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Brotherhood of Mutants

Name: Eric Magnus Lensher

Code Name Magneto

Age: unknown

Power: Magnetism

The Facts:

Living through one disaster {holocaust}, Magneto believes it's his turn to decide who lives or dies. He believes normal people and mutants cannot live together and that evolution has made it clear that the only ones fit to survive are mutants.

Right under Xavier's nose, though not ignored, Magneto is forming a Brotherhood of Mutants, therefore the sole founder. These young mutants are then either taught or encouraged to believe that the dream Xavier is following is the wrong idea and that believing themselves to be a superior species is the correct way to think. So far, he has quite an array...four members with such diverse powers and personalities. Being as he is supposed to be considered very powerful and frightening, or at least mysterious, his character is often clouded by shadows.

After season one, he is presumed dead {until the end of the first episode of the second season} until evidence points to his survival.

Name: Raven Darkholme

Code Name Mystique

Age: unknown

Power: shape-shifter

The Facts:

Where she came from for sure is uncertain. But, the certain thing is, she is the principal of Bayville High where the mutants, good and bad are attending. And she works as a recruiter for Magneto and second in command.

Mystique has a special interest in Rogue, finding her powers to be useful to the Brotherhood.

Spoiler, except to devout X-Men fans, Mystique is Nightcrawler's birth mother. Can't you see the resemblance? Whether she knows Kurt is her at first glance or not, she has made no attempt to be motherly to him, at least not much. But really, how can you give birth to someone like Kurt and not recognize him in battle years later?

She has no real feelings for her team. She merely picks off the useful mutants and hoards them away for Magneto.

Though it doesn't always seem like it, the BoM is quite respectful of Mystique.

UPDATE: Mystique was considered gone after The Cauldron. However the Brotherhood, except for Lance, believes she will come back to them. In a way, they were right. Mystique returned, genetically enhanced, but not to the Brotherhood. She is a loner at the moment. She has taken on the shifted form of Risty Wyle, Rogue's best friend and is observing from the sidelines and enjoying the closeness she has with Rogue in this false purple-haired identity. And let me tell you, she has one mean look now.

Name: Todd Tolansky

Code Name Toad

Age: 14-15?

Power: prehensile tongue reaching up to at least six feet, superior leg muscles used for leaping, ability to spit goop from his mouth, and the ability to stick to walls.

The Facts:

The exact history on Toad is unknown, as of yet. It is unknown whether he has parents in his life or not. This character has gone under the most change for this show. And a lot of important historical facts for the original Toad seemed to have been left out in this kid's profile.

Toad is cowardly and though able to sneak about on his own, he prefers the company of his strong and powerful co-horts. Toad lacks confidence in himself and therefore depends on others to use as a crutch. He is also considered the campus reject and idiot. Toad seems to be abused by anyone and everyone, even if he has done nothing to deserve the negative attention. Perhaps that lack of care affects his ability to become dependant and maintain his intelligence, which he has displayed here and there that he has.

The campus pest, he does, however, tend to leap about and annoy the X-Men on campus of Bayville high. An efficient spy and natural snoop, he is often successful at digging up helpful info.

Unlike the other members of the Brotherhood, Toad, who was the first member of the teen team, was not easily persuaded, though he does obviously dislike people and lacks a social life. He was sort of frightened into the group, and though seemingly useless with his lack of knowledge in battle skills, he is kept around as the "toady" of the group.

For more on Toad, visit the fan page here at Toad Hall. He is definately my favorite villain.

Name: Pietro Maximoff

Code Name Quicksilver

Age: unknown

Power: super speed

The Facts:

Long time rival with Evan Daniels, Pietro finally took advantage of his powers and decided to strike out on his "old buddy." Pietro is quite intelligent and very competitive, possessing an ego bigger than Texas.

He is a very neat young man, dressing with a better taste than his co-horts, and of course maintaining the slimmest figure.

Pietro, unlike his co-horts has a great advantage in the Brotherhood....his daddy owns it. Magneto recruited his son when he was defeated by his rival with the help of Cyclops and Jean. And since then, though perhaps not the group leader, he is certainly well-respected, if the group knows what's good for them.

Pietro certainly lives up to his full-of-adrenaline lifestyle. He speaks very fast, especially when angry or excited. And he is the first to step up to a challenge, being adventurous, pompus, egotistical and athletic.

As hard as it seems to believe, Pietro enjoys his encounters with Evan. Evan may not have mutual feelings, but Pietro knows Evan is always up to challenge him, even when he knows his old rival can't beat him. It's definately a love-hate relationship.

His role as possible leader is ripped out from under him in the second season, having no connections any longer. This leaves Lance in charge for most of the decisions.

For more info on Quicksilver, pop in at Quicksilver's Pit-Stop

Name: Fred Dukes

Code Name Blob

Age: ???

Power: Can make himself an immoveable mass.

The Facts: Blob is no ordinary fat kid in school. He is the Immoveable! He is one of the least intelligent members of the Brotherhood. Even though that fact, he is still a valued member of the team. His abilities are very useful and have saved the lives of his teammates here and there. He doesn't seem to mind the brunt of the burden and the team tends to treat him with, what he feels, is fair enough an amount of resect.

Before meeting his team, he was attracted to Jean Grey, who he has lost interest in, or has he? Blob is very jealous and overprotective and a bit immature. He is easily offended and provoked. However, he is a loyal member of the Brotherhood and has a lot of respect for his companions.

Name: Lance Alvers

Code Name: Avalanche

Age: 17-18

Power: Control over Geographic tremors. {Uhm, earthquakes}

The Facts: Lance has already mentioned that his family is very unhappy that their little Lancey has been found out to be a mutant. Not that Lance was an angel otherwise...he was a rebellious teen. His first experience with another mutant was with Kitty. Though idealistically wanting to use her for her abilities, he, originally, did have enough compassion and wanted to be her friend, no matter how two-faced. After a falling out, due to Jean Grey and Professor Xavier's interference, Lance was forced to forget Kitty....and destroyed the school. Vacating the scene, he met Mystique, who offered to enroll him in her school, in exchange for his services. Vavoom, we got Avalanche!

Lance seems to think he is the leader. And, in many aspects, he is kinda like the Brotherhood version of Scott. Seems he and Pietro rotate who gets to be leader...depending on the situation. He's hot-tempered and full of corny one-liners. He's also one of the more physical members of the team. He is quite impatient and rude...especially to Toad. But, on a whole, he gets along very well with his teammates and seems to enjoy their company...except for Toad. He is a well-respected member of the Brotherhood and has become more centered since joining the group. Though, however tough he thinks he is....he still depends a lot on his powers.

Lance still tries to have encounters with Kitty. Though both are enemies, he still has feelings for her, which she only partially returns. She finds him to be a jerk, but is somehow amused by his childish attempts to impress her. Lance takes more charge in the second season, though has now become the center of amusement with Pietro who gets a kick of of Kitty's rejections.

Lance's powers are very dangerous to those in his path, but also to himself. He is able to use unmeasureable forces however, the stronger the move, the less time he can continue. Holding his powers too long causes severe strain and migraines.

Name: Victor Creed

Code Name: Sabertooth

Age: unknown

Power: beastly appearance, sharp claws and keen senses. Also, a superhuman healing ability.

The Facts: Ah, the arch nemisis of Wolverine. The two were involved in the Weapon X program. The program was, as the show made it out, to use these keen sensed killers as "hounds" to bring down mutants. Little is known about Evo's Sabertooth except that he hates Wolverine and will go to nearly any means to destroy him...for reasons unknown.

Name: Tabitha Smith

Code Name Boom Boom

Age: 15-16

Power: Can create small telekenetic bombs

The Facts: Abused by her father, Tabitha's mother sent her to Xavier's with orders that her father would have no contact. However, this wild, and very out-of-control teen DID run into her father who talked her into a robbery. They were intercepted by BOTH the X-Men and Brotherhood.

Both Tabby and her father were arrested. However, Xavier bailed Tabby out of jail. But, the incident bothered her and she left the institute, unable to handle the rules and responsibilities. In response, she teamed up with the Brotherhood, who were falling apart due to the absence of Mystique and Magneto.

She was able to waltz into the Brotherhood home with no opposition {cuz those boys were just flat out confused} and claimed Mystique's old room as her own.

Though it isn't stated, it can only be assumed, as the only female, that she's wrapping those boys around her finger with no opposition.
