This is from the last part of my journal that I wrote 3 weeks before leaving the College Program and just before I switched apartments. One part of it, however, had to be edited out.

What I've Learned

My time here in Orlando is growing short. I only have 3 weeks left; not much time at all as I’ve found out. I just want to slam on the breaks and postpone having it all come to an end for as long as possible. I don’t know what I’m going to do; I’m already sad about leaving. This has been the greatest experience of my life. I love my roommate and it’s going to be terrible when we’re really separated. I like most of the people that I work with, with a few exceptions. I have learned so much from working in the Emporium. I’ve learned how to interact with guests, even though I have a lot of room for improvement. I’ve, of course, learned how to operate a cash register. I’ve met people from all over the world and all over the country. I’ve seen so much! But at the same time, I’ve not seen it all by far. I’ve learned how Disney runs its business. I’ve learned all sorts of the things that go on backstage. For instance, .... that’s not something I’d ever have envisioned otherwise. I’ve gained so much self-confidence since being down here. I know that I’ll never be the same, nor do I want to be. I’ve learned a lot about myself and other people. I’ve learned how to compromise; and that compromise only works if both sides work at it. I’ve learned what it’s like to live with other people other than family. I now know more of what I want out of life, and possible ways to acheive it. I realize that things will be different when I go home. But this world is ever-changing, and I must learn that embracing that change is the only way to truely live. I know that letting go of some inhibitions can allow me to have fun. I’ve learned that spontaneity can give me a lot of memories (such as that 2am trip to Cocoa Beach). I’ve learned that time is valuable; it is low on quantity, but its quality is up to me. There’s no time in this world to be afraid of something. Sarah was right, the best that you can do sometimes, is just to do something and get it over with. There isn’t enough time to hesitate. I now know that I can make it in this world. While I’ve been down here I’ve been completely self-supporting with the exception of the first 2 weeks (before my first paycheck). I pay for my rent, food, clothes, accessories, and entertainment. I also know that things don’t always go as planned, and that is also something that must be accepted. I know I’ve learned so much more than this, but can’t express it in words. I do know that I’m really going to miss Sarah when I’m gone, she’s been my best friend while I’ve been down here. I’ve discussed things with her that I may never again discuss with anyone else. At the same time, there are still some things that I haven’t discussed with her, and right now don’t plan on doing. Where did the time go? I wish that I could just bottle up this time and save it forever. I’ve just begun to describe everything that I’ve been through. So much went unsaid, there wasn’t enough time. I’ll miss the 2am runs to Wal-Mart. The lunches with Sarah. The times where we sit and talk. Why does it all have to end? I guess I really do know the answer to that one, but still ....
	Where do I go from here?
		-I don’t know.

BTW, there is life after the Walt Disney World College Program; it's just different than it was before.
