Xcellent Xterra Xcurision to the Great White North

Welcome to my chronicle of our Xcursion to the frozen north. Myself and 2 friends decided to go to Northern Quebec (Cree country) on a caribou hunt.

We drove my 2001 Nissan Xterra, XE, 3 option package, 2 wheel drive SUV, and pulled a trailer that grossed out at 4000 lbs (give or take a few pounds).

Many people told me I was nuts to take a new 2 wd vehicle on such an xcursion, but, I have always believed that 4 wheel drive just means you have longer to walk when you get stuck.

The drive began and ended in Augusta, Georgia. The one way mileage to the outfitter was 2097 miles. We drove around 1600 miles while hunting (more on that later). We experienced NO problems with the Xterra. It hauled the trailer through snow, ice, and up and down frozen dirt roads, only loosing traction twice, but always in a controllable manner. We averaged between 10 and 14 miles per gallon on the Interstates, and between 13 and 15 on the frozen dirt roads.

Our route from Augusta was on I-20 to I-77 in Columbia, SC, then North on 77 to where it intersects with I-81 North. We stayed on I-81 North until we crossed into Canada, just north of Watertown, NY. We then got on HM-401 to HM-416 through Ottawa, onto HM-5, then to Highway 105 North to 117 West, to 111 North, to 109 North to the James Bay Highway. We past through several small, interesting towns, such as Val D'or, Amos, and Matagami. From Matagami on, the road is very much desolate, with scheduled stops at the bitter end of a NORMAL gas tank. With the Xterra only getting 10 to 14 mpg, we carried Xtra gas in four 6 gallon gas cans. These came in handy many times.

The following pictures will be put in order and captions included in the near future. The object was to get something up so everyone could see some of the photos.


Photos not in order

CAUTION- - - Graphic Images Ahead - If you are offended by dead animals do NOT proceed!!!

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