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Dan's Interest


I enjoy back packing very much.  I have only been  2 times but all three times it has been great.

Back Packing

Me and Chris before we left no the trail.

This is a plack at the start of the trail on top of Springer Mountain. 

Dan Eating Breakfast

Click on the picture to see Half Dome pictures.


My first real long and hard hike I went on was was Half Dome.  It was in Yosemite National Park in California.  It as about a 7 mile hike to the top and it is very steep.  When we got to the top we could stand over a two thousand foot sheer cliff.  We could also see all of Yosemite.  Although it was very hard it was well worth it.

The first time I went Back packing I went with Dave Ford and his church.  We drove up to Lake Winfield Scot and parked there.  We they hiked up through slaughter gap then climbed Blood Mt.  The next day we hung out on top of Blood Mt. and hiked back down later that day.  This was a great start to backpacking for me because it wasn't very hard or very long.

   The second time I went Back packing was with Chris Hayse.  We parked at Amocolilla Falls in the morning.  That day we hiked the accent trail to Springer Mt.  Then we camped at the next gap.  The next day we hiked all the way to Gooch Gap and stayed the night there.  The last day we hiked over blood Mt. and got picked up at Neels Gap.  This was a pretty hard trip because we hiked about 10-15 miles a day.  I can't wait till my next trip.