Subj: Fwd: <---Ëß Gang News Issue: #100 Part 4 of 10
Date: 08/19/1999 10:39:36 PM Eastern Daylight Time
From: CrazedMogX
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Subj: <---Ëß Gang News Issue: #100 Part 4 of 10
Date: 08/09/1999 10:50:20 PM Eastern Daylight Time
From: EBG Ness
BCC: CrazedMogX
EB Gang News
8-9-99 Issue 100 8-9-99
Written by: EBG
Editted, Decorated and Spellchecked by:
Here is 20 trivia questions to keep you all busy. I hope that you know most of them. At first, you have a limit of getting 7 right. After I read all of the responses, I'll make sure to go back to the other screen names so that you have a chance to get more right after everyone else has had a chance to answer some questions. Its fair to you and everybody else. Besides, I have been doing this system for a while.
Each of these trivia questions are worth 1 token or 1 promotion. Remember the rules above.. and you can get rich!!!
Last weeks Trivia
Who Am I?
Question: Who says "You have become greater than I! Your journey has just begun!"
Answer: Frank Fly
Winners: Caj8585, CanmanCi, EB0und, MichaelD9, EBG Dragon, KiddyKong, Jtom2cold, Boltfast11, MajinElf, Ranko15, Buckdawg23, Keatonmill
Winners of this trivia cI want a promotion for getting a trivia question right!!
I want a token for getting the trivia right!!
Where am I?
Question: Where do you see Kraken/Bionic Kraken
Answer: The ocean from Summers, The sea of Eden, The Past
Winners: Caj8585, EB0und, Boltfast11, Matingly22, Red64gamer,, GrouchoSix, Yesmanjr, Culex888, Fmbw15
Winners of this Trivia Click Below
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I want a token for getting the trivia right!!
EB Trivia
Question: Where all do you see the picture/icon of the Evil Mani Mani Statue?
Answer: The Credits, behind Carpainter, In Moonside, In Magicant, Busted in the Cafe, and in Alex's house.
Winners: EB0und, Boltfast11, Keatonmill, GrouchoSix, YesmanJr, LtcJoeAsA, Tmgiygas, LghtCrstl, TWS Hyena
Winners of this Trivia Click Below
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I want a token for getting the trivia right!!
EB0 Trivia
Question: When was Mother 1 released? Japenese Version.
Answer: 1989
Difficulty Level: 5
Winners: Biff714, YesmanJr, MIK042
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I want a token for getting the trivia right!!
Pokemon Trivia
Question: What is Ash's last name in Pokemon?
Clue: Ketchum
Winners: MajinElf, Biff714, Ranko15, RockyH75, Caj8585, Krzypimps, MichaelD9, Happy675, Bondluke00, Besser123, Onemagic1
Winners of this Trivia Click Below
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I want a token for getting the trivia right!!
*** The little word in ()'s tells you what type of question it is.
Music Trivia
Question: What song has made the most money Ever?
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TV Trivia
Question: How much money did ET make?
Answer: A cool 592 Million dollars over the times.
Winners: NO ONE!!! NO ONE!!!
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I want a token for getting the trivia right!!
Non EB Trivia
Question: Where did we get the names of the days of the week from?
Answer: After famous Romen Empires, Goddesses, Planets, Gods, All Roman
Winners: NO ONE!!
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Question: I have 3 apples. I give 2 away, Double the amount I have then.. Gain 6 more, Give 4 more away, Triple that amount of apples. Tripple it again, and divide it up into crates of 6. How many crates will I need?
Answer: 6 Crates
Winners: Bondluke00, EB0und, EBG Dragon, Jhill0630, Majin Elf, Neo Cid, StingKix23, KeatonMill,, Danman1024, YoJoe1223
Winners of this Trivia Click Below
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I want a token for getting the trivia right!!
(EB)- EarthBound
(NEB) Non EarthBound
(W) Wrestling
(FF) Final Fantasy ??
(MU) Music
(PKM) Pokemon
(EB) 1. What is the name of the club that owns the clubhouse in the forest in
Onett? Answer Here
(EB) 2. What was the name of Burglin Park in Mother 2? Answer Here
(EB) 3. What was the former occupation of the man in the house near the
Two-Three Tunnel? Answer Here
(EB) 4. What is the name of the drugstore near Snow Wood Boarding House? Answer Here
(EB) 5. What are the names of the mining brothers in Dusty Dunes Desert? Answer Here
(EB) 6. What are the names of the people in the slot machine in Dusty Dunes
Desert? Answer Here
(EB) 7. What is the name of the man that lost his contact lens in Dusty Dunes
Desert? Answer Here
(EB) 8. Who is the cousin of the nurse at the hospital in Summers? Answer Here
(EB) 9. What does the man sitting atop the rope at the Summers bazaar not mind? Answer Here
(EB) 10. If you start the game and let it run.. it starts doing some credits and showing parts of the game. What are all the places it shows in the intro?
Answer Here
(N-EB) 11. What number does not belong? 79, 88, 14, 54, 96, 44, 2
Answer Here
(N-EB) 12. What is the name and length of the longest river? Answer Here
(N-EB) 13. What is the name of Pluto's moon? Answer Here
(N-EB) 14. What is the NCC number of the U.S.S. Enterprise? Answer Here
(W) 15. Ok, what do Roddy Piper and Ken Shamrock have in common wrestling wise. Answer Here
(FF) 16. Name 7 things that AMERICAN FF II, III, and VII all have in common.
Answer Here
(TV) 17. What movie made the most money in the 1980s'??
Answer Here
(MU) 18. What DATE did Curt Kobain die? Answer Here
(PKM) 19. What is TM-05? Answer Here
(PKM) 20. What do the Japenese call Charizard? Answer Here
Last Weeks Non EarthBound Poll
What do you think of Assisted Suicide?
Assisted suicide is another big topic in the United States. Heck, I remember when my state Michigan was going to try to allow suicide to be legal. And I'll tell you something, it was the church vs. government in that one, and the Church one by an amazing 1,000,000 votes. But, here is what 5 of you think about Assisted suicide.
NeoCid's my thoughts on this. It's the person's choice if they wanna end it early. I don't think some damn politician should say that it's right or wrong to get help to kill yourselves. I also think this would help doctors make more money than they already doooo but :P
If these people want to die and a state official says no that's going to make the person depressed and want to do it even more...causing their whole plan of making it illegal screw themselves in the ass.
Uh...This may sound kind of weird but it's also helping decrease the number of people living in this god damn fucking over populated country of ours...sure, it may not be a huge number every year but eventually it's going to rack up and the government's gonna be real pissed off.
One last thing on this issue...if it's not legal in your state I believe (I think I might be wrong on this one) You can get your ass in a plane and fly to another state (or use another mean of transportation) and get it done there. AND THAT'S ALL I GOT TO SAY ABOUT THAT :P
Assisted suicide sounds terribly harsh. It's really hard to have an opinion on something like this. If somebody is just depressed then it might as well be called murder. In another case, say somebody is totally paralyzed and they need machines just to take a shit, then why shouldn't it be allowed? It's kind of hard to explain why one is different from the other, which makes a topic like this kind of tough. I remember from a few months ago where some doctor took a tape of him sticking a needle in a sick person, killing him. I also heard he is in jail now for doing this. WHAT THE FUCK? The guy, his whole family, and everybody else agreed that it's the best thing for him! I doubt, if somebody is just depressed that his friends and family would agree to have him killed.
First of all, the bad case scenario should not be permitted. There should not be any way for a person to help you end life, when you still have a lot of business to do. If you have 2 kids, killing yourself would only make it a lot tougher on them. They wouldn't have a source of income, any food, or any help to live by.
Second of all, for the hospital scenario. I think there is already a slightly different way of making it legal... I'm not sure, but I think you can fill out something called a Living Will, which means that if you are going to die without the help of machines, you can sign the Living Will so you will not get help from machines. This can be helpful in many ways. You won't be draining your family and insurance company of money, and you will not live the last few days of your life hooked up to machines in pain and have nothing to do.
So, my point on assisted suicide is this: It should be illegal. There are alternatives, like a living will, or just going on with your life, trying to fix the problems with it. Eventually, you will be able to get back from a bad time.
Let me tell you something....yesterday (Monday), my uncle committed suicide. He took a shotgun to his head and killed himself. Suicide is bad and painful enough. Why would you ask this in a video game newsletter? Still, I will answer it. Suicide is bad enough. Assisted suicide is dumb. You shouldn't pay someone to help you commit suicide. Suicide shouldn't even be a matter of help. If you want to commit suicide, think. Do you have a family? Is this the way? Do you have something to live for? Do you believe in God? I say suicide is very stupid and painful. It is somehow worse then hearing of somebody shooting another person. (If it was family) I am a 12 year old kid. This is what I believe. Thanks for reading this.
Assisted Suicide is not legal, and hopefully never will be. People whose bodies are unfunctional and on the verge of death should finish there life. With modern medicine you could be about to die from a fatal disease all hope is lost yet you decide not to die and to live for the short time you have left. the next day, they might come out with a wonder drug to treat that disease, even in its advanced forms. just think. if you had decided to get killed, you would have missed the chance of more time with your grandchildren, your children and your spouse. Even if they don't come out with a wonder drug, you should live out the last few days of your life. The doctors who assist these ill people, are they really doctors, or murderers. the dictionary defines a murderer as a person who kills other living things. Also, the first line in the Hippocratic oath (the oath all doctors have to take before becoming doctors. it was created by Hippocratese of ancient Greece.) is "First, do no harm." All the old writings and new laws go against Assisted suicide even from ancient Greece. Some people say we have advanced from that ere..... now, I'm not so sure they're correct....... How about you?
This Weeks Non EarthBound Poll
What do you think of Abortion?
Oh boy. I love just pulling out all these nice neat facts about everything that's nice. This week, I ask you about Abortion. To me, I think it is one of the worst things that can possibly go wrong. The only time I think an abortion is right is when the baby don't have a good chance of living and it puts the mother of the child at a fatal risk. Other than that, you should pay the consequences, or not have a child at all. But that's just me.. What do you think??
What I think about Abortion
EarthBound Gang Poll
Wow... A lot has gone on this week.. I guess I will break the ice to ya. I just have 5 poll questions for this part of the newsletter. I am not putting down Last weeks poll results, because I am using them as a comparison thing, but you will see the results soon.
How do you like Issue 100 of the EarthBound Gang Newsletter?
I loved it
I liked it
Its Ok
It kinda sucked
It sucked
Did you read/plan to read the WHOLE Newsletter?
Most of it
Just parts of it
Just trivia, tokens and ranks
Was the NL long enough for you?
Heck Yeah it was long enough for me!
It was just right for Issue 100!.
It was too short.
It was too long.
Did you have an article in this NL?
Am I doing a satisfactory job as Leader of the EarthBound Gang?
EBG-Ness in the Print
The following article is an editorial that I will write every week.. This has some swearing and suicidal references. So please, read at your own risk, and you read with the agreement that you approve of the swearing in this part of the newsletter.
This article is probably rated (MA) for Mature Adult. Reading ahead you accept all responsibility for what you read.. And I am not responsible for your actions or suicidal intentions after reading this article.
Hey Everyone! Today.. I guess we can start off talking about something that I like to refer to sometimes. The cosmic order of everything. This is a rather lengthy funny explanation.. But this is only for people that knows what the hell's going on in life. IF you are stupid.. You won't get this article.
A lot of people say that I am luckiest people online, while it is true that I get a lot of privileges and "popularity" that other people do not. Club leading is just one constant pure adjective of the word "Mean." Its the worst Fucking business I never plan to leave. Club leading can be constant hell. Anyone that has even been close to being in my shoes can tell you that club leading.. is for the bitchy ass neighbor next year with crust growing on her face.
Think of your everyday life in the world. If you think about everything you engage in, you will understand that you have a roll in life. Everyone, has a roll in life. Most are good, some are bad, but everyone does have one. You may be the working man that when you take out your date to a dinner, she gets the lobster, you get the cheese sandwich. Or, you could be the rich folk that just buys the restaurant.
Moreover, the goal to everyone's life is survival to the fittest. Staying alive and keeping alive and always trying to be the top dog. But Survival to the fittest has adapted over the years. Think back to 20000BC. The goal was to get food, get water, get shelter and that is that. Now here in 1999. The goal is to be the richest, and face it! Bill Gates is the top dog now, but put him in 20000BC and he would be taking peoples foot out of his scrawny ass.
Survival to the fittest also has to do with setting. Take a street fighter from Chicago, and put him in the Northern rich part of LA and see how he does. The way I see it is this. IF you take the king of the jungle, The Lion, and put him in Antartica, he is just a peingun's bitch. And that is true for any major move while trying to survive.
Some places are better than others, and that is why I love living in America. It is one pure place of freedom, democracy, and the rights of the common and everyday people. (Offer not available for some Indians, Arabs, Blacks, Women, or other group minorities, talk to your local leader for more details)
Finally.. some people don't know their rolls. Assholes don't know when they are Assholes and losers don't know when they are losers sometimes and this fucks everything up. Think about the following.
Think of Harrison Ford.
Think of you.
Think of Harrison Ford.
Think of you.
Once more. Think of Harrison Ford.
And now look at you.
Aren't you happy now that you know your point in the cosmic order of everything? Aren't you glad that you know where you fit into the chain of life? Because You bet your ass Harrison Ford does.
Of course.. this is what I think. I could be just as fucked up in the head as the person that read it. Seeya Next week!!!
What did you think??
The EarthBound Gang Newsletter
Issue 100
Monday, August 09, 1999
The EarthBound Gang