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Grooming Aids/Techniques for All Pets

The Hanvey Group has really provided so much for today's grooming. Not only does this technology provide much needed relief for the hard working groomer, but it really helps the animal involved through control and comfort.
Most pets respond to controlled situations with outward relief and lessening of aggression. The LIPS system takes the stress of standing for long periods of time off of all the animals involved, but most especially for the aged or handicapped. I have personally found that taking the stress of grooming off of the animal, causes less stress, fear, anxiousness, viciousness, confusion and behavioral problems. Many of my customers tell me again and again that they can not touch their animal, much less brush or comb them. The nail cutting would be World War Three. I not only cut the nails, but grind them as well. This gets rid of the sharp edges that can lead to cuts, scratches and marks made to the skin of owner and animal, as well as the furniture. I believe I am able to do these types of things because of experience and because my equipment enables me a large degree of control without hindering the animals feelings of comfort or safety. This enables the animal to feel he or she is being taken care of without force or fear from either of us.
It is amazing how much discomfort this takes off of the Groomer and the Owner of the animal. The dog that does not feel the need to attempt or maintain dominance becomes much easier to control and manipulate. This change in it's "reality" really relieves the whole grooming experience.

LIPS system gives the animal a "Comfort Zone" in which they can just be "attended to" quickly and with little discomfort on their part. Legs, feet and genitals can be comfortably manipulated without stressing, pulling or binding them.
I am told by a large percentage of my customers that many of the dogs and cats that I do, I am the only one that CAN DO! The owners are amazed that the dog or cat does not have to be sedated, as in the past, or that the animal does not seem at all stressed or nervous when picked up. Some of that is due to my style of grooming, but it is really not all of the solution. I am not arrogant enough to believe that my methods are so different from other qualified groomers (and there are many) out there. I truly believe that the animal is more able to handle the grooming situation with the tools I have researched and acquired.
The Hanvey equipment was truly one of the reasons I could stay in this business for longer than a year or so. The equipment takes so much of the weight (physically and mentally)off of me and the animals, that at the end of the day (after treats and walks have been given), I can hand them to their owners relaxed and BEAUTIFUL!