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What is Gamer Central?
Gamer Central is a non-profit internet comapany dedicated to the full enjoyment of role-playing games by their players.

How do I play?
First you would contact a DM and set up a time when you could play. The DM will try to find other that can play at your specified time. In which case a game would ensue. At the first session, the players will make characters and share information on what type of game they are looking to play and what they would like to get out of a gaming session. After the first session, you will have a character created and your DM will begin creating his or her campaign. Ideas should be continuously shared as to your character's background to properly prepare the DM for your insertion into his campaign.

No, I mean will I need a joystick or what?
Well, the adventures are text based, but we will try to use as many images as possible to illustrate the adventure.

I have a great idea for a camaign but no outlet to DM it, can you help?
Of course! We can do one of two things. First, we can run the campaign for you under your guidance, or show you the best way to set up your campaign. Any information you need we can provide or at least direct you to someone who can.

I love your cause, can I do anything to help?
Well, yes. Actually, there are several ways you can help us out. Go here to find out what we need at the moment.

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