Friends Like You

"I never knew that when I said good-bye to all my friends and packed all my stuff to come back home that I was ending one part of my life with them.

I never knew how tighter the hugs would be and how wonderful our laughter together would sound when we next got together. I didn't think that when I first thought of going home that I would have old friends to go back to and I would feel guilty cause they didn't know a thing about my Disney friends. I felt like I had deserted those friends, but I also had my new ones.

You see, friends from Disney see you differently than your friends from home. You just call each other up when it's a good time and you all go out somewhere together. You hang together and then go to your respective homes. And when you fight, well, you've got other friends to be with you to avoid these friends. But with friends from Disney it's different. You live with them. They see you when you've just woken up from the deepest sleep of your life, after you've had your heart completely broken, and before the hardest day at work. If you fight with one of them, you make up as soon as you can, because you realize being mad at each other is pointless; besides who will you go out with tonight?

It is a strange balance, these friends at home and these friends from Disney. One is a group of people who prepared you for whre you are today, the other is a group of people who have come to mean more to you in 6 months than some people do in five years. You love them both and you love them for different reasons. They don't know each other, but they share a common bond, YOU. You are what unites them together and makes them special people.

Sometimes you forget to let them know how special they are to you because it's so easy to foret with all the stress and confusion around you.

With your friends from both home and Disney, you have shared thoughts, aspirations, hugs, laughter, sorrow, drinks, tears, even more hugs and many special times. These are the people who know you best. Sometimes they become more important than family, because they ARE a family. A family that supports, nurtures, loves, fights, and shares together. A family you often take for granted.

Whether you are together or far away, these people hold an integral part in you life.

I never knew when I went to Disney that I would find people like the ones I have found that I could call my friends. Nor did I know how much I would look forward to times when I was back with my other friends, too.

There are some things that you take for granted but hopefully it will never be any of you, these people in my life that enrich and improve it."

~Author Unknown
