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Elinder is a hunter. He lives near the Northern Reaches with his wife and two sons. A good run of trapping and three days of work yielded enough furs to feed his family for weeks. After skinning and cleaning the furs and hanging them up to dry, Elinder and his family had retired into their brick adobe. Soon after dark, Elinder heard a rustling out by his shed, where the furs were hung. Thinking perhaps wolves or some animal preditor was trying to eat their catch, Elinder woke his family and they all got armed to fend off the intruders.
Not long after exiting from their home, the family was ambushed by a tribe of goblins. The vile creatures began tieing up his family, and with no hope of freeing them alone, Elinder fled to the nearest city, Tornar.
As luck would have it, two young travelers were in the town that night and they offered to help the woodsman. The three set out and were soon set upon by a band of goblins. Only three, that time....
As the group approached the woodsman's house, they saw another camp behind the house. Quickly, they dispatched of that small goblin party. Now they sleep, awaiting morning when they will venture into the wood to find Elinder's family and rid this area of the foul goblins.
~to be continued~

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