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© Copyright 2006
by More Than Novellas

Part V

Mrs Brown
Nov 9, 05

Alone and more anxious than he’d even been in his life, Alex stumbled drunkenly through the black tunnel. The light from the torches Joseph and his friend were carrying had already disappeared with the faint along with the faint sound of their footsteps.

The light from his own torch seemed to be getting dimmer and dimmer. Alex hoped it was the batteries failing . . . and not his vision.

Step after step he struggled on, the tunnel seeming infinitely longer than the first time he traversed it. A wave of dizziness nearly overwhelmed him and grasping for the rough wall, Alex leaned back and waited for the floor to stop heaving.

If only he knew what was going on down there . . . what was happening to Ally. It couldn’t possibly be worse than his imagination.

Out of the silence a scream rent the darkness like a blast, ricocheting endlessly through the tunnels. Ally!

Every nerve in Alex’s body screamed in agony as he heard her anguish, yet forced himself to remain still.

“Oh, my Lord . . .” Alex’s prayer was a deep groan from his heart continuing until the silence swallowed up the wretched cry. “Dear God. . . protect her . . .”

His years of training hadn’t completely deserted him, and now he forced himself to think before moving into a reaction that could make things worse. Although everything in him cried out to run headlong to her, he knew there would be no point in expending the last of his strength in the effort.

He took stock quickly. He knew now Ally was alive, thank you Lord, and from the energy in that scream, unharmed. And horrendous as her scream had sounded, it had not been a scream of pain, but of terror.

And now he knew exactly where Ally was.

From a girl that had felt a gun in her back, been abducted and even shot at without losing her sang-froid, there was only one thing he’d seen that had made her react with irrational fear. The tunnel containing the body.

There wasn’t much time then. Possibly only moment until they reached the body, and the men had everything they came for, and no more use for Ally.

Once again Alex fought his instinct to run, and moved stealthily forward instead. Joseph and his friend were heading for exactly the right place, and they would be far closer than him - and well armed.

There was no way of knowing what would happen in the next few minutes, but Alex knew of one thing we could yet do might help Ally . . .

Rachel Waspe
Apr 25, 06

Come on Joseph, where are you? Ally winced as her feet were bound together so tightly that her blood supply was cut off. Now is not the time to decide to be late. Where are you when I need you?

"It's a pity that we don't have more time." The man tying the knots remarked idly. "This is one pretty bird! Wouldn't mind learning a few of her secrets."

The lecherous gleam in his eyes churned Ally's insides. "Don't—" She breathed furiously.

The slimy rat laughed and slid a finger down her cheek. "I don't suppose a few minutes will make any difference."

He bore her to the ground and Ally twisted furiously, trying to free herself.

Just as she thought she could fight no longer, a primal roar filled the tunnel.

Lorrie Baker
June 1, 2006

The man stood up. He released Ally and the rope. “What was that?”

Free of the man, Ally ran. She ran down into the cave. She forgot about the body until she tripped and stumbled over it.

Elizabeth Delayne
June 14, 2006

With her hands tied behind her, she fell.

And unable to help catch herself, tumbled into darkness.

Her last thought was of the body. That lay beneath her.

* * *

Alex listened to the commotion. The men were yelling at each other now, but their voices were bouncing every which way. He couldn’t tell where they were or what way they were heading.

But he was too weak to do much of anything but listen. His strength gone, he didn’t know what else to do. Ally was no longer in his protection.

God, he pleaded.

And heard the steps behind him.

Lorrie Baker
July 17, 2006

Alex turned. He expected to meet his maker. That had not been what he had meant when he had cried out to God.

Instead Ally’s brothers had returned.

Elizabeth Delayne
July 24, 2006

“What in blazes were you screaming like that for?”

Out of energy, Alex simply shrugged. “Have to save her ...”

“Where’s Ally?” asked Joseph.

Alex look down the cave where the light of his torch wavered.

Ally’s brother’s left him there, bleeding. He leaned against the cave wall and tried to find the energy to stand. It was gone. He was done in.

And Ally ... it was all his fault. If something had happened to her ....

He wasn’t sure what happened next. He heard the shouting and the firing of a gun. The moment of silence was so brief, he was surprised when the spies he were following appeared in his light.

But they were no longer a threat.

He looked to Joseph, who was with another man—this one, who looked like the local police, he hadn’t noticed pass him before. He held the gun this time, and the crooks, now handcuffed, walked passed him.

Alex ignored him and looked to Joseph. Ally’s brother dipped, and with the help of another man, helped Alex up, supporting him.

“Ally—“ he murmured, weakly.

“They’re bringing her up.”

“She’s not...”

“She’s alive,” but the tone of his voice signified much more.

The fear and worry broke him down. And he felt himself fall forward, only to be caught by the darkness.

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