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Chapter 35

© Copyright 2013 by Elizabeth Delayne

“You’ve been quiet today,” Tyler pulled her to a stop in the hotel lobby before she could escape onto the elevators. They’d made it their unofficial cut off point, though neither had even voiced it. Jamie was glad he respected her wishes ... was glad she’d met a guy who understood.

Anything, at this point, could be compromised ... even if it was only via the magic of film.

“I worried about what my grandmother said to you.”

“You’re ticked at me,” he said, holding onto her hand when she would have stepped away.

“No, no... I’m not mad. You took the time to charm my grandmother who thinks the world of you. But ... Tyler, she could have told you anything. Stuff that I might have told you later ... but stuff that isn’t intended for the camera. For the world. It just makes a girl ... I suppose it would make anyone nervous.”

“I’d say you should give your grandmother more credit, but really it’s me that should get bonus points. Jamie, I’ve been doing this for a very long time ...” he said on a half laugh, that left her no doubt that her grandmother had told him something. Something Tyler was presently keeping to himself.

“It’s not just me, but other people don’t need my grandmother’ opinions lashed out over the national airwaves.”

“As soon as I spotted Rose moving in, I redirected your grandmother. It’s easy enough. She loves the show. I knew that, but I’ll let you in on a little secret, which isn’t really a secret if you’ve been watching the show for the last half decade.”

“But there are cameras everywhere.”

“Not in my bedroom,” he said, his face solid.

“And your mike was on.”

“Not in my bedroom.”

She stared at him, suddenly shaken. Why wouldn’t there be cameras or mikes in his bedroom?

“Look,” he leaned in close, “I have ... dreams and sometimes talk in my sleep. And I don’t always know what it is I say-especially when I’m really tired. Exhausted. There are things from my childhood that...” for a moment there was a look of helplessness in his eyes. Whatever it was, it was something deeper and more painful than anything she had ever experienced.

And then, in a flash, the look was gone and he was just Tyler again. Her Tyler. “I can’t get into it but ... the producer’s have my solemn word that nothing is going down in that bedroom that is more interesting than that. It’s why I stay on the RV most of the time. Okay?”


* * *

Jamie walked into her hotel room with Rose and her camera behind her, vaguely noticing Thessa on the phone in the corner. Felicity came over and plopped down so that the bed bounced. “Have you seen what we get to do tomorrow?”

Jamie looked at her, registering the excitement slowly. “No-I just put the agenda in my pocket.

She started to reach back to pull it out, but Felicity handed over hers. “Check it out-we get to go shopping.”

“Shopping?” Jamie looked at the agenda, far more detailed then she had expected.

Felicity scrambled over and swung her legs over the edge of the bed to sit beside her. “Look major stores. Shoes, dresses ... hair. How cool is that?”

Jamie barely registered the names. “We’re getting a make over. For a Broadway show?”

“And dinner and dancing. All like ... swanky. Thessa picked that up. She said this is like a five star restaurant and there’s old-timey dancing like the foxtrot. And the waltz and those kind of dances.” “Is this a challenge or something?”

Felicity laughed. “Maybe... we have dancing lessons in the afternoon. My mom taught me the watlz and the Texas Two Step. She said I would need to know in college. Have you ever done any really formal dancing?”

“Sure, but I’m a follower and a counter. And I like to keep it simple. That’s my stride.”

“I think you have the chance of a good partner now, it always looks like so much fun when you have a good partner.”

Jamie managed a snort, knowing Rose was filming her. After the exchange in the lobby that had been so clearly caught on film, it would look strange to pretend otherwise.

“Tyler’s a really good dancer. In his third season, they had a last man standing dance. You would be perfect for that, you know. With having to be on your feet all day as a nurse.”

“It’s entirely different being on your feet all day as a nurse in tennis shoes and being on your feet for a couple of hours in high heals,” she pushed herself up and looked around the room for her bag. It was sitting on top of the dressing table besides Thessa’s like always. “Besides, if anyone can win a dance contest, it has to be Thessa.”

Thessa shook her head. “Last man standing isn’t about form or grace, it’s about conserving your energy and staying on your feet.”

“And how many miles do you run every day?”

Thessa only grinned-if she was going to play, she would keep her cards to herself, it seemed.

Jamie unzipped her suitcase, “Though, I don’t remember dancing with my heels on in college. We kicked them off and just danced.”

“I don’t think they’re going to allow that at this place,” Thessa said as she walked passed her.

“Probably not. Though, wouldn’t it be funny if that’s what gets us kicked out on national television.”

Thessa flipped the top of her suitcase open. “Things settled between you and Tyler?”

Jamie frowned as she absently shifted through her clothes, aware as always that Rose was in the room filming. “You know Tyler. He’s got enough charm to handle anything.”

Felicity snorted. “Took him a long time, this time.” When Jamie shot her a pointed look, she shrugged. “It did, that’s all I’m saying. He worked for it.”

Thessa looked over at her and reached over to squeeze her hand. She held it there, for just a moment. “You guys will figure it out. Im so glad it’s not me falling for someone on national television.”


Thessa laughed as she pulled out her pajamas. “Actually, he’ll probably figure it out first.”


The next morning, Jamie slipped out of her room with her cell phone, dressed casually for the day as had been instructed on their agendas. The khaki shorts and teeshirt were slightly wrinkled, she wore her hair up and flip flops. She couldn’t get any more casual then this.

She had made the effort to put on make up, though the camera had already been rolling before she even started.

At least she didn’t need to tiptoe around sleeping roommates. Though they didn’t talk, they had definatly established a rhythm. Felcitiy usually stayed in bed until Jamie was out of the shower and dressed. Thessa was off somewhere working out. That meant that as Felcity finished up, Thessa was back and ready for the shower.

And patterns, unfortunately, made it easy for the powers that be to plan.

Unfortunately Rose hadn’t followed Thessa this morning, anticipating a possible meeting between Jamie and Tyler.

Jamie walked to the elevator and pushed the down button, then turned grumpilly to Rose. “You know Felicity could actually do something interesting this morning and you would be missing it.”

She frowned and crossed her arms as she waited for the elevator to arrive. “And I know I’m supposed to be ignoring you. I don’t know why it’s so easy for everyone else to just ignore a camera that’s in their face all the time starting at 7 am. But I’m talking to you, because you’re here. Again.”

The bell clanged on the elevator and Jamie walked on as soon as the doors opened. She breifly considered pushing the closed doors button, but held back. That move would be put on film as well.

She couldn’t complain. The camera people had been good to her when she needed a chance to break down. That wasn’t a story they wanted to cover.

But this ... thing between her and the golden child of the series. That was serious. It was a story, possibly the story of the season, and now that she’d gone and promised Tyler a chance ... the truth was she still wasn’t sure of herself or the situation.

On the flight down, the elevator stopped twice, both times to pick up businessment in suits, toting luggage. They glanced at the camera and then at her, but did not seem at all surprised. After all, it was New York, she supposed.

Jamie managed a smile to them both, and tried to rein in her attitude.

So she said a prayer. It was the only defense she had.

When she reached the lobby, she headed to the buffet and grabbed an apple when she wanted a donut, then found an empty love seat in front of the television. Someone had tuned it to the weather. She watched the temperatures across the nation, noting that it was going to be a scorcher in Iowa-at least, for her grandmother’s sake.

She sighed when a cup of coffee appeared in front of her. “There’s the reason I left the room this morning.”

“The coffee and not me?” Tyler settled down beside her.

“I’m sorry, Tyler,” she took a sip and sighed. “It’s definately the coffee.”

He shook his head. “Well, hopefully you don’t mind my company too badly. I’m kind of excited about being here, in New York, with you. It’s my city, you know.”

“I know. Are you going to show me Tyler’s side of New York?”

“I’m going to play tourist. Just like you.”

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