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Oh yes, we have something to tell all of you!  

More interesting pictures are on this page.  Be sure you read the wise words below from one of the Orange and Green issues of 1930.  Then, click on each picture to get the enlarged view!

Women have many faults,

Men have only two-

Everything they say

And everything they do!


(OK, guys!  You don't believe this, but someone did write this poem and it is in the Orange and Green!)



He who knows and knows he knows is a senior. 

 Follow him.

He who knows and knows not he knows is a junior.

Wake him.

He who knows not and knows not he knows not is a sophomore.

Shun him.

He who knows not and knows he knows not is a freshman.

Teach him.



lanierian_1925.jpg (92410 bytes)The Lanierian was the name of the annual.  Here is the 1925. lanierian.jpg (86402 bytes)This is a Lanierian from 1930.
Did all of you already know that sororities and fraternities were a part of the schools?  Here we find POB in 1925. POB.jpg (86949 bytes)
I give up.  What in the world were the Hooks and Crooks?  Someone must tell us.  Go back to our guestbook and write to us.  hooks_crooks.jpg (58744 bytes)
Have you ever heard of the school publishing a diary?  Well, here is one!diary.jpg (75032 bytes) Inside we can find a page that tells about the sororities and fraternities of 1941.  soroity_1941.jpg (98375 bytes)
collage.jpg (91620 bytes)Look at all of the fascinating pictures from 1930.   Hey guys, the memories of ROTC go way back.  This picture is in the 1933 annual. Do you know these people?  ROTC.jpg (94048 bytes) 
annual_1933.jpg (449786 bytes) The annual of 1933 is quite attractive. Another published book for Lanier was the Orange and Green.  Here is one from February, 1930. The jokes above were in this issue.  orange_green.jpg (90701 bytes)
As the shepherd of old gathered his flock at the close of day for safe-keeping, so have we gathered the events of 1924-1925 into this annual that we may safely guard them against the forgetfulness of time.  May it always be your treasure invaluable!

(foreword in the Lanieran)

pony_bowl.jpg (96248 bytes)

A part of the education in Macon was the Pony Bowl Games for the elementary schools.

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