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Young's bio!!

Young Hines (AKA John Lennon) is one of the nicest people that you will ever meet!!! Personally, he is my favorite...but I love them all!! He is really nice and enjoys to meet new people and is always willing to sign something for you. (Believe me...I know. You'd be surprised how many things I have had them sign. It's just pathetic.) From what I understand, he is a big fan of CCR and Ray Charles. (I read that off of another site...he hasn't told me this personally.)

If you have never seen the Roaches (and I advise that you try), believe me, this guy will impress you!! Not only does he sound like John to the point where it's just scary, but he looks like him, too. But once you get to know him, you will learn that there really is such thing as someone being "famous"...and not big headed.

He was the first one that I ever talked to. I was 12 years old and at my first concert since the Fox 97 Ultimate Oldies Concert the previous I was beyond excited. When they came running out, I remember sitting there looking up at him (which is what I always had to do when I was 12) and thinking "Wow...that's pretty weird. He looks just like John!". Then they sang and I was amazed. After the show, I managed to get back and talk to them. He walked up and shook my hand and I knew then that I was going to be seeing more of these guys! Since then, I have been to countless shows and still get excited before everyone that I go to. And I have gotten other people to see them!! That is so fun! So as you can really need to meet him! You won't be let down...I promise!

Siobhan Says:

What I find weird,is that he acts like John on stage and looks like John.Seriously.He chews gum onstage.He bounces like John did.He sings AWESOME!He's really nice!!!He'll take pictures with you over and over and over.*nervous giggle*And what I said about looking like John.I'm serious.He's just really good at what he does!It's like when he is on stage,you actually forget it is Young Hines,and begin to think you are staring at John Lennon.Maybe I'm going insane.Who knows!

[View Young Pix|treat me like you did the night before]
