Subj: Fwd: EarthBound Gang: The Newsletter- Part 1 of 5 Issue 98
Date: 08/19/1999 9:45:28 PM Eastern Daylight Time
From: CrazedMogX
To: CrazedMogX

Forwarded Message:
Subj: EarthBound Gang: The Newsletter- Part 1 of 5 Issue 98
Date: 07/26/1999 11:52:57 PM Eastern Daylight Time
From: EBG Ness
BCC: CrazedMogX

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::::((_((_____()::::((_((_______/ ::BEAR
:: '|__||' |__|| |____|__||

Issue 98 of the EarthBound Gang Newsletter
July 26, 1999
Check out the new newsletter Format.
Part 1 of 5
Only 2 weeks till Issue 100!!!



Special News from the EarthBound Gang

New Newsletter Format

What do you think of this new newsletter format? This is going to be the new format of the newsletter for now on. This way.. The newsletter is more organized, less irritating to peoples eyes. And it looks more sophisticated. I hope that you do like the newsletter, and if you have any questions or comments on the way the newsletter is now setup. Please email me and I will respond to you as soon as I can.

This newsletter format will allow you to:

1. Give us better feedback of what you think about a particular news article, rank, tokens, story, editorial. Ect.

2. Better organize things in the newsletter so that it doesn't get all confusing.

3. Make it that it is better colour coded.

4. Add more EarthBound Stuff to the newsletter.

Tell me what you think of the newsletter format!
Click here to say what you like about the New Format!

More information about the StarCraft tournament
After reading over all of the information that you have given me and your opinions about the StarCraft tournament. I will change a couple of things. Here were some Frequently Asked Questions.

Q. I am new to or my character keeps reseting. How can I participate in the Ladder Tournaments?
A. Well, We are making our own ladder, which after I am done with the EarthBound Gang newsletter, I will start a small simple webpage that I will use to announce all the winners and statistics.

Q. What do we win??
A. While I am not so sure on what we are going to win. I do have to tell you that the first ladder tournament is not going to be a high prize givaway. The first ladder tournament will be able to tell us how good each other is at the game. After that first month of games, we will THEN start awarding prizes.

Q. When does the Ladder Tournament Start??
A. We finally do have a set date. The Ladder tournament is set to start Augest 16th. That is when we will start the official ladder games.

Any more questions that I haven't answered? Send them here!
More questions for the StarCraft Tournament? Click Here.

Signing up for the StarCraft tournament
Here is the application that has to be filled out to join the StarCraft tournament. Please fill all of it out or it will either be sent back to you, or you will not be eligible to play. If you are new to the game, or are an ace of spades.. Join the StarCraft tournament today.

:::::---------------------Copy and paste below this line--------------------:::::
(((Please keep form letters GREEN and make your responses in RED)))

Screen Name in EarthBound Gang:

StarCraft ScreenName(s):


Expierience on StarCraft (Rating 1-10):

Times available to play:

Times not available to play:

Upcoming Vacations:

Do you have Brood War:

What do you prefer? Brood War or Normal StarCraft:

Have you participated in any type of Ladder Tournament:

What is your average modem speed:

Any Comments about the StarCraft Tournament:

:::::---------------------Copy and paste above this line--------------------:::::

Any questions about filling out the application or something you need help with?
Click here to submit an question about this application.

Meeting information.

We had an awesome meeting this week. Instead of having one meeting room, we had 2!! For now on.. during the EarthBound Gang meetings, if one room is filled, we will start another room. AOL is too cheap to allow us to have one of those nice confrence rooms. The meeting times, locations and other various information is listed below. Remember. If You are there when room 1 fills, you get an automatic promotion or token, and if both rooms ever fill!! You will get 2 more tokens or promotions. Just for showing up!!

Meeting Information
Room 1 is located in Town Square - Giant Step

Room 2 is located in Town Square - Luminum Hall

(((Only go in Room 2 is Room 1 is filled, or if we are dividing Trivia or scrambler games)))

Wednesdays and Saturdays
7:00 Eastern
6:00 Central
5:00 Mountain
4:00 Pacific

Question about the meeting times, happenings, events or anything else meeting oriantated?
Click here for questions about the meetings.

Message Board Information

Our message board is still runninng alive and well. Come check out the message board!! It is an awesome way to be able to talk to other fellow members! We have a lot of "Interesting" discussions on the message board, as well as an active message board being a great pride to a club.

Have a question about the message board?
Click here to submit a question for the message board.

Internet meeting will soon commence
Next week, we will be hosting another Internet meeting. A lot of the web people have requested that we do host a web meeting. Here are the details of the whole plan.

Date: Tuesday, July 29th
Time: 9:00 PM Eastern, 6:00 Pacific

You need to get the program MIRC. We will be on the undernet server at Chatroom #EBGang

New slam of responses!!

We have had a lot of people respond to the polls the polls this week. In particular, the Changing the colour of the newsletter got 134 responses this week! Good job and keep up all the good work. As we get more members.. I can't wait for the day that we get 200 responses to any given poll. Keep up the good work.

Keep those members coming!!

Keep recruiting those members!! We have 1,212 members right now, and I would like to say that almost all of the newly recruited members are active!! I know a couple of good recruiters are:

IHI E A D: with 121 recruited members this month.
Jon Ls God: with 61 recruited members this month.

Keep up the good work, and the top two recruiters ((Starting in August)) will recieve 5 tokens and 3 promotions!!

Corrections to Promotion and Token List is almost complete.

Finally in this long list of news. I would like to say that I think I have got most of the tokens and promotions straightened out. I lost about the last 20 corrections though, due to a good ole' thunderstorm that knocked the power out to my home. ((If you don't believe me... Look up Fridays Weather {Last Fridays} and check for the thunderstorm that ripped through Farmington Hills MI. And the tornado that hit a power grid 9 miles east of my home!) Anyway. I think I too even got those 20 corrected, so if I did forget.. there only should be a few. Let me know and I will send the final corrections of ranks and tokens during the big Wednesday meeting reminder.

Member of the Week Award!

This weeks member of the week is....

BearBear13 is getting member of the week for the following reasons:

He is assisting and actually making the EarthBound Gang Webpage.
He has helped me personally with the javascript and such.
He is the VP of the EBG.

You may say that because he is the VP of the EarthBound Gang, that he shouldn't get this award. But I want to tell you that he has worked hard for it, and he is quite deserving of the award. Officers are very unrewarded for there work, and thank god that they do work for us. Keep up the good work Bear!

The Ranks of the EarthBound Gang
Hello Fellow members. I am here to tell you that I am going to go through and start demoting people due to inactivity. This is because the club is rapidly expanding and I don't want all my hard work for nil because I am doing things that some of the club don't want to participate in. If you just participate in the club and show that you are still the least bit intersted in the EarthBound Gang, then you will not be demoted at all, and everything will be fine. Just fill out one poll result or something and you will NOT be demoted.

(((((((((Also. I think I got it fixed!!! The ranks that is. Lemme know. I may have missed 1 or 2 due to the power outage.))))))))))))

~EBG Ness

OA Frank Fly

OAFrankFly has been a great member to the EarthBound Gang. If I am not mistaken, he has been in this club longer than my 1 1/2 years. He has helped with many projects such as Jeopardy and beating us all in trivia. He has gotten us many member's in Onettness' time, and has been Member of the Week (((6))) times! His work shall always be remembered as he is the first Apple of Enlightenment.


CanmanCI Bondluke00
Fmbw15 Harisn AKA: Giygas
MogtheRB Saintmoose
Daboom1357 MaulikD Speed86701 IceburgX4 AKA: CHeO Stormguy5 Johnie2001 Spcymetbal Venis108 Gretel09 BABSEE3 IKOVV
Reelbig9 Adrieweth Happy675 Goldkman64

Dr. Andonuts
ANTDuble07 BABSEE3 Barret82 Bdog676 BLAlien Caj8585 DEMON300
Gi Joker42,
IHI E A D Jhill0630 JohnMcCeb Jon Ls God Ltjg Lotus LtcJoeAsA HighWind55 Lic2kil002 Link340254 Loma359 KempJ40 Matingly22 MibXXagent Ness3Toad NinerPratt QUIDHOC TheN64Pro Sabin Cole SkitzZero ShaBam84 Slimbobway SonicCBD TCBCA Vgamer64 Vertgo4731 Yesman Jr Yogi52o

Adriewth, Aeryn55105 Anime566 Carlos1236 EB0und ESea560 ExtremeTNW Happy675 Jago77777 PoliceN64 Rampage 6x Rasberrian SephiroFF7 SwAmPie DX

DaCyberDoc EBJeff98 Keatonmill Madman 912 MIK042 Moondoggey Snesman64 WorldF3 Yoshi7753

Brick Road
AznOppaAzn Cardfan212 DaBoom1357 Culex888 DanMan5769 Elena1999 ESegoura GoLdGuY5 JTom2Cold MadDuck710 NycBartS23 StarFox479 VGl090388 Xusic

---Great Ranks---[29]

Frank Fly
Bluegoo26 Chattercid DavKirk Dsanz98 EBGDboss KiddyKong Mog694 TmGiygas

Bubble Monkey
BaSkEtBl01 ChrisNRB1 Dack113485 DEDKENDS KiddyKong LuNaR mAb M8466 MGSegaM RhinoBlast RustySerfer Silver Ldr

Tessie anticloud Cougar1120 Joeslop Hollyhood KRISO2000 NerHerder4 StarFox165 Tcashio Teslacoil5

---Good Ranks---[58]

Flying Man
AirDogg43 ChrisTaz11 Condoor1001 Cyboars FishHead12 Majin Elf Ness s 2nd Nikolai64 PolsVoice1 Quantium ShyGuy6758 Y2Ksquare1 Zmog

Hungry Digger
Biff714 Cdyfoxster Efflerdk, MadDuck710 MCkkMUshi RaGeizHeRE Reaperx16 Roadhawk19 Raicool15 SKATEB1015 SNIFIT 9 Trick8950 Trunks253

ANT Centra ANT EBWiz Bomber7190 Chris88876 Bean390 Bogardfury
NeoCid NessJeff11 Orbit X92 PackrzLovr Poopyneck PrettyDM Ranko15 Sasukeninj Soccer9479 YshiKraken

Mr. Saturn
AdidasKAK Alloran1 ANT MWE ANTRPGSPY Astrodude0 Bowser05 BubsyRacer Bug25Bug CBABQ3 D1sk D3pthChrge FF8Legend FZERO128 Goro177856 GReeNDay66 HHHHBKDX11 Hiro Kyoto IBAPest IVallies Kjleftin MarioBros7 Milenko840 NOA4evr NUS4U OnettNess6 Ones111111 RedArwing Soceye386 TAPHREEK Vadered WaldoThe WarlensT WRBlaster Wonkey9 XXWCM2

---Average Ranks---[107+King]

Airicman AirHead539 ANTMarlins ANT SpOoNs Besser123 BJIL Buckdawg23 Patbuns, CHRKID88 Dabomb1357 DengarSW,, Dragon6163 Georg15216 Giygas HarvMoon10 IKOVV Jade 3567 JBomb99101 Jomama1357 JEE345 Lakitu7 LaundryHag Littlejr12 Luigi64Man Missymint Mog Kupo0
Mr Cool 8 Nickpi PixyMisa Rebel12762 Ricky7878 Ridus195 Sailr1Vnus SeaMnky999 SEE Tony StopperMJS SuperMK622 RyanPC2 Treyman355 TUROK64407 WarlensT Yo joe1223 Yakko786 Yeerk543 ZangZip Zorak 501

Lier X. Agerate
AerisFF7PS Ash 12325376 AL E OOP64 ANT bobbyB ANT Fox6, ANT ob1 ANT SpOoNs ANTwalkman Aust200 Baker2581 BaRrEt4279 Bball14008 BIFFCAKE Brett0801 BTWooten Bulma89145 bullion14 Chicbull19 CocoboSage CreedII Cyrill FaBomb1357 GETTINPLAC JamesBob02 Jjamese JoHnGolf01 Jordan1400 Jomama1037 JSilber970 Kwalka Keeper132 LaingGod Linz8641 KNiCkS226 KLWSurfer Link3182 Magicawe Master6684 Melvin500 Michaelff3 Mrshmlwbrd MrWillGuy Mystic7X NATHENDO1 New York35 NOA4evr PackrzLovr PSXprotctr PSI Magnet PSM200 Quackor781 Red jewel7 Rocky H75 Samurai Phl SHAUNSOLO1 SimSpy007 Skyfall87 Slinky829 Smoomluvr Snooky6445 Spyder4787 Tacoking2 TajGenie Tarzan3349 TCBCA TDavis3011 Tmktr TomBond006 UGN Pro VanHorn185 Venis108 VoltronFan Weothie WOLFPACRZ1 WytSakura Zi Mog

(Starting Rank) [650 app.] (All unlisted members are this rank)

~~How to Gain and Lose Tokens and Promotions~~

How to Gain Ranks and Tokens:
Show up at the meetings
Participate in the newsletter.
Win the monthly contest.
Do special things for the club.
Send me downloads I don't have.
Send some Logo's for the EarthBound Gang Newsletter.
Write an article for the EarthBound Gang Newsletter.
Just behave.
Be Active.
Have fun!

How to Lose Ranks and Tokens:
Make me angry with you for doing something bad.
Make other members angry for you doing something bad.
Do not participate for an long time.
Raid or disrupt the process of an EarthBound Gang meeting.
Recruit False Members.
Anything else that is deemed distasteful or disruptive to the club.

How to get Apple Kid
Do something special for the club.
Hold the rank of Dr. Anodunts
Submit 15 tokens for the rank.
Be in the EarthBound Gang for 3 months.

How to get Apple of Enlightment
Be an Apple Kid for 3 months.
Be Member of the week at least once.
Submit 15 tokens for the ranks.
Be voted in by the members of the club, the leaders, and others.

~~~Tokens of the EarthBound Gang~~~

Like I have said before. A storm has hit my house.. and a few mistakes were still not corrected. If yours was any of these mistakes, please be sure that you let me know by Wednesday. After Wednesday, unless another mistake by me occurs, The ranks will stay the way they are and no further pass corrections will be made.

(To see how to earn tokens, please read the above list.)


Antmarlins-1 YshiKraken- 3 SkitzZero-1 Caj8585-2 MikroKow-2
Happy675-8 Daboom1357-6 Yogi52o-2 IHI E A D-3 Greenday66-2
WorldF3- 3 Nessjeff11-2 IceburgX4-2 Bullion14-2 Neocid-2
MaulikD-2 Gretel09-7 Condoor1001-2 EBGDboss-2 Yoshi7752-3
Kylin69-2 AntEBWizDx-2 Biff714-2 LtcJoeAsa-3 JonLsGod-4
CanmanCI-3 BearBear13-2 Moondoggey-1 Vgamer64-3 GBCkid98-1
Aquaduck34-1 GoldKman64-1 OaFrankFly-12 Ness3Toad-1 GenoSk8er-1
GamingDog-5 Onemagic1-2 Reelbig9-2 TCBCA-1 Harisn-2
YesmanJr-3 Loma359-3 Ridus105-2 MibxxAgent-1 Jhill0630-4
Lys6-7 Buckdawg23-2 Whammo12-8 EB0und-2 Mishima23-2
Bdog676-3 Lic2kil002-8 Baseba6192-1 Crxwhite-2 BlAlien-2
Melvin500-2 Canmanci-1 Laundryhag-1 Icebergx4-3 Cdyfoxster-1
Barret82-1 Bondluke00-2 Madman912-12 Slimbobway-3 Krzypimps-2
CBABQ3-3 MichaelD9-1 Bullion15-1 Starfox479-1 KempJ40-1
Yoshi7753-2 AppkidIq99-5 Skulryk-1 JamesB0070-2
Mikro Kow-2 Vertgo4731-6 Patbuns-3 Soccer9479-1
Sonic CBP-1 Bomber7190-1

To report any Token mistakes or if you have questions about tokens, Please Click Here.

Updated List
15 Tokens
Yo-yo ($2.99) 003
Pack of Pokemon (Customizable Card Game) 10 Cards 004
Dart Gun w/ accessories 005
Cap Gun w/ caps 006
Water Gun
Small Lego Set 007
Kneaded Eraser 008
Upper Deck Basketball Cards 009
Upper Deck Baseball Cards 010
Upper Deck Football cards 011

25 tokens
Pokemon Pikachu- Poke bouncer 012
Pokemon Mewtwo-Poke Bouncer 013
Inflatable Kickball 014

50 tokens
$10 (Yes, real money!) 016
Talking Charmander 017
Talking Pikachu 018
Talking Mewoth 019
Zelda64 Player's Guide 020
Earthbound Player's Guide 021
Pokemon Player's Guide (Blue version) 022
Pokemon Player's Guide (Red version) 023
Yomega Brain Slammer ($26.99) 024
Earthbound- The Game 025
$10 Gift Certificate to Media Play 026
$10 Gift Certificate to McDonald's 027
Any CD $12.99-$18.99 028

75 Tokens
Super Soaker 1500 031
Nike Hat 032

90 tokens
PokéBlasters- Squirtleand evolved forms 033
PokéBlasters- Charmander and evolved forms 034
PokéBlasters- Three Pikachu 035

150 Tokens
Zelda DX (Game Boy) 036
Pokemon Red (Game Boy) 037
Pokemon Blue (Game Boy) 038
Game Boy Camera 039
Yoshi's Island (SNES) 040

300 tokens
Game Boy Pocket 041
Turok Dinosaur Hunter 64 042
Quest 64 043
StarFox 64 044
Monopoly (Play Station) 045

500 tokens
Super Smash Bros. 046
Super Nintendo System 047
Sega System 048
GameGear 049

1000 tokens
Sega DreamCast System 050
Nintendo 64 System w/ choice of any 2 games 051
Play Station System w/ choice of any 2 games 052

You all will be able to redeem your tokens in about a week or two, I have to get the web page up and have it all set up so that you guys can do the proper forms. The stuff we send you won't be used or be from Funco Land, (Except the Nickel) If you have a decent prize idea that you want to see up there, tell me about it and I MAY put it up there. Mail me for ideas or suggestions.


This is the end of Part 1.
Yet the newsletter has just begun.
Make sure that if you have a interest at all.
To make it so that we all see what you think in Part 2.
And make sure for a lot of rewards. To come to the meetings.
Finally... Recruit more members!! We want 2000 by the year 2000.



EBG NESS...:::~~
Leader of the
EarthBound Gang
1 K member's and growing every day!
EarthBound Gang Message Board

Giant Step- Our meeting room

EarthBound Gang WebPage

You reap what you Sow: Jules Verne

Subj: Fwd: EarthBound Gang: The Newsletter- Part 2 of 5 Issue 98
Date: 08/19/1999 9:45:48 PM Eastern Daylight Time
From: CrazedMogX
To: CrazedMogX

Forwarded Message:
Subj: EarthBound Gang: The Newsletter- Part 2 of 5 Issue 98
Date: 07/27/1999 12:01:44 AM Eastern Daylight Time
From: EBG Ness
BCC: CrazedMogX

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::::))_))_____ ::::))_))_____| | '| __ || | ||__| ||
::::((_((_____()::::((_((_______/ ::BEAR:: '|__||' |__|| |____|__||

Issue 97
Monday, July 26th, 1999
The Various trivia is fun!
Part 2 of 5 of the EB Gang Newsletter!



The meeting rooms are not the ones as listed. They are the following.

Room 1: Giant Step

Room 2: Lumine Hall

Thank you.

EBGang Progress

Here is the new updated list of the EarthBound Gang. All things are as they were before I left to my other home beacuse of the storm at home. I will try to update you with more information as I get it. And we are trying to get that prog done. We know that there is a lot of you that want it!

BSS MultiPlayer Network- Shut down for future consideration
EarthBound Gang Multi Use Prog- 95% complete.
EarthBound Gang Database Project- 100% complete.
Earthbound Gang Domain- Switching to
Earthbound Gang Quad Lingual Webpage- 25% Complete.
EarthBound Gang, Enemy Database Project- Complete!!
Earthbound Gang DD Setup- 15% Complete.
EarthBound Gang Version 1.5 of the Webpage. 80%
Earthbound Gang moving to 40%
Earthbound Gang 2nd Prog. 40%
Earthbound Gang Java Chat room. 100% complete.
EarthBound Gang Customizable Game. 12%
EarthBound Gang message board. 75%
EarthBound Gang Internet meeting setup: 75%


Last Weeks Votes

~~~EarthBound Vote~~~

Last week was an interesting poll I think. I asked you what you thought about how EarthBound64 should be created. Should it be in the 2D SNES setup where it was simple to control, navigate, and explore. Or, should it be in the 3D field where it is harder to explore, navigate, and control, But the world offers you an more interesting realization and living expierience?

Personally, I think that I would like the 2D system better. If we can base a whole club on a 2D based Character... Why not again? But the polls speak differently.

The Actual question: Should EarthBound6 be in a 3D viewed landscape or a 2D viewed landscape?

3D: 64
2D: 49
Total Votes: 113


~~~Non EarthBound Poll~~~

Last week was another interesting issue. What do you guys think of Curfews? Are they good or are they bad. For the majority of you that voted... It was a good thing that they are around. In my opinion, they are good, but they should allow certain things in certain cases.

Last week I also said that I was able to go out at 2:30AM or so and go to the local 7-11, and I wasn't busted because I am the class President. All of what I said was true, but I left out one very important fact. It was the night before homecoming, and we were staying up to make sure that our float wasn't ruined by other classes/upper classmen. I guess that if you do indeed behave in school and earn the rank of Class President.. It gives you special privlages. But I don't know if I could do it again on any given night.


(Non EarthBound Poll)
Curfews, or not?

Yeah, that is unfair, I think it's all stupid. I mean, our parents should be the ones to give us the curfew, not the police. Ever think that some people in this club have even more strict curfews? Like 10:00 or 9:00. Well, my parents don't care, but I don't like not being able to go places with my friends past 11:00, but sometimes (If yer lucky) the person won't mind. BUt there are still those (Yes, there are some adults that love for teens to get in trouble) people that have a problem with you. So I say curfew should be gone. But it's not my choice.

Sonic CBP
In a sense, it's both fair and unfair. I personally think
that curfews are quite unfair. What's wrong with being
outside with your friends after 10:00 pm? Nothing. But
there's not much we can do about it. Sure, most adults think
it'd be easier if we all met in the day, I can see that
point. But what's so important about being out after 10:00?
NOTHING! There are very few cars out that late (unless it's a
big city.) Luckily, though, I don't live in a town with

Personally, I think that the curfew law is a good idea, and I'm probably the only teen that thinks this way. It's not as if you are completely banned from going outside if you're young. Exceptions to these curfew laws do exist, allowing kids to legally stay out late if they are:

Accompanied by a parent, guardian, or adult;
Participating in a religious, educational, or political activity;
Responding to some type of emergency; or
Returning home from a school, cultural, or recreational activity.
Running an errand for a parent or guardian;
Working or going to or from their place of employment;

Basically, this covers everything except illegal activities. Most people that aren't doing the above things and are out past eleven or midnight are probably doing something wrong. EVen if you're just hanging around, you don't need to be idly loitering, anyway. It's just asking for trouble. Now that I'm 17, I'm not affected by it anway, and all of my friends are my age and older, so what do I care?

I'd like to say this about kerfews (yes, i'm sorta
an insomniac too...) They make no sense. It's another way of
the government trying to become everyone's parents. The
government does it almost every time something happens. They
just overreact and take it out on the teens. (Thankfully,) my
town doesn't have a kerfew, but I know about a lot of things
I'd miss out on if we did. For example, I usually go to the
movies with my friends once in a while. We usually pick a
movie thet gets out around 10:00, then go to eat at Denny's,
have a good time, and get picked up. Nothing bad at all in
that, just that we lose a little sleep (and we choose a
Friday or Saturday to go, so we can make up for it.) With a
kerfew, we wouldn't be able to do any of that stuff. Even
though we'd just be waiting for a ride home by 11:00-11:30,
we'd eventually be cauget.
Another thing that is wrong with kerfews are the
kids that don't like it, and purposely break or bend the
rules in opposition. Kids just mad at kerfews, who normally
don't stay up late, would go out later in rebellion. Some
might just taunt the cops into coming after them, then
running back to their houses, while others could get violent.
Sooner or later, everyone would be against kerfew, and
plotting a way to end it.

Curfew laws are VERY fair. Curfews were put in place to help
stop illegal acts commited by teenagers (ie Gang activity,
break ins, robberys, etc) and most people don't need to be
out that late anyway, it's not like we're allowed in any
night clubs. In fact, i believe there should be for police
officers on parole for breaking curfew. Of corse, I am saying
this mainly because if i got outside after midnight and take
a walk in the park, there's a good chance i'll be found
floating in the river the next morning. Oh well, that's my
two cents.

Is it fair to eliminate people's rights to stay out late?
Well, that's a tough question. Of course I love staying out
late, I'm alive at night. However, when you have to think of
dangers in the street, you don't want people crying over your
grave. I would have to say it's fair that people need to be
in houses at 11, or in cars, or whatever, but not roaming the
streets... It's for protection, like a seatbelt. I just
don't think there should be a penalty for being on streets,
just get brought back to your house.
On a lighter note, I don't think it's fair that you get to
wander around at 3 in the morning because you're class
president... In my city I know the class president gets
hunted down because he's hated! HAHAHA!

I personally think that curfews are unfair. The reason most
being is because it's very prejudgemental to think that just
because kids arent 18 or whatever means that they are going
out to cause trouble. Now I will turn 18 in September,
However, I remember being like 14 or 15 and being really
upset when people would treat me like such a child. Many
lawmakers have obviously forgotten what it's like to be a
teen, We are much smarter and are much more aware of reality
than given credit for. In fact, I think that if there were no
curfews, There would be less crime. My theory on that is
because many teens will think "I am gonna be out this late to
be cool or something". Then they will sneak out and end up
doing something illegal. Being a night person myself, I Find
no big deal at all with being out late, in fact, it's alot
funner. Society needs to calm down. Teens arent evil.

I think in someways its fair and someways its unfair. Its
good to have a curfew for those people who are little
terrorists and come egg your house and vandalize it but it is
unfair for those who are good people and just want to hang
out late at night, but i don't have to worry about it that
much anymore because i live out in the country, but at my old
house in a subdivision, i had to worry because my family
lived in an area where there were mean kids staying up late
that could really do some damage. This issue is kinda hard
for me to say.

Tough for me to say, as I have no idea when the curfew in my town is (YES, I HAVE A LIFE!). The police don't really care. In my opinion, curfews are useful. In some cities it's dangerous for kids to be out at night. I think that the curfew and how much it is enforced should be proportional to the area. The curfew should be earlier in Detroit than in Brookline, and more heavily enforced. It may suck when Blue Boy kicks us out of the park at 1 a.m., but in some cases, it's for our own good.

Curfews are totally unfair, and unjustified. Nobody can force us to go inside at a certain time. That is just wrong to me. In my opinion, it takes away our Civil Rights as americans. Why should we have a curfew, anyways? The law wouldn't work at all, and it would only make more trouble. It would only make staying out late even better, and more exciting. Does anyone know why smoking and drinking are so "cool"? Because it's the wrong thing to do. Us teens love to piss the adults off, so why wouldn't we want to continue the trend with curfews?

~~EarthBound Gang Poll~~

The results for this poll is still being tallied up. This was not a direct EBGang poll, so this was beyond the EBG's control. Please wait until next week when we find out the favorite moves of the Super Smash Brothers.

~~This weeks Polls~~

~~~EarthBound Poll~~~

This week I want to ask you a kind of large poll about EarthBound 64. Please answer the YES and NO questions about the game. It should take 2 minutes to complete the poll on a 14.4k modem.

Should the Characters be the same in EB64? Yes No
Should the Setting be the same in EB64? Yes
Should the Story Line remain the same in EB64? Yes
If YES on #1. Should the Characters look the same? Yes
Do you think that EB64 is ever going to be released? Yes
Do you think that EB64 should be on the DD system? Yes
Do you think that EB0 be moved to Gameboy? Yes

Thank you for doing this poll. It will help me in further issues!

~~~Non EarthBound Poll~~~

More people are beginning to take interest in these polls. This week I would like to ask you about Emulation. If you have the least bit of computer knowledge, you would know that there are something known what Emulators and ROMs are. For those that do not know:

Emulator: A device that acts, transforms, or mimics another system. Such as a SNES, N64, PSX, NES, ect.

Rom: A game that is used in an emulator. Such as SNES EarthBound or N64 Zelda.

The question here is, Should these be legal?

Look at both sides of the issue. If it should be legal, then that means that you are depriving the rewardment for all the hard work that people put into there webpages. That means that the people that made the game won't get paid and so forth.

A good side to it though is that you can get games for free. ((Which again has its issues on "Stealing.".)) But ask yourself this. What about Mario 1 for NES. Why go buy it for $ 1.00 at FuNcO LaNd when you can go and download it off the internet. Why go search around for that hard to find SNES game which you will probably never see when you can click a button and get almost a perfect duplicate copy of it.

As it stands right now it IS illegial for you to have these devices and software on your computer. Whether you are a novice to emulation or a big time ROM and EMU collector.. What do you think??

Click here to submit an editorial on Emulation


~~~EarthBound Gang Vote~~~

This week we vote on something that would affect the club in a minor but significant way. I have recieved 6 emails to change the "Theme" of this club. Right now.. As you can tell by its title, the theme of this club is EarthBound.

This is the argument that he wrote:

"EBG Ness, I would like for you to vote on changing the theme of the club. EarthBound is an old game that no longer has any merit value. The game is going into its 6th Year of existance and I can tell that even you are having a hard time basing your club on EarthBound."

Well. I disagree with him, but agreed to do the vote. To me, I could run the club whether is was based on RPG's, Videogames, or EarthBound. I think that shedding 50% of our EarthBound Theme is enough and that we will do fine.

I do think however, that I could broad band this club more if I had more to base it on. It's up to you members what you want to do.

I have come up with a quick 3 stage plan to make the change if so it happens.

Stage 1: Vote whether or not to change the theme of the club.

Stage 2: Pick the new theme and vote on the theme.

Stage 3: Vote to finalize the agreement.

We are at Stage 1. Do we Vote to change the theme or not??
Yes, we should change the theme of the EarthBound Gang

No, we should not change the theme of the EarthBound Gang


Dear members. A lot of you have seem to have forgot that there can only be 10 winners per trivia question. ((With the exception of Pokemon Trivia which I allow around 20.)) Please keep that in mind before you email me telling me that YOU got a trivia question right and didn't get credit. Chances are that you did... But wern't one of the 10 choosen.

~~~Last Weeks Trivia~~~

Who Am I?

Question: Name 3 animals/creatures that can poison you in the game!
Answer: In reality.. there are many answers. But a few you may have put are:
Zombie Dog, Desert Snake, Gigantic Ant, Plauge Rat of Doom, ect.
Winners: Slimbobway, Buckdawg23, Caj8585, Kid of Seph, Patbuns, Yeerk543, ApplekidIQ99, GrouchoSix, Snesman64, Mik042

Where am I?

Question: Where do you have to use the Eraser, Eraser??
Answer: The stonehedge starman base.
Winners: Gamingdog, YesmanJr, MichaelD9, Slimbobway, Caj8585, Link340254, Tmgiygas, Ridus105, Skulryk1, Adrieweth

EB Trivia

Question: How many people are sitting and standing around in the lower right hand corner of the screen, in Jeffs dormitory?
Answer: 4
Winners: YesmanJr, Caj8585, KidofSeph, Bullion14, Link340254, Adrieweth, ChrisNbr1, MajinElf, GrouchoSix, Mik042

Non EB Trivia

Question: What is the deepest part of the Alantic Ocean called?
Answer: ((A lot of you gave me the deepest part of the PACIFIC ocean as the answer, the "Mariena Trench." that answer is WRONG.)) The answer is "The Purto Rico Trench."
Winners: Baseba6192, Slimbobway, Adrieweth, CBABQ3, OaFrankFly

Various Trivia
For those of you that did the Various trivia. I am going to check each one DIRECTLY. Therefore you should recieve an direct email response from me by Wednesday.

Thank you.

TV Trivia

Question: When did the Starwars Episode IV come out?
Answer: LOL. ((Clue was purposly wrong this time to see how many Star War Groupies we have.)) The answer is "Summer of 1977."
Winners: Aeryn551105, Caj8585, Tmgiygas, CBABQ3, Gretel09, Johnie2001, Hawk568846, ApplekidIQ99, RyanPC2, Yogi52o,
Bondluke00 <--- Would have thought somthing if he didn't get it.

Pokemon Trivia

Question: What is Pokemon #84 on the Pokedex?
Answer: Dodou
Winners: IHI e a d, YesmanJr, HHHHBKDX11, Baseba6192, Patbuns, Astrodude0, Happy675, Jhill0630, Caj8585, KidofSeph, AntICloud, Krzypimps, Seetony, Majinelf, Efflerdk, RyanPc2, Iceburgx4, Harisn, Mega64, Soccer9479

Music Trivia

Question: What song is this From "Somebody Once Told Me The World is Gonna Roll Me I aint the Sharpest Tool in the Shed?
Answer: All Star
Winners: Aeryn55105, IHI E A D, Yesman Jr, Goldkman64, IceburgX4, Buckdawg23, Slimbobway, AntIcloud, Skulryk1, Kjleftin

~~~This Weeks Trivia~~~

Who Am I?

Question: Who says "What a cute yellow backpack?"
Clue: It is in the 1st Half of the game.

Click to Submit Answer

Where am I?

Question: Where do you get the cloak of kings?
Clue: It is in the 2nd Half of the game.

Click to Submit Answer

EB Trivia

Question: How many rocks in the game can you talk too?
Clue: ---> Higher than 2 Lower than 10.

Click to Submit Answer

Non EB Trivia

Question: What is the deepest part of the Alantic Ocean called?
Clue: It has the word "Trench" in it.

Click to Submit Answer

Various Trivia

Question: I am going to name a list of 10 words. Tell me what they have in common:


Click to Submit Answer

TV Trivia

Question: Name the Brady Bunch Family.
Clue: If you include the nanny... There are 9. If you don't... ((Which you will still get credit.)) You will get 8.

Click to Submit Answer

Pokemon Trivia

Question: At what level does Charizard learn Flamethrower?
Clue: Beat's me....

Click to Submit Answer

Music Trivia

Question: The Beetles... A famous group. What was there first album?
Hint: This is a hard one.. and you guys yelled at me for giving you such an easy question yesterday. So... No clue for you.

Click to Submit Answer



I want a promotion for getting a trivia question right!!

I want a token for getting the trivia right


Part 2 Conclusion:

Estimated time to do 2 parts of the newsletter: 5 hours 15 minutes
Estimated time to do Part 03 1 hour
Estimate number of Emails this week: 1603
Number of member Join's this week: 51
Number of Quits: 13
Percentage: About 450%
Estimated time to proofread two parts of the newsletter: 33 minutes
Number of meeting hours logged: 12 hours.
Number of members in the club: 1302
Number of active members estimated: 455
Number of people that attended Wednesday meeting: 61
Peak Meeting Attendance for Wednesday: 38 members in 2 rooms.
Number of people that attended Saturday meeting: Unknown
Peak Meeting Attendance for Saturday: Unknown
Longest EBgang Meeting recoreded. (3 or more people) 15 hours 23 minutes.
Average length of EBGang meeting (Official): 4 hours 30 min Aprox.
Approximent cost of running EBGang for 1 month: $45.00
Approximent cost of running EBGang for 1 month in Y2K: $70.00
Subj: Fwd: EarthBound Gang: The Newsletter- Part 3 of 5 Issue 98
Date: 08/19/1999 9:46:10 PM Eastern Daylight Time
From: CrazedMogX
To: CrazedMogX

Forwarded Message:
Subj: EarthBound Gang: The Newsletter- Part 3 of 5 Issue 98
Date: 07/27/1999 12:08:00 AM Eastern Daylight Time
From: EBG Ness
BCC: CrazedMogX

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::::((_((_____()::::((_((_______/ ::BEAR:: '|__||' |__|| |____|__||

Issue 98
Monday, July 26th, 1999
Have fun, Be young, Do the Mario!
Part 3 of 5 of the EB Gang Newsletter!



I told OaFrankFly that I would run this article for one more week. Sign up for easy tokens!!!!


Your resident AoE, OAFrankFly, is organizing an NTN Trivia tournament on the Kids Only channel. Here's how it will work...
You have until the 31st of July to sign up with OAFrankFly. Between August 1 and August 5, you will send in screen shots of your best scores for a full game to OAFrankFly. The top 32 will move on to round one. It is a double-elimination bracket match, with rounds proceeding as follows:

Winner's bracket:

Round 1: August 8
Round 2: August 9
Round 3: August 10
Round 4: August 11
Quarterfinal: August 12
Semifinal: August 13

Loser's bracket:

Round 1: August 14
Round 2: August 15
Round 3: August 16
Round 4: August 23
Round 5: August 24

Quarterfinal: August 25
Semifinal: August 26

The final round will be between the winner of each bracket, and the final score will be the total of three games by both of the contenders.

Final round: August 27

I will see to it that the winner gets tokens, and possibly promotions.

To join the NTN trivia contest. Click here!!


Earthbound-The four kids
Updated Progress as of this week!

- No
* Updated
^Long Giygas Midi
^Pokey Music
^Pictures of Ness's Dad (Thankue All) Keep Sending to!

*****SEND to*****
Other Screen Shots
$Inside houses
$Places where the sound stone records

*****SEND TO*****
$Dalamm Wav/Midi
$Wierd music Wav/Midi
$House Music
$Cave Music
*****SEND TO*****
Pictures of Houses
$Houses from Onett(Including yours and Pokeys)
$Houses from Twoson
$Houses from Winters(Drugstore,Boarding school,Tents,Andonuts lair)
$Houses from Dalamm
$Randam Houses
*****SEND to*****
$-+More than 50 Enemies (Including New ones)Before there was 5!
$-+New battle system! before there would be over 1000 forms!
$-+Might need to put files in drive C:\


EarthBound Screw
up by EBGNess

Here is a good bit of tidbit of infomation that you would like to know. As you know, I love not giving you all the information to something. That is why I am going to tell you that in the players guide.. there is a screen shot where Ness is NAKED!! Thats right!! Naked. This is due to the fact that in Magicant in the Japensese version. Ness is Naked. They do not have the same ethnic and values as we do.


EarthBound Gang Interview
Tonight: We welome Jon Ls God

EBG Ness: Welcome to the EarthBound Gang Interview. Tonight we interview EBG AAVP #2 Jon Is God!
EBG Ness: Hey Jon!
Jon ls God: Hey EBG
Jon ls God: How you doing?
EBG Ness: All right I guess.
Jon ls God: Yeah? Good.
EBG Ness: So, What are you up too?
Jon ls God: Making the EBG website, working on some other sites.
Jon ls God: ::sigh:: im starting to feel the effect of no sleep..
Jon ls God: hehehe
EBG Ness: Thats cool. I hear you have a lot of cool plans for the EBG website.
Jon ls God: Yep...
Jon ls God: I plan that'll attract a lot of users, club-goers and not.
EBG Ness: Anyway. You own your own web page creation company. What is that like?
Jon ls God: Tough. Lotsa clients this summer
Jon ls God: But if you want a website, email Jon Ls!
Jon ls God: ::shameless plug::
EBG Ness: Really. How many have you created to date?
Jon ls God: I think about 10+. About 6 business's and 4 personal...but I do charge.
EBG Ness: Making good $$$???
Jon ls God: Yep -- around 3000+ this summer.
Jon ls God: >=]
EBG Ness: That's awesome.
EBG Ness: Anyway.. We are going to play a little game.
EBG Ness: Something I have never tried...
EBG Ness: I am going to name off a person, place, or thing.
Jon ls God: I like games.
EBG Ness: Tell me the first thing that comes to your mind.
Jon ls God: K.
Jon ls God: ::cracks knuckles::
EBG Ness: The Sharks.
Jon ls God: HAHAHAHA
Jon ls God: oops.
EBG Ness: BrianDX.
Jon ls God: >=]
Jon ls God: Pimp with a limp.
EBG Ness: EBGNess
Jon ls God: The kid who suffered from a power outage.
Jon ls God: And a big pimp.
EBG Ness: Oh... Um. EB0und
Jon ls God: Hmmm -- i dont know -- he tryed, I guess.
Jon ls God: Not hard, but he tryed.
EBG Ness: Hmm.. OaFrankFly.
Jon ls God: Sorry Dave... power-crazy maniac.
EBG Ness: Matingly22
Jon ls God: The biggest pimp on AOL.
Jon ls God: He sold his hoes on Ebay
Jon ls God: >=]
EBG Ness: Thinks... Ahh!! Nah.. BearBear13
Jon ls God: Bear is awesome -- he tries for this club with his busy schedule..
Jon ls God: That shows a lot about his type of character.
EBG Ness: JonIsGod
Jon ls God: Yes?
EBG Ness: What do you think about yourself?
Jon ls God: Oh..
Jon ls God: >=]
Jon ls God: This is going to take a while...:
EBG Ness: Hmm. So are you into Anime?
Jon ls God: The man with an idea for designing the future..
Jon ls God: Do i like anime:?
Jon ls God: Of course...
Jon ls God: I also plan to educate the EBG on some anime -- perhaps show them and reccomend some.
EBG Ness: And do you lead a club a club of anykind?
Jon ls God: Oh yeah.
Jon ls God: An RPG/Anime club called Role Playing Elite
EBG Ness: Hmm.. Wanna advertise for it now?
Jon ls God: Not cutting down on members right now.
Jon ls God: I really only want RPGers and Anime watchers who want to make an effort.
EBG Ness: Oh. Good Idea.
EBG Ness: Any concluding things to say to the EBGang?
Jon ls God: Umm, I enjoy being at the top of AOL, earthbound wise...
Jon ls God: And I am very glad you thought of me for AAVP.
EBG Ness: Well cool. This is EBGNess signing off.

~~~Pokemon Pinball Review~~~

Pokemon Pinball is very much like the original game, with the exception that it is in pinball form. It even stays with Pokemon tradition. For example, there are two boards, one Red, one Blue, and you can catch Pokemon on the blue board, that you can't on the red board. You also get to go from city to city, once again you can catch some Pokemon in some cities that you can't in others. And some Pokemon you can find practically anywhere. For instance you can find Pidgey and Weedle almost anywhere. Pokemon Pinball is a fairly easy game. Even though it's easy to the Pokemon, some Pokemon can be very difficult. Getting to the second and third area, on both boards, can be a little bit annoying, because, in order to get to the second stage, you have to get all the Pokemon in the first area. And to get to the third area, you have to catch all the Pokemon in the second area. The Blue board has a different configuration than the Red board. To some, the Red board's easier, but to others, the Blue's easier. If you have any questions or comments, e-mail Lys6, or Whammo12.

Your Authors,
Lys6 and Whammo12

Rasberrian's EarthBound Weekly Walkthrough

If you are stuck or need help Email me for a hint. Anyway, here's my walkthrough!

Rasberrian's Twoson Travel Steps:
*Go to the Hotel and talk to the gut in the lobby sitting at the table. Keep talking to him and soon he will give you $50. Use it however you want.
*Go to the top floor of the department store and buy the slingshot.
*Go to Burlin Park and fight Everdread. He is on a roof.
*Go to Apple Kid's house and give him $200 and an item of food. Then you can get the reciever phone and the broken machine.
*Go to Peaceful Rest Valley near the Bus Station and "check" the iron pencil statue.
*Now return to Twoson and as you exit the cave you will get a call from Apple Kid.
*Go meet Apple Kid in Burlin Park, under a tree in the bottom left hand corner. Get the Pencil Eraser from him.
*Return to Peaceful Rest Valley and use the Pencil Eraser on the statue. Now continue on to Happy Happy Village. On your way the presents include a travel charm, a luck capsul, a croissant, a bomb, a cup of life noodles, and a hard hat.
*Go to the north shack and talk to Paula behind the bars. She will give you the Franklin Badge.
*Defeat Carpainter and get the Key to the Shack.
*Free Paula from the shack and get her levels up. Equip her well too also when you get back to Twoson.
*Before you go, go into the eastern cave and deafeat Mondo Mole to get the 2nd Sancuary Location melody.
*Return to Twoson and bring Paula to her parents. You will get another Teddy Bear from her room and a Hand-Aid from her mom.
*Go see Everdred and he will give you the wad of bills.
*Talk to Lucky and the other Runaway Five person outside the theature and get the Backstage Pass.
*Go in and talk to the girl near the dressing room door in the theature.
*Go in and talk to the Runaway Five.
*Go out and watch the performance.
*Go see Poochyfud, the manager. Give him the wad of bills to free the Runaway Five.
*Go in their Tour Bus and head to Threed once you are ready and stocked up.

Battle Tip: Everdred
If you can't afford to loose hamburgers use PSI for a quick win. Otherwise, Bash.
Battle Tip: Carpainter: Use your best PSI Speacial on him as much as possible. save the rest for LifeUps and Bash him to his missery. He should be easy with the Franklin Badge. He could even kill himself!
Battle Tip: Mondo Mole: Use Paulas PSI Freeze and Ness' special. If all else fails you can wait to get Jeff or even Poo and come back and whack him flat.

Helpfull Hints:
1) Buy lots of fresh eggs($12) in the park and wait until they hatch into chickens. Then you can sell them for $110. Good way to make money!
2) If you don't feel like going to stores to sell your items buy the For Sale Sign in Burlin Park.
3) Butterflys appeaer sometimes in certian places over and over so if you find one of those places, it is a good area to level up. Just keep going away and coming back for butterflys.
4) If you give Orange Kid money it will be a mistake. You will get a machine called the Suporma that plays a tune, Ode to Orage Kid, and then brakes.
5) There is a bike shop were you can rent bikes and honk your horn by pressing R. This make transportation easier, however, before you head to peacfull reast valley, return it, because two people can't ride on it at the same time.
6) When buying weapons and protection looks down at your characters status(HP/PP) and if it is flashing buy it. If it is regular of black there is no need to buty the item unless it is not a weapon or armor.

Until Next Time, This is Rasberrian signing off!

Subj: Fwd: EarthBound Gang: The Newsletter- Part 4 of 5 Issue 98
Date: 08/19/1999 9:46:31 PM Eastern Daylight Time
From: CrazedMogX
To: CrazedMogX

Forwarded Message:
Subj: EarthBound Gang: The Newsletter- Part 4 of 5 Issue 98
Date: 07/27/1999 12:12:19 AM Eastern Daylight Time
From: EBG Ness
BCC: CrazedMogX

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Issue 98
Monday, July 26h, 1999
Live it up!
Part 4 of 5 of the EB Gang Newsletter!



Earthbound Gang Fightz

The Stage is set

- The former Sharks leader, the BEST Sharks leader
OnettNess - Former EBG Leader with a bad attitude
EB0und - Current Sharks Leader, a giddy fellow
EBG Ness - Current EBG Leader, The BEST EBG leader?
Nikaoli64 - Former Sharks Leader, Man or Women?
BRIAN DX - Hated Former Sharks Leader, looks for Revenge!


Sector comes out to "Loser" by Beck, the crowd goes nuts as we see ChanneLZXP, AquaDuck34, WorldF3 and other EB Community members in the audience, WorldF3 threw a piece of cheese at SeC, SeC went nuts and tried to jump over the guard rail at him but security stopped him, SeC entered the ring as the crowd was still going wild.
OnettNess made his way out to "Slim Shady" by Eminem, Onett recieved a mixed reaction. He entered the ring and had a stare down with SeC, but referee Shane McMahon, kept things in order.
EB0und came out to "Janie got a gun" by AeroSmith, the crowd booed like hell, a few signs read your killing the Sharks. As EB0und prepared to enter the ring, a crazy fan jumped over the guard rail and jumped him knocking him down, Security quickly pulled the fan off to reviel it was JON IS GOD!
EBG Ness came out to the Onett music. The crowd loevd him and Ness soaked up all the applause. As Ness entered the ring, Shane McMahon had trouble keeping everyone in order, there was a ton of egos in the ring!
Nikaoli64 came out to "Bitch" by Meridth Brooks. The Crowd had to reaction and the arena went silent, Nik had a confused look on his face as he entered the ring.
There was only 1 more person left to go when suddenly.........
::FogHat plays::
BRIAN DX walked out with 4 S.W.A.T. members around him as he began top speak on the mic
BRIAN: Everyone in that ring right now, are losers! ::Crowd Boos:: Shut up! Now the way I see it is that I shouldn't have to go down there and break a sweat to prove to everyone I am the best EB Community leader ever ::Fans start throwing things at BRIAN:: Oh and OnettNess, EBG Ness over there said your the worst EBG Leader ever and you suck.

All the sudden the two men who were predicted to side together were battling! Onett was giving Ness the beat down of his life! While the Sharks leaders were standing in the corner where they were having a tea party!?! But Wait......

::Big Pun's I'm not a playa I just crush alot blares::
ITS FATTY AND JON!!!!!!! They're beating down all the Sharks leaders. BRIAN is still on top of the ramp with his swat team.

::Lights go off::

::Lights on::
ITS CHANNELZXP!!!!!! AND TWSHEYNA!!!!!!!! AND AQUADUCK34!!!!!!! They're teaming with Jon and fatty and they are beating down all the leaders!!! They have cleared the ring, they're all giving a mean look at Brian! Brian is walking down to the ring!!!!!!

::BRIAN enters the ring and hands everyone hundred dollar bills::


::Jon and Fatty go to the outside and grab EBG Ness::

BRIAN: Well Deafcon, its time for my revenge!!!!!!!!!!


EarthBound Gang Top 10.

Top 10 About the EarthBound Gang!

10. The Leaders Rock ;)

9. Our Meetings Rock!

8. Our Newsletter is the best in the buisness.

7. Almost everyone loves our token system.

6. What about the StarCraft Tourney coming up!!

5. We are huge!! Whats to say about that.

4. Our webpage(s) are going to rock.

3. I can beat you all at Scrambler :)

2. We got the awesomest members.. With all types of attitudes. (SEE MB)

1. I dunno... I love to give out all those promotion and tokens and so forth!!

Wrestling with Aquaduck34!!

Nah nah nah nah, nah nah nah nah, oh hell ya, good bye. McMahon is gone! Is he gone for good though? Fully Loaded Results and lots more!


At Fully Laoded, who will win: Austin or the Undertaker?
Undertaker - 13 - 2nd Place
Austin - 46 - 1st Place
Total: 59
Winner: Austin
Conclusion: McMahon will no longer be seen on the WWF
Truth: Austin Won

New Poll:

Stone Cold Steve Austin vs. Triple H: Who would win?

Steve Austin
Triple H


-McMahon is gone! He went out with everyone singing the Goodbye song, brought to you by Austin and Jim Ross.
-The Millenium Countdown is actually till when Jericho comes. He will most likely be called the Millenium Man.
-Triple H on his contract, states he will win the WWF Championship. Will it be against Austin though?

I haven't followed WCW, e-mail me if you can do the news for it.


1. True or False: Sting on the 7/26 Nitro teamed with Hollywood Hogan.

2. What is Steve Austins real name?

3. True or False: The Hardy Boyz Regained there tag-team titles at Fully loaded

4. What is Stings finisher?

5. What is The Big Show's Finisher?

Send your Quiz to me, AquaDuck34!

Quiz Results:

Name 2 Brothers in he WWF
Kane and the Undertaker
The Hardy Boyz
Christian and Edge
(Those were all exceptable).

True or False: Kane was the fake deisel

What is Chris Jerichos finisher?
Lion Tamer

What is Goldbergs finisher?
JackHammer (His follow up is the spear)

Name X-pacs finisher

Winners: BuckDawg23, RyanPC2, Cobain5643, Kid ofSeph, Condor1001


Internet Wrestling Federation
(A Wrestling Fed ran by OAFrankFly. Join by posting!)
World Wrestling Federation

Mickfoley.netWCW.COM -- IT'S OUT THERE

Fully Loaded Results:

-X-pac and Road Dogg defeated Chyna and Mr Ass to Claim the name Degeneration X.
-The Acoylites defeated the Hardy Boyz to win the Tag Team Belts
-Triple H defeated the Rock to be the #1 Contender for the Belt.
-Jeff Jarret defeated Edge to win the IC Belt
-D`lo brown defeated Mideon to win the Europeon Title
-Big Bossman Defeated Al Snow to win the Hardcore title
-The Big Show defeated Kane
-Ken Shamrock defeated Steve Blackman in Iron Circle Match
-Stone Cold Defeated the Undertaker to regain the Champion Title


EB Focus:

Who is it:

Plauge Rat of Doom

The Plauge? I saw that movie!!

Well.. So did I and I didn't like it. He isn't that hard to kill at all, and if you got a high up leveled Ness. Then all you have to do is Paralyze or Flash him!

Where is he?:

He is the Sanctuary Location where you get the Carrot Key located in Fourside.

Is he strong?

Not really... Like I said before. If you are leveled up enough, he is quite easy. I killed him at once with PSI FLASH B or 3rd. And you can paralyze him if your luck is up there. The higher the luck.. the higher the chance of paralyzing him.

Anything else?

Not really.. He is easy as hell. Just watch out. Odds are that he will get a lot of SMAASSSHHHH hits on you. Further more, The other enemies in the cave can really wear you down. So keep it up and use the room with the fairy to your advantage!


NON Earthbound Focus


Dave Mirra

Who is he?

An extrememly good biker.

What's cool about him?

He is sponsered by Haro, which makes really good bikes. He is a good rider in all aspects of the sport.

That's cool, What else?

In the last 5 years he has won th egold medal in all bike related events, except for one, in which he won second. He is a great guy to hang around with, and he always throws a piece of his equipment into the crowd after riding.

Written by: IHIEAD.



~~Some Jokes from Lic2Kil002~~


Top ten quotes to use when someone is "stupid"

#10 The wheel is turning but the hampster is dead
#9 Its hard to believe he beat out one million other sperm
#8 If u stand close enough u can hear the ocean
#7 If he were any more stupid he would have to be watered twice a week
#6 He has two brains one is lost, the other is out looking for it
#5 The gates are down, the lights are flashing but the train just aint comin'
#4 He has a photographic memory but with the lens cover glued on and no film
#3 He is depriving a village somewhere of an idiot
#2 He would be out of his depth in a parking lot puddle
#1 I would not allow this person to breed

Top ten things Clinton would say if his credit card was rejected

#10 I swear i mailed the check along with my tax return
#9 Just wait Hilary will run for office and the donations will be pourin' in
#8 Buddy the dog ate my paycheck
#7 Im still paying off my tab with Heidi Flice
#5 I spent my paycheck on some really great cigars
#4 I keep loaning Janet Reno money for hormone treatments
#3 Sock the cat ate my paycheck
#2 Two words "Attourny Fees"
#1 My bill is over due... i thought u said "Will i have sex with u"

Top ten potential Monica Lewenskey movie titles

#10 200 cigars
#9 I know who u did last summer
#8 Shes all fat
#7 Servicing Private Ryan
#6 Youve got tail
#5 Mighty Blow Young
#4 Plump Fiction
#3 A civil side action
#2 Citizen stain
#1 Kenneth Starr Wars~~Episode one: The Phantom Penis

Top ten peeking tom complaints

#10 Ken Starr calling every day asking what u saw
#9 Seconds after i settle in under Richard Simmon's window, the other Telletubbies find me
#8 People who dont use Windex
#7 Put camera in public restroom and all u see is george micheal
#6 Cant convince Polish toms it aint peepin when u lookin in a mirror
#5 Just as jane doe #3 removes her clothes i get arrested by trailer park security
#4 Cataracts
#3 Cant see whats happening in Madonna's bed room for all the guys
#2 Getting fat by staying home and watching all the wild internet cams
#1 Stained Glass


Mr Right: Wishes all disagreements could be settled as quickly as possible
Mr Wrong: Wishes all disagreements could be settled in a steel cage

Mr Right: Writes a poem compairing you and your love to a flower
Mr Wrong: Writes a 40-page rambling manifesto comparing your love to that of Roseanne and Tom Arnold

Mr Right: Keeps a picture of you on his nightstand
Mr Wrong: Keeps posting doctored, nude photos of you on the internet

Mr Right: Takes you home to meet his parents
Mr Wrong: Claims he cant because of that "crazy court order"

Mr Right: Gets mad when your ex-boyfriend says "hi"
Mr Wrong: Punches your dad out when he calls you "honey"

Mr Right: Walks you to the door
Mr Wrong: Walks you to the door... ...of the bathroom stall

Mr Right: Says he'll die if you ever dump him
Mr Wrong: Vaguely mentions that someone will die if you dump him

Mr Right: Wants to know absolutely everything about you
Mr Wrong: Seems mainly interested in learning your cash machine P.I.N. #

Mr Right: Sets your sister up with his best friend
Mr Wrong: Winks and mentions that he has plenty of love to go around

Hope ya liked it!!!

That is the end of Part 4.
If you get pic's. You get 1 more.