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The Garden

Oh, what enticing pleasure awaits
Just inside those enchanting gates
I entered with a song, I entered with a dance
To be enjoined in Divine Romance

Encircled about by the fire of His love
Forever captured by the eyes of my sweet Dove
He then took my hand and led me away
Deep into the garden to discover, and to play

The rays of the Son were then cast upon me
Penetrating my darkness, enabling me to see
And with eyes freshly opened, in wonder, and delight
I gazed upon His creation, what a glorious sight

The flowers danced to the music of life
And the birds, the bees, the butterflies shared the sky without strife
I was drawn by the fragrance, by the peace of His scene
O heart, never wander from this place, pure, serene

Upon a soft carpet of green, we reclined
He prepared a banquet, we drank, and we dined
But what of that sound, that scurrying nearby
Something frightful, disturbing had caught my eye

The little foxes had come into the garden to play
To wreak havoc upon this wondrous day
But the Breath of my Lover, silent and sweet
Did chase them far from our garden retreat

The hours passed sweetly, treasures to savor
Memories to still me when my heart starts to waiver
My Lover renewed me, His Words healed my heart
He promised me never from my side to depart

My heart whispered to me, "from this place do not stray"
But my Lover said, "no child, here you must not stay"
From this place you must venture, impel others to come
So that they, too, can be touched by the Son

by Debbi Cardullo, A Christian Witness © 2001

e-mail her at Debbi Cardullo

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