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Speed_Demon Egroup

Midi playing: Aenema


Hello, welcome to the Speed_Demon Egroups home page...well, the Angelfire version. The cool version. Anyhoos, as you can probably guess, this is the e-group I set aside for Quicksilver...cartoon and or comic...just like my Toad_Hall Egroup. But of course...these are some of the areas:

What We Cover

Anything Pietro Maximoff. This can be from anything the character has been in and in any medium. Cartoons are one version. Perhaps someone wants to discuss his guest appearance on X-Men....or his role as a villain in X-Men Evolution. Maybe you've followed Quicksilver on his comic journey from villain to hero? Terrific! Comic version discussions are encouraged too.

What? Pietro isn't enough? Well, how about talking about the rest of the family? Wanda, Crystal, and Luna Maximoff sound good? Heck, while we're at it, we can probably discuss Magneto to a degree.

Hey, there's more. Quicksilver led a group called the Knights of Wundagore. A great group. Anyone wanna discuss that? We can do that too.

Fanfiction is good. This can be comic version fanfic or Evo-based fanfic. If you submit, be sure to specify which your fic is from so others can follow. Not everyone knows the cartoon version, and not everyone knows the comic version.

Same rule applies to fanart. I will accept fanart on the group, just kinda hint wether the art is from the comic or from the cartoon....but of course, I think we probably COULD tell the difference there. Rules

{1} I don't mind mild swearing.....but...keep it PG-13, okay? There IS a young audience around.

{2} Try not to stray TOO far off-topic. I know Pietro's family had quite a history and plot behind them....and it's fine to discuss...but I really would like to keep even the smallest focus on Quicksilver.

{3} NO PORNAGRAPHIC SUBMISSIONS!!! Hey, it's nice to see a passionate Pietro, I'm sure, but....try to remember the young audience, okay? There are wonderful groups set aside for that. But, this is not one. So, no explicit sexual images or fanfics. If you do not know if your submission crosses the line or not, go ahead and send it to me, and I'll decide if it is cleared.

{4} All fanfic/art should have the creator's name on it somewhere....or handle.

{5} No flame wars. Take it into Private Messaging if you want to have a heated arguement. Try and keep the list peaceful and fun for everyone. Remember, comics and cartoons are discussed. I know the comic fans get annoyed with cartoon talk and the cartoon fans can't always follow the comic stuff....let's try to see a common ground here and learn from each other.

{6} Have fun. This is supposed to be a get-together to discuss one of our favorite characters.

Ready To Join?

It's simple. You can either go to the Yahoo page and subscribe by that or by mail. Or, if ya wanna kill two birds with one stone....put your e-mail address in the box below to submit and subscribe. After that....start chattering. (c;

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Toad_Hall Egroups
Toad Hall {Character Profile}
Nightcrawler's Ledge
Quicksilver's Pit-Stop
Vi's X-Evo Fanfiction
Fun X-Evo Things