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~" Everything to Me "~

You are so much of everything to me...

You are my love...

You are my shoulder I cry on

You are the sweet comforting voice I hear at night...

You are so special...

Did you know that?

You are the most perfect man, I have found.

I will do anything to keep you happy.

I will cherish your needs...

needs of space...

needs of love...

needs of comforting and understanding

I'll stand by your side

through the painful times...

and thru the joyful ones

you are everything to me...

Everything I respect

Everything I need....

Everything I want..

You are the one,

I will hope to spend the rest of my life with.

The one who has the other part of my heart...

The one who has me...

I'm forever yours...

that is if you accept that offer..

shhhhhh, don't say a word..

just hold me tight..

and let our souls combine..

For we will be connected, from this day

til eternity

You are everything to me


" written by Hope "