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Crazy Thoughts from Jarah and Siobhan

These are just some of the insane thoughts that the Roachbabes come up with. (Mostly on the phone) They may seem a little of the wall but have to remember who you're dealing with...

Who agrees with us when we say that the Roaches should be put on leashes? That way, we can always find them and they'll just BE there when we need them. Instant Roach!
I think that all of us need to bring ladders to TJs one day. I know the guys probably won't be playing there anymore (thanks guys...they're mean) but we should go that we can climb up to the ceiling and get those dollar bills they keep up there!! That's probably a good amount of money they, so idiotically, stuck up there...
Siobhan and I (Jarah) think that one day we should go to concerts wearing wigs. Like, I'll wear a blond straight one and she can wear a brown curly one...then we can act like each other and see if the guys notice...they probably wouldn't...haha. They'd hear each of us scream that signiture scream and our stupid plan would be discovered. *ponders*
Does Adam's room have Powerpuff Girls and other cartoons in it?Everyone thinks Adam is so young and all,so maybe he digs cartoons!(There's nothing wrong with that!Siobhan loves the Powerpuff Girls!)
Do you ever think that the guys are secret agent men that just love to plot these major traps on their fans? Oh, you don't think that? Hm...I do. Scary.
There should be more to this...we just need time to think of some more. Keep checking back...this page should be very interesting...

Forever is a long long time to wish that you could still be mine
