
Sarah and Liz
My roommate Sarah and I in front of the BoardWalk

Liz and Les
One of my good friends Les and I; taken one of the only times when we weren't at work

Margurite and Liz
Margurite and I in front of the security office
Liz and Sally
Sally and I in the Emporium

Perkins Group
Everyone at Perkins
Left to Right- Front Row: Sara, Karen, Rachel, Yadi, Jen; Middle Row: Chris, Linda, Me, Les; Back Row: Seth, Steve, and Beth

Beth and Les
Beth and Les at Perkins

Doug and Liz
Doug, my seminar instructor, presenting me with my ears
Seminar group
My seminar class photo; taken the day of graduation when we got our ears

Beach Club Group
Pleasure Island!
Left to right: Yadi, David, Carrie, Les, Sarah, Linda, Karen, and me

The infamous deer head incident
Is that a deer in there? Shocked Mickey
Left to right: Front Row- Kenny, Les, Karla; Middle Row- Michelle, the deer head, Yadi; Back Row- Katie, Steve

Let's Party!Debbie and Michelle's Party
Back Row- Katie, Karla, Les, Me, Michelle, Debbie, Sarah;
Front Row- Yadi, Seth, and Steve

Joan Rivers
Joan Rivers at the Regis and Kathie Lee Show

Joanne, Spiderman, Me, and Amie at IOA

Jenn, Me, Dan, Karla, Kevin, and Wedon at IOA in front of Dr. Doom

IOA, The Last Time :*(
Amie, Joanne, Me, Jenn, and Les at IOA Port of Entry

Please forgive me if I got anyone's name wrong or spelled it incorrectly. If you should find an error, please email me the correction.
