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Dan's Interest





I have always enjoyed running weather it was during P.E. or if it was just during a soccer game.  Well when I got into Chattahoochee High School I took up running on the Cross Country and Track team.  I started running on the teams because my brother ran and he had made a lot of friends through the teams.  After I went to practice a couple of  times I realized it was one of the few co-ed  teams at the school.  That just made it better.  I was never the best or even close to it, but it was great running with my friends day after day.  It wasn't so great doing those 12 X 400m workouts in Cross Country or the crazy 8 workouts in Track.  My PR in Cross Country, which is a 5K over hilly terrain, is an 18:27.  During Track I ran mostly the 1 Mile and occasionally the 800m.  My PR in the 1 mile is 4:58, I tried very hard to break that 5 min. mark and I finally did it three times.  Coach Morris said every one would run the 2 mile at least once every year but some how I squeezed by for 4 years with out running it once. (Lucky Me)  Well I am very glad I ran through High School.  I think it improved my health, my friends, my excitement in High School, and my tolerance for PAIN. 

Here are some great pictures on our team running.

Here is a great site of Running links.