Grad Nite is a very special time of year for thousands of high school seniors from all over the Southeast. They get to play in the Magic Kingdom all night, attend concerts, and have fun. For CP's though, its HELL!!! CP's are scheduled to work anywhere from 8am to 8pm; very few get out of it. Many work the registers while others work door security. Security is the best because it's more fun. You don't have to wear the plaid outfit and it's the one time of year that you get to be superior to the guests. The seniors must wear business attire, have ties tied, shirts buttoned, and shoes on. If they don't meet with the dress code requirements, you can refuse to let them enter the store. Security is also supposed to check that their bags are stapled and that they have receipts. For the people on register, it's the one time of year that they can drink (water) in front of guests (because it gets so hot). No one will usually enter the store for the first half of the night; it'll be deserted. But for the rest of the night, until the busses leave, there will be people shoulder to shoulder crammed into every inch of the store and stripping the walls bare. The seinors litterally trash the store and it takes 3 hours or more for everyone to put it back together and begin stocking again. Security, however, is lucky that they are usually off at 6am. Grad Nites are some of the hardest, and most fun, times a CP can work while on the College Program.

Probably one of the best jobs to have on Grad Nite though, is Custodial. They get to roam around the park and see all the activities and concerts.

I was fortunate to arrange to do roaming park security on two separate occasions. Each night I was paired with a male co-worker/friend and we'd walk around the park occassionally harrasing the seniors. It was especially fun since we got to see the concerts (Brittany Spears or not). I've never been so exhausted in my life than when I worked Grad Nites.
