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Deep inside me beats the heart of a warrior

My blood runs deep and true to Mother Earth

I walk this land filled with a heart full of sorrow

My eyes see the violation and disgrace of us all

Oh what havoc we have reeked on our Mother Earth

I see her tears, which now burn with acid

Green grass which once covered the earth

Now dry and brown while cracking beneath the heat

The rivers and oceans are shrinking each day

While the earth her self rumbles deep from within

I hear her cries from deep down in her soul

Her pain brings shivers to my saddened heart

Confusion shows in her now erratic patterns

Not knowing which way to turn to rid herself

Of all the poisons and neglect we have showered on her

What fools we are to have not seen the pain

To have turned our eyes away in ignorance

Not to have acknowledged what we have done

To see just what has been lost not only to us

But as well to those who will follow us

We must awaken our ancestry from within us

Go back to the days of wiser and better times

Open our eyes and embrace our mistakes before it is to late

We have already taken so much beauty from her

Some of which has been lost to us forever

Now is the time to take heed and to listen

Before it becomes a barren and silent world

She fights still to provide beauty and wonder

How long can she hold out against our abuse

How long can she stand against the pain and sorrow

Author:Katty Kane
