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Does Your band need some awesome merchandise made? Go to Contagious Graphics . When you place an order, tell them 7-10 SPLIT refered your band through this website! Thank You - 7-10 SPLIT

  • April 17th - ELIZABETHTON,TN at the ROCK - By Jon Ladd - Well, this was the first day of our Spring Tour...and it was amazing, we had alot of kids crammed into a little room, it was completely packed and crazy. 2540 opened for us, great band. At the end of our set people started chanting Grindcore Kid...did we play it? You will never know unless you where there. After the show we went do 2540's house where davids mom made us a dinner.....a dinner that made thanksgiving seem like fast food. we even ate with gold silver wear...that would make it gold wear..ha. thanx to everyone who came to the show. we will be back.

  • April 18th in Roanoke, Va at Chilli Peppers - by Jon Ladd - hmmmm....we didnt do the show tonight..if there was a show... The Venue, nor the Promoter confirmed the show. We booked it a while ago, they said everything was fine. But when I called and emailed to get directions, info and what not...nothing was sent to me or my house. We are in Madison WV right now with our Friends ONE WAY OUT. We are eating Pizza with them and hanging out in Hottubs and watching movies. I promise we will come back soon and we will find a promoter that will do their job so we can have a real show.

  • April 19th, Madison, WV at the Brick House - by Jon Ladd - Crazy, Awesome Show! Thanx everyone for coming out, we met alot of cool people... We also want to say to Matt...Goodbye...cause it was his last show with One Way Out. All the bands did really good.. We will see you guys again hopefully in August. seeya.

  • April 20th, Wilmore, Ky at the Turn Around Youth Center - By Jon Ladd - Man were we suprised...Small towns are unpredictable. The town went insane, they exploded when we went into the first song "Chainsaw Death Riot". We didnt know if people were gonna stay or leave when we played, cause this was our first time even playing anywhere near wilmore or lexington. Suprise! Suprise! we will be back in July.

  • April 21st, Lima, Oh at The Naz - By Jon Ladd - Thanx to everyone who stayed while we played. I guess alot of people came to see their friends bands play or something. This was a weird show...i mean we had fun like always, but I dont see the point in paying $5 for a show and only watching one band then leaving... The night started with like 80 people and when we went on there was only like 30 left....strange... Oh well, we had fun.

  • April 22nd, Vassar, MI at The Firehouse Youth Center - by Jon Ladd - Fun, Fun show. Everyone had a blast... We love these Michigan Accents. We will come back before cornerstone, thanks guys for coming and jumping around so much.

  • April 23rd, Urbana, OH, at the Church of the Nazarene - by Jon Walker - Hey so we played at this church tonight. It was a fun show, the kids really got into it. There was even a girl mosh pit. It was a lot better than last night i can say that for sure. Anyway, we met a lot of kewl people and it was way fun, tomorrow we are in Cleveland so hopefully that will be good. Well i am out. Talk to you later!

  • April 24th, Cleveland, OH, at The Blind Lemon - by Jon Ladd - Holy Poo! This was by far the weirdest night of the tour yet. We went on a 9pm or so (we were the opening band), there was like 20-30 people there...then right after we 100-130 more people came...???? We opened for a "77's" band name is kinda vulgar... Starts with "VI"...ends with "TORS"....and "BRA" is in the middle...Ha! hows that for censoring! Anyways they toured with the SEX PISTOLS, RAMONES and other OLD SCHOOL bands. It was an honor to talk them and hear about experiences of a 25 year old punk band...the lead singer was 59. Crazy! On the way to the Hotel E.C. decided to shoot a sign with his paintball gun. Right after he shot out of our Tour Van's window, Blue lights started flashing. The cops!!! We got pulled over, but to our luck the police man didnt see the Paint gun or what E.C. did, he pulled us over because of questions he had about our Tag (which we havent gotten yet). It was an interesting day. Also we found out today our show for this Friday got cancelled. That Sux.

  • April 25th, Erie, PA, at Club Out Cry - by Jon Ladd - We made alot of friends today and we got to see alot of old ones too! This show was one of my favorites on this tour. The crowd was constantly going let down time. Tomorow we head to Canada!!!! Aye!

  • April 26th, Guelph, ON,Canada - by Jon Ladd - This was one of my Favorite shows ever! We love Canada so much. The promoter sold like 120 tickets presale and more paid at the door, there where a whole lot of kids there, and when we played, they didnt stop moving one time...people where getting shoved up into rafters and what not, it was completely hectic and we loved every bit of the show. Customs gave us zero problems. And we got to see "Milk in A bag". We will be back in september ya bunch of hosers.

  • April 27th, Watertown, Ny - By Jon Ladd - As I mentioned before, the promoter cancelled tonight. so instead we went to Niagra Falls and Jon Walker Almost fell off. We got lots of good pictures. It was an awesome site. Hey ya want to know something, we had a harder time getting back into the U.S. than leaving it. They took our licenses away and made us come inside forsome questions. We got them back though. We drove straight to Albany and we are staying with the promoter for tomorrows show. We are watching DVDs and farting alot.
  • April 28th, Albany, Ny at the Crossroads Cafe - by Jon Ladd - We got to play with and awesome band called Solace today. It was a really fun show,xcept for my stinkin bass broke a string and i had to use my old one that sounds like poo-poo. We met alot of cool people today. We actually played Remi today cause someone requested it. We havent played that song in a while. Hope ya liked it. Also I have a fever and a cold. pray for me.

  • April 29th, Cornwall, ON, Canada, at the Corwall Pentecostal Church - by Jon Ladd - Early Show! 2pm matinee show. there were about 50-60 people there. Usually early shows go that way, but I dont think weve played a show that early before. We had a blast though. We had our van searched at the boarder. Those hosers! After the show we had a paintball war from van to van on the ontario highway to montreal. Not With Standing Lost, there truck is pink now. This was our first show with the Flame Resistant crew. We love them to death. Check out the new flame resistant comp coming out. Go to our Link section for info. We also went to montrel tonight. Very very different.

  • April 30th, Montreal , QU, Canada at Station 7 - by Jon Ladd - This was our last Canada Show and it was awesome we played over an hour set, Today I ate "poutine" or i called it pootin' cause that what i was doing all night. Its french fries with curdled cheese on em and beef gravy. I started to puke we got it on film. Good bye Canada we will be back in aug or sept.

  • May 1st - by Jon Ladd - our first scheduled day off, we are hanging out with Solace today and we are going to Friendly's cause weve never been.

  • May 2nd, Marlboro, NJ at the Monmouth Worship Center - by Jon Ladd - Well today was interesting. We played a show for a good bit of kids tonight, The church was having a service across the hall so we had to turn down...alot.... so much that we didnt perform as well as we usually do cause it was just hard to feel intensity at such a low volume. The people at the show were going nuts. Lots of mid 90's moshing going on! We were asked to "speak" which really we feel as a band we are a seed planter band if that makes sense, we just want to draw people who think Christians are all buttholes and jerks, and show them that we are cool and want to be there friends and what not. Anyways, I gave a salvation message after our set(and seperate from our set) and 22 people decided to put their faith in Jesus tonight. God is awesome. Even if we had to compromise our was worth it.

  • May 3rd in Dresher, Pa at the Ark - By Jon Ladd - Today was a little stressfull. Our Altinator went out and we had to buy a new one for the Van. Today was also our first day on this tour platying with the Huntingtons. We had a good time getting to know them and what not, but the show was extremely rough. All the bands played well, but this must of been the promoters first weekday show or maybe people just dont come out to weekday shows. There was only like 40 people there, I think that was the smallest crowd we had on this tour. I dont know. We had fun like always. The place that we were suppose to stay at tonight told us that we couldnt stay there, so we had to sleep at the venue. They had a big screen TV so we got to play our dreamcast. Thats all I have to say about that place.

  • May 4th, Gettysburg, PA at the Bomb Shelter - By Jon Ladd - Tonight was awesome! Lots of people came out. The Huntingtons were awesome again. Today we got a "talking to" from a guy who was upset we were shooting our paintball guns or something. It amazes me how many people still like to mosh. Its all cool, we will be back in the fall.

  • May 5th, Keyser, WV at the Open Door - By Jon Ladd - We love Keyser WV. This time was fun, but it was the roughest of all the times. There was a prom tonight, another show, our Only opening band didnt show and didnt even call to say they werent showing up.(thanx alot "Juliet"...) E.C.'s drum broke on the first song so we had to take about 15 minutes to figure it all out. So this was a crazy hectic night, but like always we love keyser, we will come back in the fall and make sure everything is all right.

  • May 6th, Annapolis, Md at the Londontown Community Center - by Jon Ladd - Tonight was awesome!!!! lots of kids came out, we got to finally meet Label Mates Devoted Molded. There style is different that what weve heard, they were soooo Good! We hope to do lots of shows in the future with them.

  • May 7th, Cary, NC at the Hope Community Church - By Jon Ladd - This is the last day of our tour. And it was a good last show! We had like 60 kids come out, but they were having a good time. It was a blast. It was good seeing the Combat Junkies again and Indiannapolis and Splitcast. Good Show guys. Today I shot myself in the leg with a paintball gun, it hurt. We got it on video too. Well we are going to drive as far as possible, maybe even get home by 6 in the morning.

  • May 8th ,OVERALL - by Jon Ladd - This was by far the Best tour we have ever had. Finacially, attendence, spiritually, friendship wise, fun....everything increased and we hope it will continue to do so. Every promoter for the most part was great, we had a few rough ones, but hey noones perfect. We hope everyone was touched in one way or another. Well, Tomorrow we have one more show with the Huntingtons in Marietta GA, please come out. I miss my bed and my toilet, and my Family and Katelyn. I get to see them all today! So in conclusion, Most all of the places we played will defineatley see us again. And Thank you to everyone who came out to the shows.... Thanx to the promoters and venues, and Thanx to some of my Best Friends... E.C. Hamilton, Jon Walker, and Aaron Strickland. God Bless - JON LADD of 7-10 SPLIT