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Hello and Welcome to Our Babies Forever Webring. Thank you for expressing interest in the Our Babies Forever Webring. I would first like tell you a little about the webring and then you can make the decision of whether you would like to join. I made this ring for pages that were made with love as a tribute to a loss of a loved one, preferably for children 1 year old and under. If you have such a site you have found your webring. Any type of loss is welcome to join. There are only a few rules that apply to joining this ring, and they are as follows: **There is aboslutely NO PROFANITY ALLOWED. If you have things on your pages that are not child viewing safe then your webpage will not be considered. **You do have to place the webring on your site (preferably on the page that you put down when you apply), you have two weeks to get it on there or your site will automatically be removed **It MUST be a memorial tribute Rings are a great way to get more "traffic" to your site. If this is something you would like to do...please join us :) This webirng is dedicated to the memories of my angels above, Nathaniel Thomas born still 11-5-96 and Kristen Meadows miscarried 10-23-94.

This is what your fragment and graphics will look like on your page.

This RingSurf Net Ring
is owned by Delynn-Nathaniel's Momma.
~ Our Babies Forever ~
~ Remembering Our Forever Babies~