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                Wait! Why such a hurry? Take a break and sit here for a while, here, on the old patio. Life is
not meant to be a crazy race, only if you make it so.
                I think you should take care more of yourself.... When have you met your soul for the last time?
Did you get to enjoy these dawns? Oh, you couldn’t since you are in such a hurry every morning. Did
you get to enjoy the first rays, the fresh scent breeze? How many times you get out of the house without
even paying any attention to these? If you had been looked, you would have surely noticed that little
birdie sent to you to wish you a beautiful day.
                You’ve been granted with one more day! You’d say it’s normal, natural. Well, it isn’t, try to
think of how many people in this world haven’t wake up this morning to see the dawns you have
ignored. All these might seem ordinary to you now, but when illnesses come, these little things
regain suddenly their true value.
                Have you ever thought how many people can’t make themselves a coffee, can’t comb their hair, or
simply put their shoes on? Some are even able to put their shoes on, but what for? They lost their job
some time ago.
                This is not a preach, it’s a way of telling you that simple little things are presents, don’t
act like a spoiled child, who can’t appreciate anything his parents buy him because he simply has
them all, all he would wish and more. Try to make peace with your soul, sometimes he is content with
so little. It takes less to please your soul then your belly, did you think? Take this example, for your
food to reach to you: you need to work to get the money, then you buy it, cook it, clean after lunch…
For your soul it’s enough to put the little leftovers from your bread by the windows and see the little
birds happy for having another meal. Be honest, doesn’t this fill your heart with joy?

Romanian version

I am here, in the house of my dreams...

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Last updated: 22 July 2000

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