Subj: The EarthBound Gang: Part 3 of 4 of EBGang NL Issue 101
Date: 08/23/1999 11:02:24 PM Eastern Daylight Time
From: EBG Ness
BCC: CrazedMogX
EB Gang News
8-23-99 Issue 101 8-23-99
Part 3 of 5 of the EarthBound Gang Newsletter
Here are the Polls, Tell us what you knows, and the EBGang Lateshow
Lead by and NL writer: EBG
Earthbound Gang presents.....
Earthbound Gang Member Fightz!
Today's Fights include...
-The Debuting Bull218
-BRIAN DX and EBG Ness speak out about their confrontation last week.
-Jon ls God Battles EBGdboss
-And More!
BRIAN DX walks out to a chorus of boos as FogHat plays, with MogBacca beside him. BRIAN began to speak.
BRIAN: EBG Ness, me and Mog are done with you. We have bigger fish to fry! Tonight I book you EBG Ness against none other then....BEARBEAR13, screw you, have a nice life.
BRIAN DX and Mog are seen driving a hummer out of the arena.
Wild Wild West by Will Smith plays as Bull218 comes out in cowboy attire and started to do a little jig. The crowd hated this guy, guess the gay cowboy gimmick BRIAN DX gave him isn't working. All the sudden the lights went out.....
Its Matingly22! He's got a "Straight Outta Compton 4:20" shirt on! Matingly charged ino the ring and began to beat down the gay cowboy Bull218! Matingly grabbed Bull's neck as the crowd went nuts, CHOKESLAM! My god. 1-2-3!!!
Matingly22 d. Bull218 via pinfall in 0:23
The Onett Music plays as
EBG Ness appears on the big screen, he tells the audience he is still recovering from 2nd degree burns on his face. He also says that BRIAN's so called "World Champion" ChanneLZXP will face a mystery oppenet later on.
Jon ls God walks out to Jay-Z's "Hard knock life" with a tennis racket in hand and wearing preppy looking clothes, he said he was impersonating EBGdboss, with that announcement, EBGdboss stormed out and did battle with Jon, both clobbering each other with lefts and rights. EBGdboss grabbed Jon's racket and busted it over his head and scraped it up and down his foreheadm busting him wide open. EBGdboss was insane and kept mangling Jon with the strands of racket. Jon as passed out as the ref called for the bell.
EBGdBoss d. Jon ls God via Ref's decision
EBG Ness came over the big screen again while ChanneLZXP was already in the ring, EBG Ness introduced..................
~~EB Journal by CreamdCrn~~
Writer's Note: I felt really bad about this one, it lacks that special something.... but it had to be said. -Corn
There's always one or two in every chatroom. Every meeting you go to, you'll see a few signs of them. They may not show it yet, but they are there. The "Anti-EB" people, the ones who scroll the {S IM thing over and over, the people who bust into a room and leave, bust, leave, 30 thousand times. The people who write "SELLING POKEMON CARDS!!!" in a seemingly endless stream of stupidty. They all have one collective term; complete morons. The people who make you, in real life, say "Shut UP!" You hate them, they know you hate them, hell, they even know you know they know you hate them. In short, they Suck with a capital S. But this was never meant as a colunm for me to complain, it's meant for...well, I guess it WAS meant for me to complain... but this article will be different. I'm going to give those idiots credit. I once TRIED to be annoying in a chat. A MSN club meeting about half a year back, something really made me mad in the NL, so I took it out in the meeting. I didn't do too well at pissing them off, but it was fun. It's harder than you'd think to piss off everyone in a meeting. I'd say my greatest atempt at damaging the EB community was waaaaaay back in early 98, I think, a guy sent every shark member an e-mail. I read it and imediatley liked this guy's view. I sent him an E-mail and began to take part in one some will consider one of the biggest anti-eb campaigns. It would have probably taken down the comunity if it hadn't been for me. Let me explain. I talked with SeCtoRX19 alot back then, and the guy who started the anti-sharks movement sent it under the screen name "UNKNOWNED". Only 3 people know who that was. Me, UNKNOWNED himself, and UNKNOWNED's friend. After a few days of not doing anything, I decided to brew up trouble. I told Sector that I knew who UNKNOWNED was, and by the end of the day he had preid it out of me. It didn't do him much good then, but when UNKNOWNED came back, Sec crushed it by exposing him. UNKNOWNED was EB Expert. I have no idea what happened to him, but he eventually got back at me by winning a tournament. OAFrankFly held an EB triva contest that I slowly worked my way up. It was me and EB Expert, when OA gave a trick question. I don't remember it, but something went wrong. I think it was he only sent half the question, I answered wrong and then EB answered after he finished. Whatever happened, I should have been the winner, and OA tricked me into losing. If it was intentional or not, I don't know. Well, I'm straying again. The concept here is to insult those people in chats, so back to the subject. The ones that hit me hardest are the ones that proclaim things like
I HATE THAT!! THAT IS SO FREAKING ANNOYING!!!!! But it's not near as bad as:
"I heard a rummor about EarthBound______________"
Insert your own pathetic rummor in the blank. One I saw was some shit about a... snowman? I've even seen something about a Skip Sandwich DX DX, and another about a rocket launcher on a cat? Those are just gay. Now, it's almost impossible to do anything about this, unless we band together and stop the stupidity! I'm sick of stupid people, and appearantly any moron with a laptop and a modem can now piss me off 24/7 with e-mails, chats, or Instant Messages. Now, you know that if your reading this you fall into that cattigory, or have at one point in your life. Everyone experiences flashes of stupidty (mine seem to be just before I write this crap) lets just hope that people learn to stop experincing it when they are in chatrooms. Well, that's about all I have to say for now... if you people don't start e-mailing (, IM or E-mail me) then I'll stop writing. So, get in touch. That is all....
~~The history of VP#2 Aquaduck34~~
This is in place of tonights interview
Hi, This is AquaDuck34, you AVP (#1). I am writing an article to know more about me, because almost all of you don't know my history. In this article, I am gonna talk about my history of the Earthbound Gang, something every member should read, and a little about me. This probably will let you know more about the "Old School" EB Gang and also about me.
I was around the Earthbound gang since Issue #1, where the text was huge, and there was a purple backround :). If you didn't know, back then the newsletters were every single day! I was about the 7th member and I remember every little bit of the old days. OnettNess was in the GamePro chat room, bugging everyone to join his Earthbound club, scrolling like hell to join his damn club. I imed him, and I talked to him for a few minutes. Little did he know, I had no fucking clue what earthbound was. I never knew it was a game! So, he was like, whats your favorite character. I had no clue, so I said the main character... I forget hid name. He said Ness, and I was like ya thats it. Well, I could've cared less about the club at that point, I deleted the NLs because they were pretty weak. Well, in about a few weeks I went to a meeting, no clue what would be there, or who would be there. Well, all I remember was OnettNess was there, there was about 12 people there. The old chat room was "The EB Gang," as I remember. That chat, I remember I scrolled, got threatened to be demoted, so I just chilled then. I had a fun time though, so I started learning the game EB so I could particapate more. Well, a little bit later on, I started helping the club out tremendously. I was at like, all the meetings, and i practicly always talked to OnettNess. I soon moved up to about Orange Kid. I had my first goal in the club though, to get the Member of the Week. To me, back then it was an honor to get it, and I was determined to get it. So, I went to the GamePro chat room, and got about 20 members. I wasn't to high in the ranks, but I did enough to earn my first Member of the Week. I was wicked happy. Then, I got pretty lazy around the club. I found one of the greatest EB Gangers, NGuy6464 or something like that. He was the Member of the Year, if you remember. Well, I got really good friends with OnettNess then. A little while later, I started doing more for the club, and made the Official club Macro! Yep, remember the macro that just recently was taken off? That was mine. I got my second Member of the Week for that. Well, right around then I just kept getting members for the club. It was about onto the second year of the EB Gang, and I stumbled upon the link that changed the AOL world! Hehe, you know the Automatic linker? Well, I am the one that found it! Yep, after a period of time, I was back, and didn't care about the EB Gang. I was a Shark type person. Well, I stuck with the Sharks, and then, when OnettNess left leadership, I took the advantage and tried to end the Earthbound Gang. I was very successful, and Deafcon2 was about to give up. I just had the Earthbound Gang conquered. I had the member list, the EB Gang was practicly dead, there was a new leader, and I had the people with me. Well, one night, it changed everything. OnettNess, I and others had Deafcon conquered, and OnettNess demanded to drop the club. Deafcon showed he cared and led the club. Well, i just gave up then, because Deafcon was very dedicated. So, I went and tried to get some leadership spot with the Sharks. I got AVP, and I just didn't like the EB Gang then. I apposed threats. When BRIAN quit, I was moved up to VP. There I stayed for a while, until Matingly22 quit, and that left me as a leader of the Sharks. I had to much going on, so I also resigned, and went to AVP of the Earthbound Gang. I was a full peace then with the Earthbound Gang and Deafcon2. Well, here I stand, still AVP and working for the club. Definetly a highlight in my history!
Now, to learn more about me. My name is Steve, and I live in Massachusetts. I have 2 sisters, and a dog. Well, theres nothing more I like in my life other then my friends, baseball and biking. I have a fairly decent amount of friends, my age and other ages. I love using my computer, and AOL Program with VB. I also make home-pages. I live in a town not far from Worcester, MA. Actually, right next to it. Its an ok town, but my school grade sucks. No one knows how to have fun, well, almost. There are probably 25 decent kids that I can relate to, but I don't hang out with all of them. I sort of like to break the rules, like at lunch, we always do food fights, throw stuff out on the court yard, make loud noises, ect. I am only in 7th grade though. That has to be my highlight in life, which is to have fun. I am always getting in trouble. I love to wrestle, and watch wrestling. Its one of my favorite things. I fight older kids, so I am not a wuss. I fight highschoolers most the time, and get hurt a lot, hehe. I am kind of a freestyle biker, but I can't do many tricks. I like clothes from American Eagle, Structure, and other places. I would have to say my life is pretty damn decent, but I think I could improve on somethings. Ducks rule also. Not much other to say!
Anime Answered
By: Michael D9
Now that you have your tapes, what the hell are you supposed to do next?!?
Hey, everyone and welcome to another part of Anime Answered. I will discuss this week on what you should do once you have your tapes.
Here's the vocabulary for this week:
HOORAY!: The cheer you yell once you get your tapes.
Pretty short vocabulary for this week, huh? Anyway, the obvious answer when you get your anime is to watch it, but there is a lot more to it than just watching the anime. I know that I may sound like a psycho, but I'm not. After you get a chance to watch the anime tape (the whole tape), you should decide whether you really like the anime. I mean, why would you continue to watch a series that you hate. Anyway, you have to decide what type of anime you like. Here are some ways you can tell the different kinds of anime apart just by looking at the title. Let's start with Dragonball. Dragonball sounds really cool and doesn't sound like a love story at all. It sounds like an anime that's fast paced and exciting, which it is. I'll just put a table up so I can shorten the length of this article.
Dragonball - Sounds like a fast paced anime with lots of action.
Yu Yu Hakusho (AKA the Poltergeist Report) - Anything with the word Poltergeist in it is cool.
Sailor Moon - It even sounds like a girl show, but it's surprisingly OK.
His and Her Circumstances - Sounds like a drama with a love story line
Marmalade Boy - Just read the description for His and Her Circumstances
You're Under Arrest - Sounds cool and is cool
Every Day is Sunday - Neutral
Now, as you can tell, stay away from titles that sound like the name was chosen in five seconds. There is also one other thing you can do once you have tapes; open a fansub distribution service!!! I suggest that you do this once you have 20 tapes. If you need inspiration, look at other fansub distribution services on the internet at Let's get on to the letter that I received quite some time ago:
I thought your article was really good. I think it's ridiculous how much they edit stuff. I mean, I don't know if you watch it or not, but look at the Simpsons. Lots of the kids I know watch it, and look at what they say and do on that show!!!!!!!!!!
Now, he or she presents a wonderful point about the Simpsons and how that is completely unedited and is run at a prime time spot. Wrestling is even unedited and is also run at a prime time spot. I remember that Bart once pulled down his pants revealing on his butt "Don't Tread on Me". There is occasional swearing in the show also. If this can go on, then unedited anime can go on. However, most companies have been pretty good at showing the entire anime series without missing a single second. However, the anime that is shown on TV is horrible, and furthermore the tapes that the companies sell cost $20-30 dollars! I just don't have enough money for that.
Next week, I will be discussing the positives (yes, positives) of Commercialized Anime. See ya until then!
EBGNess's Top 10
"The Top 10 stupidest things ever said!!"
(NUMBER 10!) "There is no reason for any individual to have a computer in there home. ~~Keneth Olsen President of Digital Equipment ~~1977~~
(Number 9!) "Airplains are interesting toys, But have no military value." ~~Ferdinad Foch, French Military Stragest ~~1911.~~
(NUMBER 8!) "Man will NEVER reach the moon, regardless of any further technological advances." ~~Dr. Lee De Forest Father of the Radio ~~1967~~
(NUMBER 7!) "Television won't be able to hold on to any market it captures after the first six months. People will soon get tired of staring at a plywood box every night." ~~Darryl F. Zanuck, Head of 20th Century Fox.
(NUMBER 6!) We don't like the way they sound. Group guitars are out of style. ~~Decca Records Rejecting the Beatles in ~~1962~~
(NUMNER 5) For the Majority of people, Smoking actaully increases there health and attitude. ~~Dr. IAN G MACDONALD L.A. Surgon (Died of Lung Cancer) 1969.
(NUMBER 4) This "Telephone has no absolute value to us and has much too many shortcomings to become a standard of communication." ~~Western Digital Company turning down Alaxander Graham Bell. ~~1867~~
(NUMBER 3) The EARTH is the CENTER of the Universe. ~~Ptomley, Great Egyption Astromoner. ~~202~~
(Number 2) NOTHING OF IMPORTANCE has happened today. ~~King George III
July 4th 1776.
(Number 1) Anything that can be invented has been invented. ~~George Mesadea. Directer of U.S. Patents. ~~1889~~
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