Well, the reason I am writing this is because my old computer used to crash every 30 minutes. And, this NEW computer I bought, came with a faulty motherboard which died after 5 minutes of having the computer on. I believe that we as a technological powerhouse(or Japan) should be able to produce computers which will almost never crash, and have safeguards to protect from doing anything which could destroy the system. All we have today are cryptic warnings of "May impact other programs" and various other things, then what do you know? The blue screen of death appears, or you get various other error messages flashing up every 4 minutes. Even after you wipe your HD and reinstall everything perfectly, somehow the problem continues, even though the hardware is fine.This seems slightly strange to me, that after reinstalling countless times the same errors would continue. It could be Windows98(They would release it with bugs to make us buy Windows98-Second Edition or Windows 2000.) or it could be bad luck, or the evil plots of the dark entity known as 'Bob'(which is true in my case). And why must error messages give you no help at all? "Access Violation at 95989:58274:582849849". Great. nice help. Why not say what CAUSED it to crash? Or how to fix it? Or anything? Anything is better then many numbers that I have no idea what they mean. Maybe we should all hate mail the computer companies until they can meet our(my) demands. I want a computer that will crash only twice a year!