and find a friend with a scanner! (At this point you want to swear all of those involved to secrecy.) Scan that sucker and blow the face portion of the picture to full page size and print to your Roach-love sick heart's desire!!! Go wild! Go crazy! You deserve it!

Step 4: Hang all of you lovely Adam head shots up everywhere!!! Be very free with the bathroom, by the bed, on the ceiling, in the closet, even on the sun visor in your car or your parent's car, in the kitchen...and anywhere else you feel the need for one. Then you simply think of the things that you would like him to say to you! ALll you have to do is write the caption down on paper and hang them by the headshots! And VOILA!!! Instant Roach at home!!!

What would you do,if I sang out a tune?
