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<font face="arial"><strong>Omega Men, A Cut Above The Rest</strong></font>

Omega Men, A Cut Above The Rest

Drawn from the color of royalty and sealed with the hue of the most precious metal,
we, who are Omega Men, are tried and tested by the "burning sands."
Those who knock and are accepted are without a doubt brothers until the day they die.
Omega Men are a cut above the rest.

Molded by the cardinal principles of Manhood, Scholarship, Perseverance and Uplift,
our founders -Frank Coleman. Oscar J. Cooper, Ernest E. Just and Edgar A. Love-
created a fraternity that embodied all the qualities of true MANHOOD and BROTHERHOOD.
And our adherence to those principles sets us apart, definitely making Omega Men
a cut above the rest.

Clothed with the armor of our BROTHERHOOD, strengthened by our MANHOOD, affirmed
by our scholarship, solidified by our PERSERVERANCE and UPLIFTed by our principles,
we "move mountains" while others make excuses. That is why we are the best,
a cut above the rest.

From rural areas to urban settings; from the ornate structures for worshipping
God or to the business "jungles" of corporate life and from the political arena
to the "hills" of fellowship, Omega Men have led the way, where others
dare not follow. For this reason and many others, Omega Men are definitely
a cut above the rest.

Our efforts to render service to our communities are tempered
only by the recognition of humility in serving our CREATOR and fellow man.
When all else fails, true Omega Men can count on the greatest BROTHERHOOD
in this world to be there. Omega Men know without a doubt
- and for this we make no apology - we are the best,
a cut above the rest.

A. Bruh