Subj: The EarthBound Gang: Introduction to NL 101
Date: 08/23/1999 10:55:46 PM Eastern Daylight Time
From: EBG Ness
BCC: CrazedMogX
EB Gang News
8-23-99 Issue 101 8-23-99
Lead by and NL writer: EBG
Dear EarthBound Gang Memebers.
Sorry for this small extra email, but I would like to personally convey to you 2 events that will be taking place. The first event is the newsletter. Because of School starting for most of us, with all the sports, and events that will be coming up. The newsletter will be only 4 parts long now. We will be getting rid of part 5 because most people will be too busy to read it. Also, there may be the occasional event where a NL may be a day late because of my Class Presidency and whatnot.
The club will not be degraded or fallen apart in anyway.
The second event I would like to convey is an event that has happened because of TMGiygas and SNESman64's stupidness. They made an Anti EarthBound Gang club. But because of a Sting operation with me and IHI E A D involved we were able to get there ENTIRE plan and eliminate them pernamently from the club.
This just goes to show you.. Do not mess with the club.. Or you too can get busted and face the possiblity of a deleted account and/or removal of other things.
Thank you and Enjoy the newsletter.