A B C D (Ð) E Æ F G (H) I Į J L M N O Ø P R S T U V W X Y (Z) Œ Þ
Click here to read a description of the Cepperjoleddicg alphabet and the Cepperjoleddicg Runes (with Pictures)

~ M, m ~

mad, sm. meat, food.

maew (gen. mauðer), sf. young woman.

maewgd, sf. might, power.

maewillo, wf. little girl.

maewswer, sm. maple.

magan, sv. to be able to, können. gamœgð

magd, aj. possible.

magda, pret. I might.

magdicg, aj. mighty.

maggøþlį, wm. little boy.

maggu, sm. boy, servant.

maggþa, sf. virgin.

maggþįnn, wf. virginity.

maidan, wv. to falsify.

maiddan, sv. to cut, hew. gamiedðan

maið, aj. weak, feeble, bruised.

main, aj. common, unclean.

mainan, wv. to make unclean, defile.

mainduwþ, sf. lowest level.

mair, av. more.

maira, aj. greater.

mairr, aj. merry.

mairrbįwissan, sv. to make merry. mairrbįsod

maisd, aj. & av. greatest, most.

maiþm, sm. gift.

malan, sv. to grind. gamælð

malma, wm. sand.

malo, wf. moth.

mammona, wm. riches.

man, sn. fellow-man, companion, partner.

manlįcha, wm. image, picture.

mann, def. v. I remember.

manna, wm. man.

mannisg, aj. human, of man.

mannisgøþlį, sm. humanity.

manwaþa, sf. preparation; pl. necessary means.

manwe, av. in readiness.

manwicg, aj. ready.

mar-, prefix maternal. maruverafa, maternal grandfather.

margo, sf. boundary, border.

mazun, wv. to consider, ponder.

maþa, wm. worm.

maþer (gen. mœþer), sf. mother.

meaxzu, sm. dunghill.

medd, sn. length.

meer, aj. famous.

mell, sn. hour.

mellan, wv. to write.

menþ, m. month.

meran, wv. to proclaim.

merand, m. proclaimer: town-crier.

merþa, sf. report; reputation.

mess, sn. table, dish.

mædan, wv. to feed.

mæddan, wv. to devour as the animals do.

mælun, wv. to bruise.

mænun, wv. to prepare, make ready.

mærmargo, sf. coast.

mærran, wv. to hinder.

mærsaew (pl. mærsaifan), sm. sea, ocean.

mæþlį, sn. meeting.

mæþlįan, wv. to greet.

mærį, wf. sea.

miala, wm. tool used to measure.

miana, wf. moon.

micgill, aj. great.

micgillan, wv. to make much of, magnify, glorify.

micgille, av. greatly.

micgillį, wf. greatness.

micgillþuwgd, aj. high-minded, proud.

micginnan, wv. to be magnified.

middan, sf. midst; inn middan, in the midst of GEN: joledda inn middan fimfas mærsaewr, the land belonging to the Germanic Confederation.

middan, sv. to measure. gamaddan

middį, aj. middle.

middumond, m. mediator.

middþa, sf. measure.

midzswįppįnn, sf. deluge.

midzwįnn, sf. philosophy.

miennį, sf. means, Mittel.

miennįicga stas, sf. instrumental case.

mild, aj. mild, kind.

mildþa, sf. mildness, kindness.

milgma, wm. cloud.

mill, aj. small.

mille, av. less.

milþa, sn. honey.

mimms (mimmz), sn. flesh, meat.

minner, aj. smaller, less.

minnsd, aj. least, smallest.

minþi, sn. memory.

mirdo, wf. reward.

missacwisþa, sf. discord, dissension.

missalįch, aj. different, various.

missdeþþ, sf. misdeed, sin.

misso misso, pr. (reciprocally), the one the other, one to another, each other.

mįnn, poss. pr. my.

miþþ, prep. c. dat. with, among, together with; miþþ twįggnam margom, amid the two boundaries, in the midst of the region; miþþ usgræmman, to crucify with; miþþe, av. with.

miþþan, cj. while, during, when.

miþþdøman, wv. to have an opinion, to be of the opinion that GEN.

miþþgarzwæddu, sf. partition wall.

miþþgasnþa, wm. travelling companion.

miþþnimman, to receive, accept. miþþganomman

miþþsøgan, wv. c. dat. to dispute.

miþþwissį, wf. intuition.

mod, def. v. I/he may, am/are allowed to.

moda, sf. tax.

modan, wv. to find room.

moder, sm. tax-collector.

modicg, aj. angry, wrathful.

moð (gen. møz), sm. anger.

moscwiððlaus, aj. perfect, unadulterated; moscwiððlaus nand, the immaculate conception.

mozstaþ, sm. tax house.

møng, aj. many.

møngduwþ, sf. abundance.

møngfalþ, num. manyfold.

mørgan, wv. to curtail, cut short.

mœrgįnn, sm. morning.

mørþran, wv. to murder.

møsd, rv. to meet.

mulda, sf. dust.

mun, sm. thought, intention.

munan, wv. to consider, intend; munan plįnnsan, to care to dance

mund, sf. remembrance.

munþ, sm. mouth.

mylg, f. milk.

mœrnan, wv. to mourn.

mœrþer, sn. murder.

mœydan, wv. to remember, remind.

mœydįnn, sf. remembrance.

~ N, n ~

na, prep. acc. in, upon.

nader, sm. adder, viper.

nagd, f. night.

nagdamad, sm. supper, dinner, evening meal.

nagþ, aj. naked.

naidan, wv. to treat shamefully, abuse.

n'ainsgun, indef. pr., no one, no, none.

naizįnn, sf. blasphemy.

nama, wn. name.

nan, wv. to get, obtain; pres. p. nand, conception (of a child).

natwuxd, prep. c. dat. between, among.

nau, sm. corpse.

nauþ, sf. need.

ne, av. nay, no.

negg, av. near, close by.

neggu, prep. c. dat. nigh to, near; av. near.

neggun, wv. refl. to close in.

neggun sicg, wv. to approach, draw near.

neggwį, av. nearer.

neizla, wm. button-hole.

neþþla, sf. needle.

næddan, wv. to make wet, wet

nædį, sn. net.

næmnan, wv. to name.

nænþan, wv. to dare, have courage, be bold.

nærran, wv. to save.

nærrand, m. saviour: one who saves.

nærrįnn, sf. safety.

næþ = ni + æþ.

ni weagd, nothing, naught. See weagd.

ni, av. neg. not. næþ = ni æþ; ni ... æx, not ... but; n'æll ... æll, no(t) other ... than; ni ... nigg, neither ... nor; ni þanmair, no longer, no more; ni þadufnį ... æx iag, not only ... but also; n'ainsgun, no one, no, none; n'aew, never; n'æll, not at all.

niddu, sf. rust.

niffa, cj. unless, except, if ... not.

niffnan, wv. to mourn, be sorrowful.

nigg, cj. and not, not even. nigg ... æx iag, neither ... but also.

nimman, sv. to take ACC, take away ACC from GEN. ganomman

nimman sicg, sv. to take to oneself, take with one; conceive a child. sicg ganomman

nisd, sf. health.

nissan, sv. to be saved, become whole, recover. ganærran

nįun, sv. to be angry. ganįan

nįþþ, sn. envy.

niþþan, sv. to help DAT. ganaþþan

niþþiį, sm. male cousin.

niþþio, wf. female cousin.

noda, wm. stern of a ship.

nu, av. now. aj. present, existing.

nud, aj. useful.

ny, aj. new, young.

nyan, wv. to renew.

nyasader, sm. novice, trainee.

nyaþa, sf. newness.

nyclagg, aj. under age, young, childish.

nyddan, sv. to catch with nets, catch. ganuddan

nynd, num. ninth.

nynna, num. nine.

nynntwogga, num. one hundred eight.

nœdaþœrfd, aj. necessary.

nœg, av. still, yet; ni nœg or nœg ni, not yet, not as yet.

nœgan, sv., to permit, allow. ganœgan

nœguþþan, av. and also.

nœgþanuþ, av. as of now.

nœydbanda, sf. chain.

nœyþan, wv. to force, compel, move.

~ O, o ~

o fo, interj. uh-oh..., oops!

of (gen. œwær), sf. pride.

og, interj. Shame!

oggan, sv. to fear ACC. g'oggan

ougduwþ, sf. time, eternity.

~ Ø, ø ~

øf, prep. c. dat. over, above.

øfrįch (superl. øfreigsd), aj. ridiculously wealthy, having far too much money.

øggan, wv. to terrify.

øgodu, sm. commotion, chaos.

øgun, wv. to cry aloud. -vt to urge ACC into a stampede (ACC = herd animals).

-øþlį, suffix (dimunitive).

~ P, p ~

paida, sf. coat.

plad, sm. patch, piece of cloth.

plįnnsan, wv. to dance.

prangan, sv. to oppress. gaprangan

pvįchsbavm, sm. palm-tree.

~ R, r ~

raew (pl. raifan), sf. row.

rafan, wv. to wander.

raggan, sn. opinion.

ragginnun, wv. to arrange.

raggufnį, sm. governor.

raid (pl. raewer), sf. doe.

raidan, wv. to determine.

raið (gen. raiz), aj. due, fixed, appointed.

raip, sm. rope.

rairan, wv. to raise, rouse up, wake.

rarda, sf. language, speech.

rasdo, wf. couch.

rasn, sn. house.

rasna, wm. neighbor.

rasno, wf. female neighbor.

raun, wn. lava; magma.

raur, sn. reed.

rauvun, wv. to rob.

rauþ, aj. red.

raþær, aj. easier.

reagde, av. correctly.

redd, aj. easy.

rendill, wn. wren.

respan, wv. to itch.

ræ, sf. corpse.

rægan, wv. to reach ACC, to reach for DAT.

ræggnan, wv. to count, reckon, number.

rænd, sn. bark or crust.

rænnan, wv. to cause to run.

ræzdan (earlier ræðsdan), wv. to conspire.

ræþþan, sv. to deliever a report. garaððan

ræþþisg, aj. agile.

ræþþo, wf. number, account.

riadan, sv. to reflect upon, meditate. garøðan

ricgan, sv. to heap up ACC, make ACC into piles. garucgað

riįnn, sn. rain.

rinnan, sv. to run. garunðan

riuð, sm. plant.

rįch (superl. reigsd), aj. kingly.-sm. monarch.

rįcha, sn. kingdom.

rįchinnun, wv. to excerise one's power as king.

rįr, wf. trembling.

rįran, wv. to tremble.

rįssan, sv. to arise; see urrįssan. garyrran

rįvį, sn. darkness.

rįvįran, wv. to become dark, be darkened.

rįvįrįnn, aj. dark.

robba, wf. baby animal.

roddu, sn. rat.

roddun, sv. to gnaw.

roxan, sf. hall.

rødan, wv. to murmur.

ruggan, sn. roe.

run, sm. issue. run wørgan, to make a problem out of GEN.

ruwm, sm. room, space.

ruwna, sf. secret, mystery.

ryðð, wm. clearing.

ryððan, wv. to clear.

rœyfan, wv. to pull out, pluck.

~ S, s ~

sa (fem. so, neut. þad, pl. þasþan), dem. pr. this, that; def. art. the.

sað (gen. saz), aj. full, satisfied. sað wissan, to be filled, be full.

saew (pl. saifan), sm. sea, lake.

saewala, sf. soul, spirit, life.

sagan, sv. to scold. gasavan

sai, interj. see! behold!

sald, sn. salt.

saldan, sv. to conver in salt. gasaldan

salfun, sf. ointment. -wv. to anoint.

sama, pr. same.

samalįch, aj. alike, agreeing together; samalįch wissan to be in agreement.

samalįche, av. likewise, in like manner, equally. aewlyddu samalįche! Danke gleichfalls!

samne, av. together, in the same place, one with another.

samþe, av. to the same place, together.

sang, sm. song, music.

sann, poss. pr. its, his.

sanx, sm. setting of the sun or moon. natwuxd sanxan, at night.

saul, sm. sun.

sauþ, sm. sacrifice, burnt-offering.

savharug s'į, indef. pr. whoever, whosoever.

scsįnnan, sv. to shine. gascsynnan

scsįr, aj. clear.

scsįrian, wv. to make clear, interpret (of a language).

scsufd, sn. all the hair of the head as one unit.

scsul, aj. owing, in debt.

scsulan, sv. to owe, to be about to be, shall, to be obliged, must; æþ scsuld, it is lawful. gascsuld

scsuwa, wm. mirror.

scsyvan, sv. to push aside, shove. gascsįvan

seðð, sf. mankind.

seian, sv. to sow. gasan

seiand, pres. part. one sowing, sower.

seiggun, sv. to see. gasaewgun

seixa, num. six.

seixd, num. sixth.

seixtwogga, num. seventy-two.

sell, aj. good, kind.

sædan, wv. to set, put, place.

sægo, wf. strife.

sælan, wv. to dwell.

sællan, wv. to bring an offering, sacrifice.

sælþwo, sf. pl. inn, hotel; guest-chamber (of a house).

sændan, wv. to send.

sænxan, wv. to sink, go down.

seþþ, sf. seed.

sgaald (nom., acc. pl. sgaœldi, gen. sg. sgaæld, dat., gen. pl. sgaaldum), sf. skáld.

sgadd, sm. coin.

sgadu, sm. shade, shadow.

sgaidan, sv. to divide, sever, separate, put asunder. gasgæðan

sgal, def. v. I/he shall.

sgalg, sm. servant.

sgalginnassu, sm. service.

sgalginnun, wv. to serve.

sgaman sicg, wv. to be ashamed, be ashamed of GEN.

sganda, sf. shame.

sgaud, sm. the hem of a garment.

sgaudaraip, sm. leather thong.

sgaun, aj. beautiful.

sgavan, sv. to shave. gasgœvan

sgaœlzg, aj. skaldic.

sgædda, wm. lawyer.

sgædun, wv. to cast a shade or shadow.

sgæfdan, wv. to make ready, prepare.

sgæll, sf. shell.

sgæppan, sv. to shape, create, make. gasgappan

sgæþan, sv. to injure. gasgadðan

sgipp, sn. ship.

sgodan, wv. to shoot; throw ACC (ACC = an arrow, pike, javelin); sgoder, shooter, gunner, spear-thrower.

sgogg, sm. shoe.

sgoxall, sn. evil spirit, demon.

sgrinnan, wv. to rend, tear apart.

sguwra, sf. shower; winder sguwra, storm.

sgyld, sm. shield.

sgyyan, wv. to walk.

siau, may I be (subj.).

sicg, refl. pr. oneself; gen. sįnner (poss. sįnn); dat. ser.

siddan, sv. to sit. gasiððan

siddill, sm. seat, chair, nest.

siddu, sm. habit.

siddun, wv. to practise.

siffan, wv. to be gladm happy.

siffufnį, sm. student, pupil, disciple.

siffufnįan, wv. to be a student.

siggį, sn. victor.

siggslaun, sn. prize.

siggu, sn. victory.

siį, pers. pr. she.

sildalįch, aj. wonderful.

sildalįchan, wv. to marvel, wonder, be astonished.

silfa, pr. self.

silfawilli, aj. willing.

simmle, av. once, at one time.

sind, they are.

singan, sv. to read. gasungan

singun, sv. to sink, go down. gasyngun

sinn, aj. old.

sinnsd, wn. Elder.

sinzįnn, aj. daily.

sinzįnne, av. daily.

sinþ, sm. time.

sivia, sf. relationship, friendship.

sivuna, num. seven.

sivuntwogga, num. eighty-four.

s'į, rel. pr. he who, that which.

sį, rel. pr. who, which.

sįium, may we be (subj.).

sįnn, poss. pr. his own.

sįþþu, aj. late.

slaewan, wv. to be silent, be still.

slaewun, wv. to take the edges of ACC, to soften the corners of ACC.

slag, sm. stripe (from a whipping).

slagan, sv. to beat, hit. gaslagan

slalgd, aj. smooth.

slauþnan, wv. to realize.

slend (gen. slenz), sm. chasm, crater, abyss, gulf.

sliapan, sv. to sleep. gaslæpan

slindan, sv. to swallow up, engulf. gaslendan

slįdz, aj. fierce, dangerous, perilous.

slyppan, sv. to slip. gasluppan

slœgd, sf. slaughter.

smacga, wm. fig.

smacgsbavm, sm. fig-tree.

smadd, wm. opening in a garment (such as a sleeve or the neck).

smag, wm. flavor.

smal, aj. small.

smįddan, sv. to smear. gasmeirran

smodd, aj. black.

snaew, sm. snow.

snaga, wm. garment.

snar, aj. bold, brazen.

snimd (gen. snimz), sn. childhood.

snįþþan, sv. to cut, reap. gasneiddan

snod, wf. prostitute; so sgauna snod sį 'þ dauþu, battle (the attractive prostiute who is death).

snøsse, snøssan, prep. c. acc. without, lacking, -less.

snuder, aj. wise.

snymmun, wv. to hasten.

snymmunde, av. with haste, quickly.

socarį, sm. disputer.

sovn, sf. search, inquiry.

søgan, wv. to seek, search for.

søþþan, wv. to fill, satisfy.

sparwa, wm. sparrow.

speþþ, aj. late.

spill, sn. fable, story.

spillun, wv. to narrate.

spinnan, sv. to spin. gaspunnað

spiødunsd, aj. last, final: spiødunsde, av. at last, finally.

spįun, sv. to spit. gaspyððan

spraude, av. quickly.

spœrd, aj. stadium, race-course.

stað (gen. staz), sm. place, neighborhood.

staewng (gen. stœnx), sm. stang.

staiga, sf. path, way.

stain, sm. stone, rock.

stainįnn, aj. of stone, stony.

staldan, sv. to possess. gastaldan

stamm, aj. stammering, with an impediment in the speech.

standan, sv. to stand. wissan gastoðan

staua, sf. judgment.

staua, wm. judge.

staudan, sv. to bed pushed. wissan gastaøn

staþ, sm. shore.

stearno, wf. star.

sticg, sm. point, moment.

sticgill, sm. cup.

stiffna, sm. voice.

stillan, sv. to steal. gastiøllan

stingun, sv. to thrust. gastyngun

stįggan, sv. to ascend, mount up. wissan gasteiggan

stodian, wv. to begin.

støan, wv. to judge.

stricg, sm. title; diacritic (of a letter).

strœyan, wv. to strew, spread, spread (with carpets), furnish.

studdan (szuddan), wv. to trip.

styr, sm. steer.

styran, wv. to establish.

stœrgnan, wv. to become dry, dry up, pine away.

stœrran, wv. to murmur against, spread rumors about ACC.

sulg (gen. sylg), sm. furrow; wrinkle (on the face or in leather or a hide).

sum, indef. pr. some one, a certain one; sum ... sum, the one ... the other; nom. pl. suma ... suma, some ... and others.

sun, av. at once; sunsį, cj. as soon as.

sundre, av. privately.

sunu, sm. son.

supun, wv. to season.

suwd, aj. sweet (of food); patient, peaceable (of people).

swa, av. so, just so, thus.

swai, cj. so that, so as.

swal, wn. wetland.

swalįch, pr. such.

swamm, sm. sponge.

swaran, sv. to swear. gaswøran

sward, sm. beard stubble.

sware, av. in vain.

swe, av. and cj. like, as, just as; swe ... swa, so ... as; swe ... iag, like, ... so too.

sweagra, wm. father-in-law.

sweagro, wf. mother-in-law.

swearfan, sv. to wipe. gasworfan

swenn, aj. one's own.

swer, aj. heavy.

swerį, wf. a weight.

swerþa, sf. weight, mass.

sweþaug, av. yet, indeed.

swællan, wv. to cool.

swiaran, wv. to honor.

swicsunþ, aj. manifest, evident; swicsunþ wearþan, to become or be made manifest.

swicsunþe, av. openly, manifestly.

swiggla, wm. piper.

swigglun, wv. to play the flute.

swignþa, sf. celebacy (especially celebacy by choice).

swildan, sv. to die. gaswyldað

swinþ, aj. strong, sound, healthy.

swinþį, wf. strength, power, might.

swinþnan, wv. to grow strong.

swisder, f. sister.

swįnn, sn. swine, pig.

swįvan, sv. to cease. gaswyvan

swogædan, wv. to sigh (out of frustation or discontent).

swøggan, wv. to sigh (out of pleasure).

swyrla, wm. swirl, whirl; eddy, whirlpool.

swyrlan, wv. to whirl.

syan, wv. to sew.

sycg, aj. sick, ill, diseased.

sycgan, sv. to be sick, be ill. gasycgan

sycgį, wf. sickness.

sylfer, sn. silver.

sylfrįnn, aj. silver.

synn, aj. true.

synna, sf. truth; bį synna, truly, verily.

synnan, av. round about, near.

synne, av. truly.

synnįnn, aj., veritable.

synno, sf. defense.

synnun, wv. to justify.

syxn, aj., visible; -sf. sight.

syþþun, wv. to tickle.

sœgd, sf. sickness, disease.

sœrga, sf. care, grief, sorrow.

sœrgan, wv. to sorrow, trouble, cause to take thought.

~ T, t ~

tagall, sn. tail; (usually bogtagall), the ogonek diacritic.

tager, sn. tear.

tain, sm. twig, sprig, branch.

taino, wf. basket.

taixn, sf. token, sign.

taixnan, wv. to betoken, point out, show.

teaxna, num. ten.

teaxnd, num. tenth.

teaxwa, w. aj. right; wf. teaxwo, the right hand.

teaxwo, sf. the right hand.

tæggan, wv. to tear, rend.

tælran, wv. to discipline.

tælrand, m. disciplinarian.

tæman, wv. to tame.

tændan, wv. to light, kindle.

tælrįnn, sf. discipline.

tæppan, wv. to square off ACC, to cut off the ends of ACC at perpendicular angles.

tiagan, sv. to touch (pret. tog). gatægan

tidd (nom., acc. pl. tidder, gen.tiddner, gen. pl. tiddneer), sf. woman's nipple.

tiggu, sm. decade.

till, aj. fit, suitable, convenient.

tille, av. conveniently.

tillun, wv. to attain, obtain.

timman, sv. to suit. gatyðð

timmer, wf. building.

timmran, wv. to build.

timmrand, wm. carpenter, builder.

tiør, wn. tar.

tirun, wv. to be angry.

tįggan, sv. to show. gateiggan

todd, wn. mucus.

traewð, wf. alleyway, trail, path.

traewll, wn. troll, goblin.

trauan, wv. to trust.

trimpan, sv. to tread. wissan gatrudan

truw, aj. true, faithful.

truwwa, sf. covennant.

truwwe, av. assuredly.

try, sn. tree.

trywįnn, aj. wooden.

twaia (gen. twaews), num. two.

twaitwogga, num. twenty-four.

tweaxna, num. twelve.

tweaxnwinder, aj. twelve years old.

twædd, second.

twįggna, num. two each.

twuxd, prep. c. dat. between, among.

tœra, wm. tear, rent.

tœy, sn. job.

tœysd, wv. to busy oneself.

~ U, u ~

ufda, av. often.

-ug, -g, enclitic cj. (like Lat. -que, and), but, and, now, therefore. In composition with pronouns it often adds intensity to the signification. The /g/ is often assimilated to the initial consonant of a following word.

ulfandu, sm. camel.

unbarnicg, aj. childless.

unbeirand, pres. part. sterile.

uncær, w. aj. neglectful.

und, prep. c. acc. until, up to.

unde, cj. since, for.

under, prep. c. acc. under.

undgrįppan, sv. to seize, lay hold of. undgagruppan

undriadan, sv. to provide. undgarøðan

undrinnan, sv. to run to ACC's arms. wissan undgarunðan

undœrnįmmand, sm. breakfast.

uneargn, aj. unholy.

unfager, aj. unfit, unsuitable.

unfrįiaþn, wf. secret love, love prohibited by the lovers' family.

unfrœdį, wf. without understanding, foolishness, folly.

ungagavand sicg, pres. part. incontinent.

ungaill, sn. hard times.

ungand, aj. fearless.

unganduwœrgd, aj. synthetic.

ungavhearf, aj. unruly, disobedient.

unger, poss. pr. of us two.

ungį, wf. fearlessness.

ungrain, aj. unclean.

ungulþa, wm. malignant male faery.

ungulþo, wf. malignant female faery.

ungunslicg, aj. implacable, unappeasable.

unleþþ, aj. poor.

unlydd, aj. genuine, real, heartfelt.

unlœyfand, pres. part. unbelieving.

unlœyfįnn, sf. agnosticism, neither belief nor disbelief: uncertainty; ligganssgæpp unlœyfįnn, uncertainty about one's sexuality.

unlœygnan, wv. to be hid, lie hid.

unmagd, sf. infirmity, weakness.

unmagdicg, aj. impossible.

unmanring, aj. inhuman.

unmild, aj. unloving.

unnugdicge, av. at an unfit time, inopportunely.

unousg, aj. blameless.

unrødand, pres. part. speechless.

unryrį, wf. purity.

unsaldan, pp. unsalted.

unsell, aj. evil, wicked, unholy.

unsellį, wf. wickedness, craftiness, injustice, unrighteousness.

unsiffiį, aj. lawless.

unswer, aj. without honor.

unswerį, wf. dishonor, shame, disgrace.

unswįffand, pres. part. unceasing.

untall, aj. unlearned.

untillmalsg, aj. rash, unbecomingly proud.

unvhapnand, pres. part. unquenchable.

unwagg, aj. blameless.

unweran, wv. to be unable to endure.

unwįdd, aj. foolish.

unwįddį, sn. ignorance, folly, foolishness.

unwįss, aj. unlearned.

unþaflyggan, sv. to escape. wissan unþagaflįjjan

unþwaggan, pp. unwashed.

unþyþþ, aj. base.

ur, prep. c. dat. out of.

urrairan, wv. to raise, rouse up, wake.

urrinnan, sv. to proceed, go out from, go forth. wissan urgarunðan

urrisd, sf. resurrection, reincarnation.

urrįssan, sv. to arise. urgaryrran

urrun, sf. & -m. a running out, departure, decease, draught.

urug, prep. whither from.

urun, see anan.

urþydd, av. common, public, of the people, available to everyone.

usalþan, sv. to succumb to old age. usg'ælþan

usbearan, sv. to carry out, endure, suffer. usgabįsn

usbįsn, sf. long-suffering.

usbįsnicg, aj. long-suffering.

usbluwun, sv. to beat severely, scourge. usgableggan

usbyddan, sv. to await, look for. usgabøan

usbœyggan, wv. to sweep out.

uscsįnnan, sv. to produce, see csįnnan. usgascsynnan

uscsyssan, sv. to prove. uscsįssan

uscwisdan, wv. c. dat. and acc. to kill.

uscwiss, sf. accusation, charge.

uscwiþþan, sv. to proclaim. usgacwæððan

usdaude, av. zealously.

usderd, sf. rough way, "goat-trail."

usdrįffan, sv. to drive out. usgadyrffan

usdsyggan, sv. to perform. usgadsivan

usdœydan, wv. to be dilligent

usæggan, wv. to frighten utterly.

usfiian, wv. to blame.

usfilg, sn. burial.

usfilm, aj. amazed, astonished.

usfilmį, wf. amazement.

usfœdįnn, sf. food, nourishment.

usfrædun, wv. to decorate.

usfunnan, wv. to be fulfilled, become full, come to pass.

usfyllan, wv. to fulfill, complete.

usfyllįnn, sf. fulfilling, fullness.

usgaugnan, wv. to be exalted.

usgævan, sv. to take up, lift up. usgagafd

usglaupan, sv. to leap up, rise quickly. wissan usgaglœypan

usgravan, sv. to dig out, pluck out, break through. usgagrifd

usgræmman, wv. to crucify, hang.

usgrissan, wv. to shake out, shake off.

usgudnan, wv. to pour out.

usgœygan, wv. to exalt.

usjiffan, sv. to repay. usgajun

usjildan, sv. to repay, reward. usgajuldan

uslæggan, wv. to lay out, stretch out, lay, lay upon.

uslįþþan, sv. to go away, pass by, come out. wissan usgaleiðan

usliþþa, wm. one sick of the palsy, paralytic person.

uslucgnan, wv. to become unlocked, be opened, open.

usluwcgan, sv. to open, unsheath (a sword). usgalyycgað

uslœyfan, wv. to permit, allow.

usmaiddan, sv. to cut down. usgamiedðan

usmedd, sn. behaviour, manner of life.

usmernan, wv. to be proclaimed.

usmiddan, sv. to behave; uswiss usmiddan, to be in error, to err. usgamaddan

usnimman, sv. to take out or away. usganomman

usseiggun, sv. to look up, look on. usgasaewgun

ussædan, wv. to plant ACC.

ussændan, wv. to send out, send forth, send away.

ussgau, aj. vigilant.

usstandan, sv. to stand up, rise up, rise again, come out or from. wissan usgastoðan

usstas, sf. resurrection, rising.

usstįggan, sv. to go up, mount. wissan gasteiggan

usstyrį, wf. riot.

usstyrįe, av. licentiously, riotously.

ustaignan, wv. to show, prove.

uswalzįnn, sf. overthrow, a subverting.

uswearpan, sv. to drive out, cast forth, overthrow, reject. usgawærpan

uswæltan, wv. to overthrow, overturn.

uswindan, sv. to plait. usgawundan

uswiss, aj. dissolute, vain.

uswįgg, aj. unholy, profane.

uswœrgd, aj. right, just, righteous.

usþwlan, wv. to endure.

uv, prep. c. dat. and acc. under, beneath; in the time of.

uvaiþįnn, aj. under an oath.

uvbliassan, sv. to blow up. uvgablessan

uvblozįnn, sf. treaty.

uvbricgan, sv. to reject. uvgabricgan

uvbrinnan, sv. to burn up. uvgabernnan

uvbœylan, wv. to puff up.

uvcsunnan, wv. to recognize, acknowledge.

uvcsydd, sn. knowledge.

uver, prep. c. acc. and dat. over, above.

uverafa, wm. grandfather.

uverassu, sm. abundance, superfluity; dat. uveræssį, used as av. in abundance, greatly, enough to spare.

uverfunn, aj. overfull, abundant.

uvergafnan, wv. to be exalted.

uvergangan, sv. to transgress. wissan uvergagannað

uvermaþer (gen. uvermœþer), sf. grandmother.

uvermellan, wv. to write over.

uvermellį, sn. superscription.

uvermellįnn, sf. superscription.

uvermunnun, wv. to forget.

uversgædun, wv. to overshadow.

uverstįggan, sv. to spring up. wissan uvergasteiggan

uvgavan, wv. to hold up, bear up. uvgagafd

uvgravan, sv. to dig up. uvgagrifd

uvgrøpan, wv. to cry out.

uvgœysan (c. dat.), wv. to submit, obey.

uvgœysįnn, sf. obedience.

uvjeardan, sv. to gird up. uvgajierdðan

uvliggan, sv. to faint. uvgaleggan

uvre, av. above.

uvsnįþþan, sv. to slay. uvgasneiddan

uvswøggan, wv. to sigh deeply.

uvwøppan, wv. to cry out.

uvþænnan sicg, wv. to excel beyond expectations.

uwd, av. out, forth; uwdda, without; uwddaþro, uwddan, c. gen. from without; uwdde, av. abroad.

uwdder, sm. foreigner.

uwgdicg, aj. at leisure.

uwgdįgo, av. opportunely.

uwgdwo, wf. early morn.

~ V, v ~

veigan, sv. to deny, to deny vehemently. gavįchan

veirran, wv. to deceive, lead astray.

vha, interrog. pr. who.

vhad, interrog. pr. what.

vhaewa, cj. and av. how.

vhaizį, sm. wheat.

vhal, wn. whale.

vhanne, av., interrog. when, whenever.

vhanug, av. only used with neg., as vhanug ni, never.

vhar, av. where.

vharfun, wv. to pass by, wander.

vharug saį, indef. pr. whosoever.

vharug, indef. pr. each, every.

vhass, aj. sharp.

vhasse, av. sharply.

vhaþand, av. whither.

vhaþar, pr. which of two.

vhaþarug, indef. pr. each of two.

vhaþre, av. whence.

vhe, av. with what, wherewith.

vhearfan, sv. to walk. wissan gavhorfan

vhearn, wf. skull.

vhædan, wv. to incite, entice.

vhæssend, wm. airhole.

vhæþan, wv. to foam, froth; munda vhæþan, to froth at the mouth.

vhæriį, pr. which one (out of any/many); aj. vhæria, which (out of any/many).

vhæssį, wf. sharpness, severity.

vhįdd, aj. white.

vhįddan, wv. to whiten.

vhįlla, sf. time.

vhįllavhearf, aj. inconstant.

vhopan, sv. to boast. gavhopan

vhødan, wv. to threaten, rebuke, strictly charge.

~ W, w ~

waas, wn. hardship.

wado, wf. water.

waew, interj. alas! no!

waewnd, wm. wand.

wagan, sv. to wake ACC. gaweigan

wagdwo, wf. watch, guard, guard duty.

wagg, aj., guilty.

wagga, sm. way, journey.

wagnan, wv. to awake.

wai, interj. woe!

waid, def. v. I know: æx waisn (waizn), interj. yes, I know that.

waidedda, wm. woe-doer, malefactor.

waifergun, wv. to lament loudly, wail greatly.

waip, sm. crown.

waismeran, wv. to blaspheme.

waismerįnn, sf. blasphemy.

waivan, wv. to wind about, encompass.

wal, av. lazily, weakly, sluggishly. -aj. weak, lazy.

waldan, sv. to rule, govern. gawaldan

waldufnį, sn. power, might, dominion, authority.

walgyrio, wf. valkyrie, valkyrja.

walwissun, wv. to wallow.

wamba, sf. belly, womb.

wan, lacking, wanting.

wan, sn. want, lack; wan wissan (with DAT of person and GEN of thing), to lack.

wananassu, sm. want.

wanger, sn. pillow.

wanser, poss. pr. our.

war, aj. wary, cautious, sober.

waxd, sf. growth, increase.

waxdu, sm. size, stature.

weagd, f. thing, affair; ni weagd, weagd ni, naught, nothing; n'inn weagda, not at all.

weale, av. well.

wealsdeþþ, sf. benefit.

wealsmeran, wv. to preach.

wear, sm. man.

weare, av. worse.

wearillo, wf. lip.

wearpan, sv. to throw, cast. gawærpan

wearser, aj. worse.

wearþ, aj. worthy.

wearþan, sv. to become, be, come to pass. wissan gawyrðan

wearþįnn, sf. worthiness, dignity.

weaxda, wm. corner.

wechan, def. v. I was not.

weer, sm. dam.

wegg, sm. wave .

weian, sv. to blow. gawan

welgn (pl. welgan), sn. cloud.

well, wm. fraud.

wellan, wv. to defraud.

wenn, sf. hope.

wennan, wv. to hope, expect, await.

wer, aj. doubtful.

wæd, sn. pledge.

wæddu, sf. wall.

wæddun, wv. to wed.

wægan, wv. to wake up, awake from sleep.

wæggan, wv. to move, shake.

wæl, aj. chosen, beloved.

wældan, wv. to roll; with refl. pr. to be converted.

wællan, wv. to choose.

wændan, wv. to turn, turn round.

wæran sicg, wv. to clothe.

wæran, wv. to forbid.

wærda, wm. guard.

wærgan, wv. to condemn.

wærman, wv. to warm.

wærrian, wv. to defend.

wæsd, sf. clothing, dress.

wæxan, sv. to grow, increase. gawixn

wicg, wf. week.

wicga (gen. wįx), sf. Witchcraft.

wicgo (gen. wicger), sf. female Witch.

widd, pers. pr. we two.

widdan, wv. to keep watch, observe. gawuddan

widdufnį, sn. knowledge.

widduw, wf. widow.

widduwearna, wm. orphan.

wiggan, sv. to shake down DAT. gaweiggan

will, aj. willing.

willa, wm. will.

willan, v. to be willing, will, wish.

willsgalþį, wf. respect of persons.

willun, sv. to take ACC by force. gawyllun

wilþį, aj. wild.

wind (gen. winder), sm. wind.

windan, sv. to wind. gawundan.

winder, sm. winter.

winnan, sv. to suffer, sorrow. gawunnan

winzald, sf. chaos.

winþsgauro, wf. winnowing fan.

wisd, sf. being, existence.

wiss, aj. recognized.

wissan, sv. to be, remain. wissan gasod

wiþþer, sm. lamb.

wiþþicg, sn. law.

wiþþicge, av. lawfully.

wiþþlaus, aj. lawless.

wiþþra, prep. c. acc. in reply to, in return for.

wiþþragamøsd, rv. to go to meet; (of weapons) to return fire.

wiþþragangan, sv. to go to meet. wiþþragagannað

wiþþrawearþ, aj. opposite, over, against.

wiþþun, wv. to wag.

wį, sn. calm (of the sea).

wįcga, wm. creek, stream.

wįcgand, wm. viking, pirate.

wįcger (gen. wix), sm. male Witch.

wįddan, sv. to know. gawudðan

wįddwœdan, wv. to bear witness, testify; lyggwįddwœdan, to bear false witness.

wįddwœdį, wf. witness, testimony.

wįddþa, m. witness.

wįgg, aj. holy.

wįgga, wm. priest.

wįggan, wv. to sanctify, make holy.

wįggnan, wv. to become holy, be hallowed.

wįggþa, sf. holiness.

wįnn, sn. wine.

wįnnsdrynga, wm. wine-bibber.

wįnnsgard, sm. vineyard.

wįnnstain, sm. vine-branch.

wįnnstry, sn. vine, vine-tree.

wįppan, sv. to crown ACC. gawaipan

wįssun, wv. to visit.

wlaidun, wv. to look about.

wlidd, sm. face.

woð, aj. mad, insane.

wopan, wv. to call, cry out, cry aloud, crow.

wør, pers. pr. we.

wørd, sn. word. wørda words, wørdan œuvre.

wørdan, wv. to word.

wørdicg, aj. verbal.

wørgan, wv. to work, make.

wørxdwa, wm. worker, laborer.

wørziycga, sf. a strife about words.

wørzlisd, sf. grammar.

Wœrzscsįria, sm. the Fordsmender.

wørzwicg, aj. effective, effectual.

wøþį, aj. sweet.

wrag, sm. persecutor.

wraga, sf. persecution.

wraicgicg, aj. crooked.

wrazun, wv. to go, travel.

wraþþu, sm. journey.

wricgan, sv. to persecute. gawyrgan

wrisgun, sv. to bear fruit. gawyrsgan

wrogg, sf. accusation.

wrøggan, wv. to accuse.

wrungo, wf. snare.

wulf, sm. wolf.

wulla, sf. wool.

wuller, sm. one who whitens wool, a fuller.

wulþer, aj. of worth, of consequence; wulþrer wissan, to be of more worth, be better.

wulþicg, aj. gorgeous, glorious.

wulþu, sm. glory.

wund, aj. wounded.

wundufnį, sf. wound; wundan gauvaþa bringan, to wound to the head.

wunn, sf. suffering, affliction.

wuw, sm. war.

wuwan, sv. to fight, strive. gawyggan

wydd (pl. wyððna,) sn. weed.

wœrd, sf. root.

wœrgd, sf., see frawœrgd.

wœrm, sm. serpent.

wœrsdu, sn. work, deed.

~ X, x ~

Xrisdan, aj. Christian.

xullan, sv. to beat ACC to death. gaxullan

~ Y, y ~

Yddiaewicg, aj. Jewish.

ymb, prep. acc. concerning, of.

ymband, sm. anniversary of DAT.

ymme, prep. acc. by, about, around, concerning.

ymmo, wf. multitude.

yngger, aj. younger.

Ynn, pers. pr. You, Sie.

yppe, av. upwards; yppana, from above.

yvill, sn. the evil; yvill cwiþþan, to speak evil of DAT.

yvilltœy, aj. & n. evil-doing.

yvilltœyand, wn. evil-doer.

yvillwœrd, aj. evil-speaking.

yvl (yvill), aj. ultimately evil.

yvle, av. evilly.

~ Œ, œ ~

œræcgo wf. tomb, grave.

œxa, wm. ox.

œyggan, wv. to show.

œym, aj. higher, high.

œyn, sm. oven.

œþ, aj. desert, waste.

~ Þ, þ ~

þad, neut. of rel. pr., as cj. that (daß).

þada, pr. neut. this, the.

þadainnį, av. only.

þadavhagþį, pr. whatsoever.

þagda (mer), pret. it seemed to me.

þaggan, wv. to be silent, hold one's peace.

þaggo, wf. clay.

þan, rel. particle, when, then, as long as, (als); dem. (never stands first), then, at that time, thereupon; cj. but, indeed, and, however, therefore.

þannuicga dufnįstas, sf. past tense.

þande, cj. if.

þanmair, av. furthermore.

þannug, cj. therefore, so, for.

þar, av. there.

þarf, w. aj. very needy, very poor.

þarfa, sf. poverty, need, want. -wm. a needy one, beggar.

þarfan, wv. to suffer want, abstain from.

þau, cj. and av. (after a comp.), than.

þaug, av. perhaps.

þaugiavan, cj. even though.

þearg, prep. c. acc. through, by, by means of.

þearggaduna dufnįstas, sf. perfect aspect.

þeargbearan, sv. to bear through, carry through. þearggabįsn

þearggangan, sv. to go or come through. wissan þearggagannað

þearglįþþan, sv. to go through. wissan þearggaleiðan

þeargo, wn. a hole; neþþlos þeargo, the eye of a needle. (this may be used as slang for the anus.)

þeargseiggun, sv. to see through. þearggasaewgun

þeargwagan, sv. to keep watch. wissan þearggaweigan

þeargwissan, sv. to remain. wissan þearggasod

þearsan, sv. to be withered or parched. gaþœyrsan

þeį, cj. because; ni þeį, not because.

þæddį, av. whither, where, wheresoever.

þængan, sv. to seem. wissan gaþuwgdan

þærrį, av. where.

þæþre, av. thence, from there.

þæþrog, av. from that point onward.

þillo, wf. plank, board; lathe.

þinnsan, sv. to attract. gaþinnsan

þisge, av. especially.

þissvhadug, av. whithersoever.

þissvharug s'į, indef. pr. whosoever.

þissvharug, av. wheresoever.

þissvhaug, pr. whatsoever, whatever.

þivį (gen. þyias), sf. maid-servant, handmaid.

Þįiesser, wm. Thiaz, síezæ, a Thiazic man.

Þįiessicg, aj. Thiazic, síezígæ.

þįggan, sv. to thrive, prosper. gaþeivan

þįnn, poss. pr. thy.

þlaiggan, sv. to console, comfort, take in the arms, caress. gaþlįggan

þlax, aj. soft, tender (of skin).

þørnįnn, aj. thorny.

þørsan, wv. to thirst.

þørsdį, wf. thirst

þrasg, sn. threshing-floor.

þræfsdan sicg, wv. to be of good cheer.

þræfsdįnn, sf. comfort.

þræggan, wv. to run from GEN.

þræmsdį, wf. locust.

þridd, num. third.

þridde, av. for the third time.

þrisgan, sv. to thresh. gaþyrsgan

þrįa, num. three.

þrįatwogga, num. thirty-six.

þrįngan, sv. to press upon, throng, crowd. gaþreingan

þruwzfill, aj. leprous.

þruwzfill, sn. leprosy.

þryddan, sv. to threaten. gaþryððan

þu, pers. pr. thou.

þuwgda, pret. it appeared.

þuwo, wf. thunder.

þuwsynd, sf. thousand.

þwaggan, sv. to wash. gaþwœggan

þwearg, aj. crooked.

þwengo, wf. bracelet.

þwlain, sf. patience.

þwlan, wv. to tolerate.

þy, sm. servant.

þydda, sf. a foreign people; pl. non-Ceppers.

þyddan, sm. race of men.

þyddinnassu, sm. rival kingdom.

þyff, sn. theft.

þyffe, av. secretly.

þyngan, wv. to appear, make known.

þyþþ, aj. ultimately good.

þyþþan, wv. to bless.

þyþþicg, aj. good, blessed.

þyþþscwiss, sf. blessing.

þyþþspillun, wv. to preach.

þœrfan, sv. to need, be in want, lack. gaþarfan

þœrfd, aj. necessary. -sf. necessity.

þœrnu, sm. thorn.

þœrp, sn. town.

þœrsnan, wv. to become dry.

þœrswicg, aj. withered.

     Note: 45% of all verbs are irregular, and of these 45%, some 7.5% have multiple forms considered correct. Irregular verbs are here marked sv. (the s is for "strong") and regular verbs wv. (the w is for "weak"). Intrinsically reflexive verbs, verbs that indicate that the action is being done to the subject, don't require use of the reflexive pronoun sicg and end in -sd. These verbs aren't conjugated. Lending to the confusion is the fact that nouns also decline, and there are irregular and regular nouns, again marked s and w, respectively. All nouns are tied to an inherent grammatical gender - masculine, feminine, or neuter, and this is marked m, f, and n. Occasionally, an otherwise regular noun is only irregular in one case, and in those cases, the irregularity is placed next to the nominative form in parentheses.