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Kidman Info

Real name - Peter Gruner

Place of birth - New Haven, Connecticut

Current Residence - Atlanta, GA

Date of Birth - May 11, 1974

Age - 25

Height - 5'11"

Weight - 195 lbs.

Eye Color - Brown

Hair Color - Black

Marital Status - He's not married but he has a girlfriend (her name is Brianna)

Peircings in both ears (2 earrings each)

Titles Held - WCW Cruiserweight Championship

Past Alias - Kid Flash

Best known for The Shooting Star Press

He loves all sports

He likes all types of woman

If he could appear on any magazine cover it would be Playboy with playmates of the year around him

Favorite Disney movie - Toy Story

Favorite card game - Gin

Favorite Movie - Goodfellas

Favorite Candy bar - Snickers

Favorite Actor - Robert Deniro

Last book he read - Howard Stern Miss America

Favorite fruit - Kiwi

Favorite Animal - Dog

Favorite Cartoon Character - Cartman of South Park

Favorite Food - Burger King chicken value meal with an eight piece chicken nugget on the side

He admires his grandpa, Buddy, Pam Anderson, Adam Sandler and E Smith

Favorite Show - Jerry Springer and Seinfeld

His pet peeve is slow drivers

Drives an Eagle Talon, 300 ZX Lexus, and a Red Lamborghini

Favorite Olympia Sport - Women's Gymnastics

Favorite Color - Red

Favorite Soda - Diet Coke

Before he was a wrestler he was a lifeguard

The first thing he would do if he won the lottery is buy his mom a house

His fear/phobia - Fat chicks in thongs

Person he thinks is most influential of the century - Monica Lewinsky

Weirdest gift a fan ever gave him - A pair of panties

If he ran for president his running mate would be Adam Sandler

If he had a movie about his life Adam Sandler would play him

Better friends in business - Rey Mysterio, Jr., Disco Inferno, Alex Wright, Glacier, and Diamond Dallas Page

If he could live anywhere he would live at the Playboy Mansion

If he could witness any event it would be the first implant

If there was anything he could uninvent it would be Disco Inferno

Boxers or Briefs - Boxer briefs

Favorite Hotel Chain - Marriot

He hates people who drink to much and start acting like idiots

It really gets to him when people say they are right when both know they are wrong

Favorite sport activity - Swimming laps

Most intimidating person he sees almost everyday - Scott Steiner

You can bet your bottom dollar this will never happen - Kidman going back on his word

The thing he hopes people will say when he's dead - Damn he was one of a kind

This person is hilarious to him - Steve Martin

Means more to him than anything - His dignity

When he's not wrestling he likes to sleep and go to the movies