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Dan's Interest



Ever since I have was really small I have loved riding my bike.  I mostly go Mt. Biking now.  I have been in a few races.  (The southern cup, The Georgia Games, and The Chatowa River to River.)  My favorite is when I just go out to the trail with some friends and we just ride all day.  There is a really nice single track coarse about 2 miles from my house so I have ridden that countless times.  I have a GT Rebound with a Rock Shock front fork.  It is not the best but it finishes the races and holds up on the trails.  I have also put new gears, a new crank, and a new seat on it.  I have also gone through many tires, tubes, and rims.  If any one knows of any good trails around North Georgia or Southern North Carolina would you please E-Mail me at