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Top Ten Lists

Top ten reasons to love the Roaches!
Written by Leah Whitehead

10. They are so cool!
9. They are exactly like the Beatles
8. Young is EXACTLY like John
7. Adam's Ringo-style head shake
6. They are so cute!
5. They are the Roaches
4. Mike is so nice!
3. Michael is such a good guitar player!
2. They are AWESOME!!!
and last but not least...

Top ten ways to know if the Roaches are nearby
Written by Jarah Westmoreland

10. There's a red truck sitting outside.
9. All of a sudden there's a large number of teenage girls running around like maniacs.
8. There's a kazoo on the table.
7. "Everybody's laughing. Everybody's happy"
6. Somebody walks past you singing "This Boy"
5. There a lot of people wearing Beatles shirts.
4. Everyone's talking about getting a "Mike hug" or something along those lines.
3. There's a least one person wearing a Roaches shirt.
2. There's tons of yelling, screaming, and dancing going on.
(drumroll please)...
1. There's four cute guys in suits walking around being followed by drooling girls.

Do you have something you would like to add? Just email them to us and we'll add them!

Freedom's just another word for nothing left to lose
