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Courage the Cowardly Dog

Season 2

The Revenge of the Chicken from Outer Space | Journey to the Center of Nowhere

Little Muriel | The Great Fusilli

The Wishing Tree of Nowhere | Robot Randy

Human Habitrail | Mission To The Sun

Family Business | One Thousand Years of Courage

Courage Meets the Mummy | Invisible Muriel

The Curse of Shirley | Courage in the Big Stinkin' City

Courage the Fly | Katz Kandy

Nowhere TV | Mega Muriel the Magnificent

House of Discontent | The Sand Whale Strikes

Car Broke, Phone Yes | Cowboy Courage

Serpent of Evil River | The Transplant

Bad Hair Day/The Forbidden Hat of Gold

The Revenge of the Chicken from Outer Space Yes, that's right, this IS the sequel to the very first Courage the Cowardly Dog Cartoon (See: The Beginning). The evil chicken is back to get revenge on Courage by pulling heads off with a giant plunger... Since it's "deformity", it has stolen Eustace's head and is chasing Courage and Muriel around the farm.

The Journey to the Center of Nowhere When Muriel decides to make "Eggplant Surprise" for dinner, a secret society of Eggplants in the midst of a terrible drought decide to revolt and attempts to attack Muriel. Courage accidentally infiltrates the Eggplants' hideout, and they mistake him for the great eggplant. He then tries to convince them to attack the grocery instead of Muriel. He is soon discovered though, and he has to stop them with...water.

Little Muriel Disaster strikes in Nowhere, and a tornado tears through Courage, Muriel, and Eustace's neighborhood. The tornado picks up Muriel and due to it's spinning motion, reverses time and turns Muriel into a 3 and a half year old child! Courage discovers the joys of babysitting, and with help from his computer finds out how to bring Muriel back to her old self.

The Great Fusilli An evil travelling entertainer (Fusilli) visits Nowhere and teaches Muriel, Eustace, and Courage about the magic of stage entertainment. The truth behind his scheme is that he wants to turn them all into Marionettes. (String Puppets) With a little help from the make-up room, Courage manages to make Fusilli the victim of his own plans.

The Wishing Tree of Nowhere This episode is about a mysterious tree that grows in Courage's backyard... The strange thing is, it grants wishes. Muriel gets a new oven, and Courage gets a backhoe, but when Eustace accidentally makes a wish, Muriel ends up being sick. In order to cure Muriel, Courage must protect the tree from Eustace until the tree can tell him the cure.

Robot Randy A Robot from a distant planet is ridiculed because he doesn't want to destroy things. To prove he is not a failure, he is told to go conquer another world, and when he lands in the middle of Nowhere, trouble begins... He makes Courage, Muriel and Eustace his slaves, and finally Courage defeats him in a break-dancing contest to win their freedom. He then helps the robot overcome his fear of rejection.

Human Habitrail

Mission to the Sun Courage, Muriel, and Eustace are somehow sent on a mission to make sure the sun doesn't go out. How they are to do that remains unknown. To make things worse (These three on a spaceship together?!?!) an tiny alien invades the ship and get's into Muriel's brain. He makes her do a bunch of crazy stuff like chew on the wires of the ship and whatnot, so Courage has to rescue her. Somewhere in the middle of all this, Eustace, while trying to retrieve his hat from the space-toilet, gets After that's over, the sun still poses a problem, so Courage grabs the briefcase and quickly runs to the center of the sun, where he finds a lightbulb ready to go out. Meanwhile, He opens the case to find an extra lightbulb, and

Family Business An estranged Burglar named Basil breaks into the Bagge home. He has an identity crisis though, and starts to believe he is one of the family. He starts calling Muriel "Mama Mashed Potatos" and Eustace "Uncle Twinkle Toes". He then suggests that the family pulla job together, which leads them to Mt. Rushmore to steal Abe Lincoln's nose. The police show up and chase Basil up the nose. They try to pick him out with a big finger ona stick, but Courage manages to save him before that can happen. They convince Basil to go straightand everyone lives happily after.

1000 Years of Courage This is one of my favorite episodes, the best I've seen since 'Katz Motel'. The Bagge's are playing bingo in the kitchen when an asteroid hits the Earth and sends it spinning like a top. When it stops spinning, the Bagges have travelled 1000 years into the future, and Bananas are now running things on Earth. Courage gets in trouble for trying to eat someone's baby banana, so the group is on the run. The leader of the Bananas leads them all to "Banana-halla" where all their questions will be answered. Turns out that Banana-halla is just a scam to lead Bananas into the lair of a big monkey, who promptly eats them. Of course, Courage manages to bring this to everyone's attention and all is well. Another asteroid arrives just in time to send the Bagges back to their game of bingo.

Courage Meets the Mummy An ancient Mayan baker is accused for the crime of stealing cookies by a Mayan Princess, a crime he did not commit. The Princess' advisor is actually the one who stole the cookies. Yet the baker's eyebrows are plucked, and he is mummified. When he is awaken in the present day, he heads to the Bagge Farm because Muriel and Eustace are descendants of the Princess and the Advisor. Muriel and Eustace are hypnotized to think that they ARE the princess and the advisor. The Mummy seeks justice for his crimes, and when he gets there, Courage proves to him and the princess (Muriel) that the Advisor is the guilty one, and he can rest in peace. He leaves and takes one of Eustace's sheets with him.

Invisible Muriel Courage finds a strange, but beautiful jewel in the backyard. Meanwhile, Muriel is in the house perfecting her dog food recipe for the dog food contest.He gives it to Muriel as a present, and all is going well until he notices that the rock is turning Muriel invisible. Courage calls the doctor who tells him to remove the stone immediately. It turns out that the rock is a government project, and nobody was meant to find the stone. Gov't Agents go on a mission to retrieve the rock, and kidnap Muriel as well. They forget the rock because Courage took it before they got there, so Courage and Eustace gead to the doctor's to figure the whole thing out. The doctor makes Eustace wear the rock so he can test out some cures. They eventually figure out that dog food is the cure, so they attempt to sneak into the Gov't facility to get Muriel out. Eustace decides he would rather use his invisibility to sneak into the Gold Storage, so it's up to Courage. As soon as he goes on his way, he is intercepted by Gov'e angents and leads them on a chase that ends on the roof. Courage, seeing Muriel in the room below, jumps down and covers her in dog food, then hides under her skirt. The agents make them leave because she's ot invisible anymore and they don't notice Courage under her skirt. (They're dumb) so they go home, but Eustace is still having fun in Gold Storage.... but that's another story.

Courage the Fly

Katz Kandy

Nowhere TV The Bagge's TV fizzes out and they can't find out if they've won the lottery or not, so they call good ol' Dr. Le Quack to fix it. One thing leads to another and eventually Courage is battling Le Quack using TV-produced projectiles. In then end, everything works out better than expected, but Eustace isn't too happy about it. (He never is)

Mega Muriel the Magnificent Courage's computer makes fun of him for being scared of so many things when Courage writes his Memoirs. ("You were actually scared of a She-Demon chasing you underwater???") That night an electrical storm strikes Nowhere and the Computer comes to life, literally. He uploads himself into Muriel's body to prove to Courage he isn't scared of ANYTHING, and Courage has to save muriel's body from a series of Death-defying stunts.