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You should be able to 'feel' the nature of any writing - even when the manuscript has been copied - by the mere touch of the fingertips. If you run the fingers along the print and retain the impressions that come from this initial encounter, there shall be something of the measure, content, vitality, essence and character of the intended message which lies within the word-formula.

Whilst, of course, this may never take the place of a 'good read' with proper consideration of any work, it may be a useful exercise in later qualifying or comparing such first impressions, opposed to later; and review accordingly. For as mentioned earlier, words upon a page, do of themselves, issue much into the ethers. Similar to all computations which are designed and set, they hold living qualities, unique unto the intrinsic composition.

Not all works are favourable or compatible with one's current forms of thought, or being. Some may upset, or of themselves be quite destructive and volatile, or of little significance.

One must not be overtaken by fads or by trivial behaviour which confuses true insights with quick and easy novelties. But having made that apparent, it is also true to say that there are small practices which may assist the student in becoming in part, more sensitive, more aware, of his environment, without rendering him consumed by such practices.

Another example of such a helpful tool is namely, that of annunciating, in company or without, certain words which stimulate a most positive smile within. They need not be directly related to conversation or to positive implication, but personally, call upon a smile and a relief, which helps break the tension and diverts the condensation of intense thought, which hitherto has become noticeably restrictive.

For example: if I were to say to you, "Green jelly!" or "Happy holiday!", "Big teeth, great smile"!, Foibles!", "Turtle on rye!", "Frog playing harp!" and so forth. Whatever invokes instantaneous cheer and gentle humour will suffice. It may appear as complete nonsense and an overindulgence would not be advisable, for there are institutions devoted to housing such people who maintain this sentence structure day long.

However, cheery nonsensical exclamations, intermittently, can be useful - and surprisingly enough can actually assist in returning a certain sense of normalcy to a situation which is becoming over accentuated. For perspectives need shift, and radically, each sentence requires punctuation.

Another helpful tip, one might like to try: Choose small vegetable or nut, and try carrying it everywhere upon your person (in your pocket or in your bag) for a whole day. During the day, take it out and examine it - it may be a cherry-tomato, it may be a hazelnut; obviously the larger it is, the harder it will be to carry it comfortably. Study and befriend this whole fruit or vegetable or nut, and appreciate its presence. Whether or not you care to eat it come night-time is another matter. In point of fact, you probably will not want to do so, but by entering into this small relationship you shall come to an unusual consideration for the species, whilst at the same time be imparted, during that day, with aspects of its very character and vitality. Thus the flower in the lapel. You may decide this for yourself.

There are many little exercises which may be helpful in increasing one's awareness of sensitivities, and also observation of such. The natural world becomes a great teacher if we may begin to unlock and unravel the smallest of intricate and otherwise complicated messages.

How often when we speak to another man, are we caught by a particular feature and focus upon such physical attribute, and consciously or not, we become persuaded that this is the man or woman before us. These are small exercises which awaken us to the truth that we must not be satisfied with casual impressions, or for that matter, unconscious impressions which may be tangled up with mingled comparisons of our own.

Any study of fruit or of word in any respective region, will undeniably assist us to observe and study elsewhere in all encounters. And so we strive to be wakeful and considerate, observant, and not overly receptive, however knowledgeable of that which we are receptive to.

So we do not try to force the faculties and replace sensory experience for a world of subtle impressions, but rather try to determine the relationship of both, and our concurrent awareness of. Not to lose consciousness, but rather to be so stimulated that we become more refined and attuned in our daily consciousness, and therefore more generally content. For there is strength in such awareness. When symbols and features confuse us, when interpretation of the world appears unachievable, it is then that we are given over to stressful complaints. For we are uncomfortable and know not why.

If I carry a vegetable, I do not have to become as the vegetable. My days learning need not be satisfied by this one small exercise. However, it can be a very useful adjunct, especially as I introduce the vegetable to my world in all its aspects, and am given to consideration of that very life and vitality which speaks to me from him and his.

We are all representatives of our relations. Each and every one of us.

The powers and the impulses which stream down and through to that cherry tomato are cosmically inclined, a living representation of his god himself. That form is no accident, the colour is by design.

Carry as little money on your personage as possible. Folk prefer new notes, because they know instinctively that they are not tainted by past transactions, by fingerprints of countless eager hands. It is not so much to say that new money smells good, but rather old money smells exceedingly bad! That sickening smell awakes our sensitivities to the undesirous nature of those notes we carry with us.

A little bag of grain used to be carried in a similar fashion to the vegetable exercise outlined above. However the properties of seed react upon us in a different way and are not entirely suited to contemplation by the student. For seed contemplation may be far more overwhelming to the unprepared and underdeveloped, as it will speak not so much of characteristics, than of vitalities. Overstimulation is never desirable.

Practicing the telling of a good story is not only a wonderful art, but a disciplinary exercise for consideration of others interest. It is vital that we should be aware of those times when our words become as lead, and those times when we impart meaningful and happy notes. It is true that a good story loses something in the telling, and therefore it is more significant that we should work upon just one, and so try to refine and bring into the telling, that which genuinely gives something to the listener.

If we fail to be observant, if we choose to ignore the closed windows, so to speak, then we shall tire ourselves as well as others, when we are called to relay teachings or instructions, which albeit are worthwhile, but lost in the manner of the telling. It is no less sincere, to be so contrived. Language as an art is much given to improvisation these days -spontaneous outbursts can be stimulating indeed - and yet usually it is more the case, that we do not speak with lively tongue, but rely on rehearsed repetition which is uncaptivating to all.

If a speaker has little love or enthusiasm for his subject, it is not surprising that he fails to impart or incite much interest either. Therefore, we are best given to speak firstly of that which we genuinely hold affection for, and to balance this with careful observation of he who we would give to, this, our treasured concern.

Listening too, requires much intelligent review. Do we listen to another, simply awaiting the pause or the break, in which we may interject? Or do we listen to another, in order to glean and share experience and enhance the meeting, with a meeting of heart and mind?

When we are in company it is important that each and every one is comfortable. As comfortable as possible. Therefore it is first courtesy to ascertain this, before any conversation is to 'take off' - a shift of positions, of rooms, of appearances, foodstuffs and room temperature, personality adjustments, and so forth. For as host to another, we are obliged to consider their requirements firstly and strive not to entertain or inform, but make as possible, a possible setting for a wonderful interplay of thoughtful argument (not as in argue) and experience the moments of unison to follow.

Therefore grumbling and complaints are out of the question, as these are unsettling and make all very uncomfortable. Apologies and confessions are great openers, as long as they do not bring grief to either party. People usually start from some point of agreement, and if you admit to some small failing they will usually consent, whilst at the same time become all the more relaxed.


The question as to the convolution of space and the perceived sphere has good value from the consideration of perception and its relationship to actuality; and furthermore, complementary accentuates within actuality.

The question was: When globes appear as rounded spheres is it because they are as they appear or is it because the distance between contorts all mass as an elliptical horizon?

Plainly we may answer, that there are a variety of realities for any given spirit manifested- numerous expressions concurrently being. The planet, this planet, is an enspirited identity who is clothed in a mass which is more fluid overall, than it appears. It is not however, her only expression; whilst also, on higher levels related to her 'body' we find that the orb is extended, leaving the surface as we know it, to be at the heart, in the centre, of the greater globe.

The argument which suggests contortions in/of space may be set to anything and is in that sense, irrelevant. For truly things are not as they appear, however, how they appear on the face of it, rests on many factors all of which play their part in making them appear so.

Do you get it? Nothing is what it seems!

The talismanic properties bestowed within the impressionable article are to be valued and discerned where possible, particularly with those things which are 'attached' to our persons. It has been advised - and we shall remind - of the importance of shedding ones street clothes when home, in preference for those which remain in the house and only worn amongst those that you may feel entirely at ease with. For emanations, as with odour, are lasting and contaminating; especially to those sensitive individuals who are embattled in daily resisting, aware and uncomfortable with impinging influences.

It is not necessary to make a fetish out of the practices of cleanliness, we are rather reminded that quite often the source of debilitation may be very close to us and easily remedied. One would not happily wear the shoe that becomes ensheathed in dog droppings - nor should one go about the house in street clothes either. Also too, it becomes advisable to house the closet outside of the sleeping room, and those articles which maybe subtly impressed with undesirable permeations.

Men are just beginning to realise something of the wonderful properties various emanations may give over. Intangibly and profoundly, there are grades of etheric radiances which emanate from all things living, imparting characteristics of those forces particular to them and of their formation.

Just to be near a fruit may offer a man, by emanation, by etheric radiance, an influence according to the nature and substance of that fruit. Thus the bowl of fruit and of course the flowers to be given to the ill or infirm, in particular. Whether the fruit is eaten and digested may not be the point at all, it is of great benefit just having such liveliness in close proximity to he or she to whom it is given.

Added to this there is beginning to be a concerned awareness of radiations emitted and other such arrays of contaminants as do seep and bleed from artificial resins. If this is to be comprehended in part, then it is possible for men to regard every article before them, respecting that all substance holds memory and continually releases from it that which it knows. (This goes for ghosts also: disenspirited shells, the kind that recap the old stories over and over.)

Matter needs have provision for memory, for it is memory that binds the matter to its original form. The lesser aspect of this law is that the material concerned shall always be a little impressionable, so that the substance receives and imparts qualities as it does know, as exposed to from a radius commensurate to its own aura of emanation.

There has been much talk of 'cleansing' material - viz. the heirloom jewelery - in the instance of there being such unwelcome radiations, perhaps not even of the former person, but rather of their circumstances. This cleansing may be effected by exposing the article to days and weeks of sunlight, whereby its memory will not be totally erased, but rather significantly quietened from a point of view of emitting the said influences.

Conversely, there have been articles of supreme significance, venerated because of their associated histories; and marvelous songs they sing as actual testimonies, as banks of especial memory, imparting. We collect and gather mementos by way of surrounding ourselves with memories. In this sense the ego of an individual may well identify with all of that which he has taken to possess, because he begins to interpret his being by way of the object's impression of him and the circumstances of which it did come to him.

Havingness is rooted in beinglessness, that our aspects of self are apportioned to those belongings we seek to identify with.

Certain symbols belong to a family of memory: that which brought that symbol together in the first place, and too in sympathetic connection to its identical representatives. There becomes a definite code within each one and the simpler the diagram, the more powerful, potent and pronounced the inherent characteristic-property will be.

Returning to the subject of jewelery:- gems have a memory which actually recalls that time when lesser Gods would stride the Earth and deity called them into a fire of evolution, fusing the elements they were born from with aspects of a realised divinity. The sleepers', these precious stones, are a living tribute to matter which has been so touched by divinity. Not only as representative, not by look-alike, but in being the crystal kingdom has redeemed all minerals, by example of living coherent perfection.

The minerals of this planet are harvested from a multitude of differing fields, some have been brought in from the farthest corner, aloft a wayward meteor, some/most are received sympathetically from sister stations related to the constituent directly. Then there is that material of which we have long carried with us from former globe, impervious to change, too stubborn to disseminate: the 'either-ores' as affectionately termed. (Salts.)

All of these related minerals are prone to consolidation unto their own and are given to argument with one another, having specific tendencies and natures very individual to their families. Islands and ravines, shafts, notches, plateaus and veins - the minerals would choose to be separate were it not for Man and God. When Man forges the uncompliant mineral to associate within an alloy and bring its particular strength into that bonded fusion, he is outwardly effecting what God has detailed within, remarkably.

And it was by the advancement of the crystals that this was to be achieved within the physiology of Man. We may offend our inner ecology if we attempt to introduce deluges of unrefined mineral. The animals do not share our difficulties in this, it is quite possible for a dog to ingest much lead, for example, and excrete it without undue absorption or argument within. However a man has a system attuned to soul and sensibility which affords much more subtle activity to house everything which is conductive to becoming a man. A dog will not draw upon similar needs and because his constitution is incapable of scrutiny with definition, he shall happily pass the same material that may poison or waylay a man at any stage of consumption or exposure.

Eventually men shall acquire the abilities necessary to be able to discriminate substances before ingesting them, and this may apply not only to mineral constituent and its variety, but also to affectation. For we may resume upon the line of thought which began with memory-emanations. Such is the same for foodstuffs, particularly those which are altered in preparation, in cooking. The hand of the chef and his emanations - his aspects as pronounced at the time of the actual preparation - shall make a discernible difference to the meal consumed.

Thus too, we make impact upon the world at large and are ever reminded that exactly what we exhibit becomes permanent testimony to what we have been. Therefore we must pray to live graciously and offend as little as possible, and give out exactly what we should like to become and be given.


All of our innermost longings which are dear to us, actually live upon our person and slumber until awakened into actuality. No hope or longing is ever wasted. No love is ever unrequited.

If this were not the case we would surely be so distressed by the ills of the world as to be thrown into perilous despair. For to all appearances, many dark and contaminated woes inflict most men; many of whom have not the capacity to see their way out from their troublesome plight. We may well be frustrated at ourselves and at others. But if this frustration is not of itself violent by nature, or with vehemence, then it too, may hold purpose as an imprint within one's resolve.

If one may encourage and inspire men to hope for more, and then be content to leave the future to fulfil itself in its proper time - not to be impatient for immediate results, but rather to be content to lay the groundwork for such greater desires - then most properly, the stimulation will cause rise to a more awakened man with a defined future.

It is precisely that men do not know where to look, or how high to reach, that anticipation is quashed because of the falsehood of discouraging outcome. That men believe that they need to know now or not at all; and that they shall be the same throughout eternity. Even sainthood is undesirous, because it appears unattainable; and it shall be unattainable if unsought and unhoped-for.

It is a matter of focus, of longing and of desire. To perfect our desires and not abandon them. To not be afraid of regrets or upset at our longings, because they are at present not forthcoming. To be generous with ourselves in the true and proper sense, and then equally generous with all men, for such wishes afflict each and every brother, even before the actuality.

This is why a body of men who have grouped together with a purpose defined, become an awesome strength within the world. It is that they do mutually desire and wish for a settlement envisaged - and the outcome will advance. And today, there are legacies from such groups of men as did pass away many hundreds, nay, even thousands of years before; but they were so strong in unity and intent that their wishes remained until that day of fulfilment - and that they knew this, so much the stronger!

The best proviso in the world was 'Thy Will be done'! Only in this attitude of soul may we step safely into the world and into activity. Without this soul-attitude, we are before perils which of themselves, may take an eternity to intimately come to know the proper dangers and deceit therefrom. And so, we humbly come to our circumstance praying to be sustained throughout the dangers, carried across the waters, and that we may only wish as the spirit would wish - that our choices be good. It is surely foolhardy to wish otherwise.


This is the Key
This is the Key of the Kingdom:
In that Kingdom is a city;
In that city is a town;
In that town there is a street;
In that street there winds a lane;
In that lane there is a yard;
In that yard there is a house;
In that house there waits a room;
In that room an empty bed;
And on that bed a basket-
A Basket of Sweet Flowers;
Of Flowers, of Flowers;
A Basket of Sweet Flowers.

Flowers in a Basket
Basket on a bed;
Bed in the chamber;
Chamber in the house;
House in the weedy yard;
Yard in the winding lane;
Lane in the broad street;
Street in the high town;
Town in the city;
City in the Kingdom-
This is the Key of the Kingdom.
Of the Kingdom is this Key.