Subj: Fwd: The Sharks News - Issue 63 Part 1
Date: 08/19/1999 10:28:15 PM Eastern Daylight Time
From: CrazedMogX
To: CrazedMogX

Forwarded Message:
Subj: Fwd: The Sharks News - Issue 63 Part 1
Date: 08/08/1999 8:35:36 PM Eastern Daylight Time
From: CrazedMogX
To: CrazedMogX

Forwarded Message:
Subj: Fwd: The Sharks News - Issue 63 Part 1

Date: 07/21/1999 8:36:44 PM Eastern Daylight Time
From: CrazedMogX
To: CrazedMogX

Forwarded Message:
Subj: The Sharks News - Issue 63 Part 1

Date: 07/03/1999 7:46:59 PM Eastern Daylight Time
From: EB0und
To: EB0und
BCC: CrazedMogX

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|Ż\_________ /:||____|::\ '|____||___|:::|__'||__'|:::| \__'\||__ |:'| \___\:|Ż\_________ /:'|
\'|:::::::::::::::::|::| \::::::\::\ \::::::::\\::::\:\ \::::\:\::::\:'| \::::\\::::\| '\:::::\:\'|:::::::::::::::::|::|
\'|:::::::::::::::::|:| \:::::::\::\ \::::::::\\::::\:\ \::::\:\::::\:| \::::\\:::\| \:::::\:I'|::By: SeC:::|:|
\|::::::::::::::::/ \::::::::\:I \::::::::\\::::\'I \::::\'I\::::I \::::\\:::I \:::::\I \|::::::::::::::::/

A Weekly Newsletter for all Sharks
***Click here to be removed from our mailing list***

July 3rd 1999
Issue 63

Table of Contents
-Part 1

[Club News]
[Message Board]
[Sharks Webpage]
[Quitting/Changing Screen Name]
[Editorial Response]
[Kit's Warning for the Potato People]
[The Duck's Wrestling Journal]
[End of Part 1]

-Part 2
[Intro to Part 2]
[Shark Rankings]
[Legendary Sharks Note]
[Shark of the Week]
[Shark Hall of Fame]
[Tokens Information/Games]
[Shark Interview]
[End of Part 2]

-Part 3
[Loma's Survey]
[Loma's Survey Results from Last Week]
[Club Poll]
[Last Week's Club Poll Results]
[EarthBound Poll]
[Last Weeks EarthBound Poll Results]
[Kit's Poll]
[Kit's Poll Results from Last Week]
[John's Feature Story]
[Kit's Feature Story]
[Amateur Story Writing]
[End of Part 3]
-Part 4
[Intro to Part 4]
[Video Game News]
[Video Game Codes]
[The News... With BRIANDX]
[IRC Chat - in the Sharks Future?]
[End of Part 4]

-Part 5
[Intro to Part 5]
[EarthBound 64 News]
[EarthBound Area Focus]
[Are you a TRUE EarthBound Fan?]

Hello, all! Welcome to the Sharks News! Anyway, after a rough week of being TOS'd, recieving death threats, and changing leadership, we're hopefully back on track for good! If you quit and you're not off, sorry - I lost a lot of mails from being TOS'd!

Also, sorry it's so late!!!! And of course, have a great 4th of July; I'm not expecting a huge turnout at the meeting
because of the holiday, so enjoy!

Club News
Hmm... There's a few things I'm going to talk about today.
First is Crono99999 (I think) who sent a mail to a lot of people asking to quit. Just know I'm trying quite hard to get the club back up again. Just hang on and it should work...
Last is the Leadership change. Since both Mat and John stepped down, AquaDuck34 and myself lead, Loma359 is VP, Cerineth is AVP, and AAVP wasn't decided yet. (As of 6/28) For those of you who don't know, Cerineth (call her Kit!) is a longtime Shark. I'm not sure how long she's been here, but some of her other SNs I remember were Tigrkit8, Mrshmlwbrd, and now Cerineth. In other news, TWSHyena, the first Elite Shark, is now back in the club! (at Elite) Welcome back, TWS!!!

Remember, meetings are at 8 PM Eastern (7 Central, 6 Mountain, 5 Pacific) in Onett Arcade EVERY Wednesday and Saturday!!

Yes, that's in 15 minutes! Come on down to Onett Arcade if you're on!!!

Message Board
Check out the Sharks message board! Lots of interesting posts to read! Enjoy!!! Sharks Message Board

Check out the Sharks Webpage at

Quitting/Changing Screen Name
If you quit or change your Screen Name, now you can E-Mail it to me, because to avoid confusion, it makes it easier for you to just hit reply. Sorry for all the additional confusion this will cause!!!


Our Jobs are filling up very quickly! Get em` while there still open! Also, if you have a chosen job, I have sent you a reminder to full-fill your job!

Member Recruiter:

All you have to do is recruit members. Get 6 members and you're promoted! Its that easy!
Room: No Limit! (
Mr N64, Goku194257, MasterJ808, NikeBoy453)

VB Expert:

Make a prog for the Sharks! All you have to do is know VB, and if you make a prog. You'll get promoted 4 times! For another version, you get promoted 2 times.
Room: 4/4 (Kjleftin
, Fmbw15, RPGEmerald, Nu1KoRnfan)

Pic Sender:
Upload or give pictures of EB, EB64, or EB0 so we can put them on our web-site. An easy task. Every 4 pictures gets a promotion.
Room: 3/5 (
Idesign99, JBlitz5154, Nautauka)

Web-Site Helper:

Do you know Java, CGI, DHTML, HTMl, VBScript, ActiveX, Shockwave or any other web source to make web-sites? Well send it to us! Every 2 descent thing we get earns a promotion! Just make it into a .htm file and send it in! Be sure to put all the right colors, logos, etc in though!
Room: 3/9 (DHG Down
, BearBear13, Mr N64)

Game Hoster:

If you go to the meetings a lot, and have a trivia game program like scrambler, be a Game Host!
Room: 0/6

Defense Group:

If we have a war in our hands, we need your help! You will have to do tasks that we say to. Can be a harsh job.
Room: No Limit (TAILS825
, Puzzled288)

Newsletter Helper:

Every week, send in an article you made! Every 2 articles get a promotion. A very pleasing job thats easy and gets you noticed.
Room: No Limit (
ChrisNbr1, JAY3983)

Newsletter Poster:

Post the Newsletters on our message board
- it's THAT simple!
Room: 1/1 (

Club Catapult Bartenders:

After the meeting we go to Club Catapult! Serve drinks, food, etc!
Room: 1/5 (


Make sure there's peace within clubs!
Room: 5/6 (I am Golem
, CrazedMogX, JAY3983, ANTHONYC13, BearBear13)

Meeting Guard:

Make sure that the meeting is always rebel-free, etc. Make sure people are always following TOS, or close.

Room: 1/4 (
Mr N64)


When we have to change rooms, you gotta make sure everyone gets to the new room!
Room: 1/4 (
Mr N64)


Just fill this Application and you can get a job.
E-Mail address:
Job Title:
Why should you have this Job:

Send your Application! E-Mail it to me

Editorial "Technology"
By: Loma359, VP of the Sharks

Note: Remember it's only opinion! It doesn't have to be your opinion, though!

Technology- If it is so great, how come it breaks so often?

Well, the reason I am writing this is because my old computer used to crash every 30 minutes. And, this NEW computer I bought, came with a faulty motherboard which died after 5 minutes of having the computer on. I believe that we as a technological powerhouse(or Japan) should be able to produce computers which will almost never crash, and have safeguards to protect from doing anything which could destroy the system. All we have today are cryptic warnings of "May impact other programs" and various other things, then what do you know? The blue screen of death appears, or you get various other error messages flashing up every 4 minutes. Even after you wipe your HD and reinstall everything perfectly, somehow the problem continues, even though the hardware is fine.This seems slightly strange to me, that after reinstalling countless times the same errors would continue. It could be Windows98(They would release it with bugs to make us buy Windows98-Second Edition or Windows 2000.) or it could be bad luck, or the evil plots of the dark entity known as 'Bob'(which is true in my case). And why must error messages give you no help at all? "Access Violation at 95989:58274:582849849". Great. nice help. Why not say what CAUSED it to crash? Or how to fix it? Or anything? Anything is better then many numbers that I have no idea what they mean. Maybe we should all hate mail the computer companies until they can meet our(my) demands. I want a computer that will crash only twice a year!

Don't agree with him? Maybe you do? Then write your rebuttal/response to his article and send it to us!!!

Kit's Warning from the Potato People
Aight, jes so you all know, this is *NOT* my idea. This is the kind of thing my friends and I actually think up at school...

Are you a potato person or a pineapple person? That is the question that must be answered, and soon, before you are requested or forced to chose sides. I'm sure that at this point you are probably wondering whether I have stepped one step too far off the deep end, but I assure you all that I am serious. The secret potato base Ebot, the one base left on this planet, has lost devestating numbers of agents and we need your help to continue to survive against the evil pineapple people. What, you might be asking, AM I talking about? Well, I will give you a brief outline of recent events:
I am an agent sent by the potatos to recruit new blood for our side on the war against the evil pineapple people. We potato people are naturally peace loving creatures, but, unfortunately, from the time we are 5 years old until we are 18, sometimes even older, the evil pineapple people strike. They attempt-more often then not successfully-to convince the potato people to join the evil side, the pineapple people. Every school you go to, every teacher you encounter, and probably nearly every person you meet in your lifetime has been swayed to the evil side. But there are a few resistors out there. Join us and allow your mind to be freed from the evil pineapple people, for you will have knowledge of the force of the potatos behind you. How, you might wonder, can you prevent being completely brainwashed? Answer: Eat lots of potatos and beware the evil pineapple people. One simple test to determine whether someone untested is evil or not is to sing an old show toon (eg the Brady Bunch song). If the person sings along they are an evil pineapple person. Some good examples of evil pineapple people: Teachers. Parents. Al Gore (ANYONE who spells potato with an e is definately one.) Please heed this warning and make the correct decision. Help the potatos!

The Ducks Wrestling Journal

Well, The Company now is now fully owned by the McMahons! The good news is, Stone Cold is the Champion again! Also, Mr. Ass, Billy Gunn has won the King of the Ring. And, there is a new DX that has formed, Billy, Triple H, and Chyna are the "new" DX. They formed on RAW, Monday.

Poll Results:

Last weeks question was: Who will win the Ladder Match?

Austin - 18 Votes - 1st Place
The McMahons - 6 Votes - 2nd Place

Final: Austin will win!
The Truth: The McMahons won!
Total Votes: 24 Votes!

New Poll:

There was a NEW DX formed, Which DX is will stand longer and be better?

Road Dogg And X-Pac's DX


Quiz Results:

What kind of Match will Austin fight the McMahons in at King of the Ring?
Ladder Match

What is Bossmans favorite and most used weapon?
Night Stick

Who is the WCW World Champion?
Kevin Nash

Name 2 titles that Kevin Nash has won.
Tag Team and WCW World

Name 2 titles the Rock has won.
IC, World

Winners: Matingly22, BRIAN DX

New "Longer" Quiz:

Name 2 Titles Stone Cold Steve Austin has won.

Name 2 Girls that are with Macho Man Randy Savage.

What kind of match was at Wrestlemania 12 who had Bret Hart vs. Shawn Michaels?

Who is Kevin Nash when he was in the WWF?

Who is Scott Hall when he was in the WWF?

Who was X-Pac in WCW?

Name the "Original" DX.

Where is the WWF Head-Quarters?

Send your Quiz Results to AquaDuck34!


Tribute board to Owen Hart

The Internet Wrestling Zone!

End of Part 1!
That it for this one! Click next for Part 2! Subj: Fwd: The Sharks News - Issue 63 Part 2
Date: 08/19/1999 10:28:34 PM Eastern Daylight Time
From: CrazedMogX
To: CrazedMogX

Forwarded Message:
Subj: Fwd: The Sharks News - Issue 63 Part 2
Date: 08/08/1999 8:35:56 PM Eastern Daylight Time
From: CrazedMogX
To: CrazedMogX

Forwarded Message:
Subj: Fwd: The Sharks News - Issue 63 Part 2

Date: 07/21/1999 8:37:02 PM Eastern Daylight Time
From: CrazedMogX
To: CrazedMogX

Forwarded Message:
Subj: The Sharks News - Issue 63 Part 2

Date: 07/03/1999 7:48:06 PM Eastern Daylight Time
From: EB0und
To: EB0und
BCC: CrazedMogX

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\'|:::::::::::::::::|:| \:::::::\::\ \::::::::\\::::\:\ \::::\:\::::\:| \::::\\:::\| \:::::\:I'|::By: SeC:::|:|
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A Weekly Newsletter for all Sharks
Click here to be removed from our mailing list

July 3rd 1999
Issue 63

Intro to Part 2!
Hey again! Welcome to Part 2. Here's where you get ranks... Enjoy...

Shark Ranks
Leader Ranks

Spectrum Shark(President)-
EB0und, AquaDuck34
Gold Shark(Vice-President)- Loma359
Silver Shark(Asst. Vice-President)- Cerineth
Bronze Shark(Asst. Asst. Vice-President)- TBD

Regular Ranks

Legendary Shark-(2 people)
CrazedMogX, DHG Down

Premeire Shark-(2 people)
JAY3983 (A.K.A. OaJAYOa)

Elite Shark-(17 people)
Aeris500, BRIAN DX, EBG Ness, Iceandheat(A.K.A. RPGHOBowl,ATWCreator), MadDuck710, Michael D9(A.K.A. BobaFettBP), MogBacca, Nikolai64, NycBartS23,, Ones111111(A.K.A. OA 1Ones1, OA MewTwo), OnettNess, PunkBoy200, Rebo1234, Rodimus401, Sabin Cole, Skitz Zero(A.K.A. PigmaDanga), Skyfall87, TWS Hyena, UnityPunk1, Xusic, Yeerk543, Yesman Jr

Frankystein Mark II-(18 people)
Combo7, CreamdCrn, Firearm X3, Georg15216, GRIMRADER, ItsMeLuigi, JTom2Cold(A.K.A. JTom542705), Kjleftin, Lakitu7(A.K.A. Cybernerd7), Melichior, NessCraig, Rhinoblast, MiKrO KoW, Mr N64, The mitey1, Tmgiygas, Unidox, WorldF3, Z Mog

Jr. Frank-(9 people) AzIaN FoO(A.K.A. KP Korean), BEBAWL, EarthBound, HAppy675, K Man 014, Tyteet2, WizWitt, Zmog

Pogo Punk-(4 people) ANT SpOoNs,, Fmbw15 (A.K.A. Ava Fm)

Yes Man Jr.-(6 people), Bball14008, CPmont83, I am Golem, StarmanDX9, ToOcZ, Zeromes

Skate Punk-(7 people) ANTEBwizDX,
BearBear13, Daboom1357, ESea650, FyreDragon, Rasberrian, SephiroFF7(A.K.A. DrAndonuts),WaSP Storm

Arcade Shark-(1 person) Moondoggey

Shark Level 5-(20 people) Cheezowie, Eyerok, GAU CONWAY, Grouchosix, Ltjg Lotus, Madman 912, MB Tenchi,
MIKAL BEE(A.K.A. OA MBEE), Ness554(A.K.A. GBH7), NikeBoy453, RoadHawk19,
Gstarman45 (A.K.A. Magus41290), Slimu,, TCBCA,Tipish, XeroMogX

Shark Level 4-(10 people) ANTGoldPP7,BigPyro007,, ChrisKW1, Cristruman, Efflerdk, FLiPnOy21 (A.K.A. Jmclim), Harisn(A.K.A. Sonic 3416),MGSegaM,Nin64Dude, Nyerf, Stormguy5, TDK PGH,THA BUG

Shark Level 3-(25 people) AdamanFive,BGbkstroke,, Bumbklatt,Darnsmart, DEMON300,GameCrazy1,Goku194257,HM Pikachu(A.K.A. Mega64),JamJim64,Jhill0630,KRAKEN1059, Lavos10772, Link340254,MarioBros7, Mog694,O Mallow,,PoKeYmInCh, RaGeizHeRE, RPGEmerald, Ryoga311,,SNIFIT 9,SPRiTEBOiX,WarlensT,Wizerd99

Shark Level 2-(83 people) Aeryn55105, Alexgera,Alien31744, ManOSvgrdn),ANT Tenda,ANTRPGSPY, Austin4375(A.K.A. MJ2sweet45),AznOppaAzn,Barret7gun,Barret82, BarretFF70, BarretZXXZ(A.K.A. Gangedge),BDog676, Boshi1012,Braty Mog(A.K.A. MrAzzBGunn),Cait SithC,CasaDeJoey,
CH Sytrge(A.K.A. Benjianz9),Chicken226,ChicoX19,Chris88876,ChrisNbr1,Cid hi,CocoboSage,Codeman098,
COOL GRUMP,Cristruman,Cueball207,David 2333, DiscoTiger),Dominatr75,EBound Jef,EFF LV, Elena1999,,ExtremeTNW,Fielderird, GAMEGOD411,Gecco64,,
Hobo J0E,Homer CMW,JBlitz5154,JBond007x2, JBrown1719,JTM3CAPE, Johnie2001,JudyAnn21, Keatonmill ,Kefkas Kid,Kidmario64,KillBuzz7,
KNiCkS226(A.K.A.,LDuncan989,Lunar019,MacLeodK, Mariah9514,MarkedMan3,Mgfrog18,MWitkow997,, NATHENDO1,Ness3Toad,NESSEB27,NiNs TooL,OgrBatler,Pmf186,PrepsSuck5, ProGamer87, Puzzled288, QuasarMage,Rando1313, RedDog092(A.K.A. AntPaulaEB),SephiMog7,ShinBahamt,Sniper1892,Squirlsoop,Tanarin,TheBig MUD,Trick8950,Vader1022,Xz3KoRn3zX, XaivorII,XFancyDanX,Yogi52o,ZBluesBro,Zinger6600

Shark Level 1-(520 people) Members Start here

Antoid(You don't want this)-(43 people) Alien30154,Alien9808,APRO22,Beadrj, BLACK B52,Brett0801,CALV12,Cb2488,Clucko6513,Crono 0013,Dabom93964,
DCB003,Echopunk,FCMARIO,FGL40,Genox11,GIGGAS,Gizmo1258,GOBAOZ, Gotenks3,HI87,IKim10528,IsaiahKoch,ItsMrMan2U,JAnder7880,JPerina820, KATWARE,Keimike,KEREARSMR,Lege406,Lilloser,MASTER1398,MRPJRAX, MRTAZZONE,QueenVera,Rjb719,RLord321,Sgt Baker,Skater585,Snake 11B, SScro55308,Steve39111,XXEagle995(A.K.A. DIngalsbe)

Note to Legendary Sharks!
Not anything in particular this week. Just remeber that as Legendary Shark just mail any of the leaders with suggestions!

Shark of the Week
Umm... Let's see... The only person I can think of for this is our new AVP, Cerineth. Cerineth has been giving more ideas for the club than anybody I know. She's come up with new format ideas, prizes for tokens, and being a leader now, she sent in ALL her articles 2 weeks in advance!!! Thanks a LOT, Kit!!!!

Sharks Hall of Fame
A nifty list of every single SOTW, from the very beginning up to now!

#1. Lobosweepr(is no longer a Shark, obviously first ever SOTW)
#2. MagusZeal1(is now Lucky eb3, was once VP)
#3. DSTARMAN44(the first person to get SOTW twice)
#4. Poo Kato(is now FM X Files, was kicked out)
#5. DSTARMAN44(look at what I said above for his screen name)
#6. Tytee2(is now Tyteet2 and a Jr. Frank)
#7. MagusCrono(was once VP, is no longer a Shark)
#8. Seriphosu(is no longer a Shark)
#9. Demon66331(later became Picco1o,he knows me in real life,is no longer a Shark)
#10. ICPklownz(is no longer a Shark)
#11. XSuperMogX(is now AVP,was the first person to become Frankystein Mark II)
#12. AGaweda(is now an Elite Shark)
#13. EbJeffEb(is no longer a Shark)
#14. ToOcZ(found us many new members)
#15. Unfrgvn85(the first person to get SOW for two times in a row,he also got it twice in a row later, is no longer a Shark)
#16. Unfrgvn85(look above,under his name, is no longer a Shark)
#17. Moondoggey(was the first person to ever be AAVP)
#18. NessCraig(found us many new members)
#19. Calvin 84(is now AzIaN FoO)
#20. Mouse4894(is no longer a Shark)
#21. BassBall 2(is now Elite Shark)
#22. RDS3(later became TWSHyena, is now Elite Shark)
#23. EmmonsKer(had to get rid of AOL, but is still a Shark)
#24. OnettNess(runs EB Gang, which is around the second biggest EB club)
#25. JAY3983(found us many new members)
#26. AGaweda(third person to ever get SOTW twice)
#27. ESL1021(found us new members, is no longer a Shark)
#28. AGaweda(first person to ever get SOTW three times)
#29. Unfrgvn85(second person to get SOTW three times, is no longer a Shark)
#30. Unfrgvn85(first to eve get it 4 times, second time he's done it two weeks in a row, is no longer a Shark)
#31. CPMont83(found us many new members)
#32. Iceandheat(made us two computer games, is also ATWCreator)
#33. BRIAN DX(found us many new members)
#34. Fyredragon(found us many new members in his first week of being a Shark)
#35. Chumbakid7(found us MANY MANY new members,is no longer a Shark)
#36. Rebo1234(found us many new members using wonderful advertising)
#37. FLiPnOy21(found us many new members)
#38. Nikolai64(found us many new members,former leader)
#39. Septhroth5(no longer has AOL, but is still a Shark)
#40. PoSeR0001(became BLuIVIagic)
#41. Mrshmlwbrd(alphabetized the Sharks mailing list for me, now Cerineth)
#42. Mrshmlwbrd(alphabetized the people in the Sharks ranks, now Cerineth)
#43. MogBacca(made our first proggie, was once AAVP)
#44. CrazedMogX(found us new members)
#45. DEDKENDS(found us new members)
#46. WorldF3(found us MANY new members)
#47. ECox758(found us MANY new members, JUST came back as
#48. Sabin Cole(found us MANY MANY new members)
#49. ANT NERZUL(found us many new members, is now Codeman098)
#50. Voltron401(found us new members, leads Dept. of Recruitment and Allies)
#51. Sabin Cole(found us MANY new members)
#52. Rbrrducky2(found us new members)
#53. Madman 910(found us many new members)
#54. DEDKENDS(found us new members)
#55. DSTARMAN44(found us new members)
#56. AGaweda(found many EB files for the club to enjoy, 2nd ever to get SOTW 4 times)
#57. ADRIANANT(found us new members, is now ANTEBwizDX)
#58. Kjleftn(leads a club called The Chocobos, allied with us, found us new members)
#59. Aeris500(found us many new members,was SOTW twice in a row, is no longer a Shark)
#60. Aeris500(found us many new members, is no longer a Shark)
#61. DrugFreX3(found us new members,was SOTW twice in a row, now UnityPunk1)
#62. DrugFreeX3(found us new members)
#63. Michael D9(made us a new website)
#64. Rbrrducky2(did his job well)
#65. Roadhawk19(found us many new members)
#66. GOKU203334(found is new members, is now King Duky)
#67. Sabin Cole(found us many new members, has been SOTW 3 times)
#68. Voltron401(helped out with newsletter)
#69. Skorbel4(found us new members)
#70. Nikolai64(won VP election)
#71. SeCtoR X19(Lead The Sharks for 1 1/2 years, resigned)
#72. CrazedMogX(Won the Rank Contest, is now Legendary Shark)
#73. OAFrankFly(Helped stop a war)
#74. SwAmP KoW(Got many new members)
#75. Matingly22(Now President)
#76. Rodimus401(Re-did the newsletter)
#77. Deafcon2 (Helped out alot)
#78. EB0und (Began the NEW Sharks homepage)
#79. Ava FM (Defender of evil forces)
#80. Loma359 (Helped re-start EBUN)

#81. EB0und(Made the REAL Sharks Homepage)
#82. I am Golem(Became active, helped with message board and meetings)
#83. Loma359 (Helped the Club)
#83. EBG Ness (Helped the Club)
#83. BRIAN DX (Led Sharks; Just resigned)
#84. Skorbel4 (Helped out a LOT!)
#85. AquaDuck34(Came up w/new ideas, did a lot of work)
#86. Mr N64 (Helped out, came to meetings, new members)
#86. MogBacca (Made the website!
Check it out!!!)
#87. Yeerk543 (Helped out, wrote articles, gave info)
#88. Cerineth (Now AVP, TONS of ideas, great help!)

Token Information
Well, basically, a complete list of prizes and their values come up next week. They'll include everything from CDs to Videos/DVDs to Video Games, to Video Game Systems. The name "Token" may be changed as well, though...

Generally AquaDuck's job - didn't get anything from him! Sorry!

End of Part 2
This is the end of Part 2... Well, click on NEXT to get to Part 3! Subj: Fwd: The Sharks News - Issue 63 Part 3
Date: 08/19/1999 10:28:55 PM Eastern Daylight Time
From: CrazedMogX
To: CrazedMogX

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Date: 08/08/1999 8:36:29 PM Eastern Daylight Time
From: CrazedMogX
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Date: 07/21/1999 8:37:47 PM Eastern Daylight Time
From: CrazedMogX
To: CrazedMogX

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Subj: The Sharks News - Issue 63 Part 3

Date: 07/03/1999 7:49:11 PM Eastern Daylight Time
From: EB0und
To: EB0und
BCC: CrazedMogX

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A Weekly Newsletter for all Sharks
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July 3rd 1999
Issue 63

Intro to Part 3
Hey again! Welcome to Part 3. Here's Trivia and Promos! Enjoy...

Loma's Survey
1. Have you seen the new South Park movie?(if not, I have!)


2. Do you watch the South Park TV show?



3. Do you like the South Park TV Show?



Don't know

4. If you've seen the movie, did you like the end?(I was surprised by what I saw one character do too..........)



Don't Know

5. Will you still watch the show if one of the characters is removed?



Don't Know

Loma's Poll Results from Last Week
Loma just got a new computer and his poll results were on the old one... Sorry!

Club Poll
I really can't think of any important issues to be addressed immediately!!! Mail me with Ideas for club-related polls!

Last Week's Club Poll Reults
Here you go! Now that that's done, NLs come Wednesday starting next week...

Sunday - 2 - 6%
Monday - 4 - 12%
Tuesday - 1 - 3%
Wednesday - 6 - 18%
Thursday - 1 - 3%
Friday - 2 - 6%
Saturday - 2 - 6%
No Opinion - 16 - 46%

EarthBound Poll
Hey, Pick your favorite town in each of the categories!!!
Hardest: Easiest: Best Level-Up: Coolest:
Onett Onett Onett
Twoson Twoson Twoson
Threed* Threed* Threed*
Saturn Valley
Saturn Valley Saturn Valley Saturn Valley
Dusty Dunes**
Dusty Dunes** Dusty Dunes** Dusty Dunes**
Fourside Fourside Fourside
Summers Summers Summers
Dalaam*** Dalaam*** Dalaam***
Scaraba Scaraba Scaraba
Deep Darkness
Deep Darkness Deep Darkness Deep Darkness
Tenda Village
Tenda Village Tenda Village Tenda Vilalge
Stonehenge Stonehenge Stonehege
Lost Underworld†
Lost Underworld† Lost Underworld† Lost Underworld†
Magicant Magicant Magicant
Final Battle‡
Final Battle‡ Final Battle‡ Final Battle‡
Other Other Other

* = Includes Winters w/ Jeff
** = Includes Mines
*** = Includes Pink Cloud
† = Includes Fire Springs
‡ = Includes anything after Magicant

Last Week's EarthBound Poll Reults
Surprising, to me...

Never beat it - 2 - 8%
Beat it 1-3 Times - 6 - 23%
Beat it 4-6 Times - 5 - 19%
Beat it 7-10 Times - 2 - 8%
Beat it more than 10 times - 11 - 42%

Now here's our trivia for this week!!

Who am I?: I live in a garbage can - literally. I also have a distinct odor of a primitive plant. Who am I?

What am I?: I am in a desert. I usually can't talk, but Ness understands me. The girl I'm in love with is too far for me to go to. Be specific! Who am I?

Where am I?: I look around, and there are sidewalk stores everywhere. I also notice a bunch of flies around. Be SPECIFIC!!!! Where am I?

Who/What said this?: "We can sing good, but we can't handle money or women." Be specific!

EarthBound Trivia: Name all the enemies that explode when you beat them.

Non-EarthBound Trivia: What is the name of Jim West's partner in Wild Wild West?

Last Week's Trivia Results

Who am I: I am a friend of Ness' and have something of his that he really wants. If you run into me, I'd be glad to give it to such a cool kid!
Answer: Kid with baseball hat in Secret Treehouse
Winners: Efflerdk, Melichior, RPGEmerald

What am I: I am the thing that the Who Am I question person gives to Ness. What am I?
Answer: Mr. Baseball Cap (I needed the Mr. in there!)
Winners: Melichior

Where am I: I am cold, but warm. I am hot, but not frozen. I'm sure, but doubtful. I agree, but that doesn't mean I say yes. I may hate you, but you're my friend. Where am I?
Answer: Moonside
Winners: Efflerdk, Melichior, RPGEmerald, NessCraig

Who/What said This: "Ness's HP drops to 0"
"Jeff's HP drops to 0"
Answer: Man with mask in front of Darkmoon Hotel (Moonside)
Winners: No one

Shark Trivia: Name every leader of the Sharks - in order of appearance
Answer: SPRITE100, SeCtoR X19, Nikolai64, Rodimus401, XSuperMogX, BRIAN DX, Matingly22, JohnMcCEB, EB0und (AquaDuck)
Winners: No one... I didn't expect that...

Non-EB Trivia: Name the first 15 states in order. Extra promos if they're in order, even more if they have dates!
Answer: Delaware, Pennsylvania, New Jersey, Georgia, Connecticut, Massachusetts, Maryland, South Carolina, New Hampshire, Virginia, New York, North Carolina, Rhode Island, Vermont, Kentucky
Winners: NessCraig

With all things, E-Mail me if you got it right for either a promo, or 2 tokens. Thanks!!

Kit's Poll
By: Cerineth
Which is Bouncier? A bag of bouncy balls, or a bag of springs?
Bouncy Balls


OK! Click one of those and the results will be in next NL!!

Kit's Poll Results
Do Polar Bears eat Penguins?
Yes, Kit! - 9 - 39%
No, Kit! - 11 - 48%
Kit, What?! - 3 - 13%

Also - We discovered that it IS possible to gouge out someone's eardrums using your bare hands... BigPyro007 gets it!!! E-Mail me for your promo/2 tokens!

John's Feature Story
This story is rated NFC (Not For Children) for strong language, adult content, and violence.

Five seconds later, Poo told Ness that Godon had put the mask back on. Ness opened his eyes. "For that stunt, and for insulting me, you shall suffer severely. GUARDS!!!!!" Two muscular guards came in. "Neuralize these people and take them to their work posts. Put this brown haired man right next to the woman. They are a couple. As for the rest, place the couple, the blonde man, and the Dalaamese man far apart from each other. The couple will go in Guard 27HX's post. 27HX, who was right there, asked "Why me?" "She is your slave. Do whatever you want with her. Just be sure you do it in front of the brown haired boy. This is his punishment." "How long do I have her?" "For as long as you desire." Ness noticed Paula was very scared. He held her hand. "Take them away," said Godon. As they left, Ness brought Godon to his attention. "We have names, you know. I'm Ness, that's Paula, that's Jeff, and that's Poo. Remember those names, you fucking jackhole. We're the last people you're gonna see before you go back to your own personal level of Hell."

And now, the conclusion of:
L e g e n d s
By JohnMcCEB
Chapter 5: Endgame

The next two weeks were horrible for Paula, Jeff, and Poo. As for Ness, it was worse. Not only was he getting abused, his girlfriend was as well. Ness must've lost a piece of his mind in those two weeks. Paula was intentionally hit with shovels, face smashed into the dirt, and even got shot in the arm by her guard. At the end of those two weeks, Ness couldn't take it anymore. He had never seen Jeff or Poo, but word of mouth floated to him and Paula that Poo was tired, but nevertheless fine, and Jeff was on the verge of death. Ness lost it. And then, the guard did something that brought Ness to below zero tolerance.

The guard walked up to Ness and Paula, struck Paula with the butt of his rifle, and dragged Ness and an unconcious Paula to his cabin. There, he pulled out a switchblade and gave Paula smelling salts. "What...are you doing?" asked Paula, groggily. As the guard grabbed a 2X4 and hit Paula with it, and continued to hit Paula with various other objects, Ness was so full of anger, he was suddenly able to concentrate. His hands were heating with PSI. The duct tape on his hands that was supposed to immobilize him melted. Ness, realizing this, said "Hey FUCKO!" The guard turned around, only to be dropkicked by Ness.

The guard grabbed his rifle, but when he turned around and fired, he semmingly vaporized. Suddenly, as if from out of the blue, "Over here, superstar!" The guard turned around and was hit with a burst of PSI Rockin. "Man, I forgot how GOOD that feels." The guard slowly got up, and Ness kicked him in the gut. His rifle fell loose and slid over to the door. Ness and the guard made a bid for the rifle. It was close, but Ness slid, grabbed the rifle, and shot him in the head. "In your next life," said Ness, "don't hit women."

Ness ran over to Paula, who was still very groggy. "You OK?" he asked. He healed Paula, and she and hugged Ness, crying. Ness hugged back. Then, they looked into each other's eyes, and they kissed. Suddenly, they heard screaming. "LET'S GO! WE GOTTA FIND JEFF AND POO, THEN WE GOTTA GET OUR WEAPONS AND FACE GODON." Ness and Paula busted the door open and rushed out of the cabin, where hundreds of guards confronted them.

"What's your next move, Ness?" asked Paula. "I can use PSI Rockin Omega, but that'll drain me completely." Ness suddenly realized a forgotten power. "Man, I feel STUPID." Ness concentrated and used PSI Hypnosis Omega. Soon, every guard was in a trance. Ness used the butt end of the guard's rifle to struck down anyone in their way. "OK, Paula," said Ness, "I need you to try and concentrate. I need you to use your PSI to find out where the head guard's office is." Paula tried as hard as she could. "I can't..." said Paula. "Well," said Ness, "this PSI trick I was working on might help." Ness stopped for a minute, and placed his hands on Paula's forehead. Suddenly, her mind cleared, and she was able to concentrate. "How did you do that?" asked Palua, as they continued their rush. "Your concussion back at Twoson helped," said Ness. Suddenly, the guards started coming out of their trance. "RUN!!!!" screamed Ness. He and Paula broke through the crowd, just as everyone came out of the trance. The whole squad turned to fire, but they already vanished.

Using Paula's PSI, Ness was able to locate the head guard's office. He and Paula broke through security by gunning the guards down, and then confronted the head guard. Ness pointed his rifle at the head guard and fiercely asked "Where's Jeff Andonuts and Poo Mishinta?" The head guard went for his rifle, but discovered, to his surprise, it wasn't there. "Looking for this rifle?" questioned Paula, holding the head guard's rifle to his head. "How did you--?" "Haven't you heard of telekinetics? Jeff Andonuts and Poo Mishinta. Dig them up, NOW." The head guard got to work. Sector 7A for Jeff, and Sector 2H for Poo." "For additional piece of mind, we want a map," said Paula. The guard shakily printed out a map. "Fuck you very much," said Ness, who spit on the guard and ran out.

Ness and Paula split up. He would get Jeff, she would get Poo. Ness found Jeff on his knees, hands behind his back. A guard held a rifle pointed at his head. Ness got behind a knoll of dirt, set the rifle on sharpshooter, and took aim. He noticed through the sniper scope that the guard was about to execute Jeff. He had to act fast. Ness took one lucky shot, and the guard was down. He set the rifle on normal, and ran over to Jeff, gun at the ready. He healed Jeff, grabbed him, and then ran.

Paula saw Poo working without complaint. She ran over to him. "Paula?" asked Poo. "Yeah. Let's go, before the guard takes notice." Suddenly, the guard started shouting at Paula and Poo, then ran after them, a rifle in hand. "SHIT! Let's get out of here!" Paula and Poo rushed out of the sector. They were far ahead, but still in the guard's sight. Poo shoved Paula into a hiding place, and convinced a prisioner to distract the guard giving chase. During the time the guard was distracted, Poo mirrored another guard, grabbed Paula, told her it was him, and then confronted the guard.

"You got the girl?"
"Yeah. I ran a check. Belongs to sector 1A."
"What about that Dalaamese kid?"
"Lost him."
"Man, the head guard's gonna be pissed."
"The head guard's a pussy. This feisty little one has his rifle. And it turned out to be a dud!"
"No way, really?"
"Yeah! Can you fucking believe it?"
"No...but we still have to worry about Godon."
"He doesn't have to know. Once the head guard finds out, we'll blackmail him. Then, while everyone's sleeping, we'll bail this joint."
"You're right! Good plan, man."
"Thanks. Now, if I may, I'm taking this prisoner back."
"What are you gonna do with her?"
"What else? Beat the shit outta her."
"Yeah...all right. Take care."
"You too."

Poo left the area, and headed towards the front door with Paula in hand. There, the gang would reunite, escape, get their weapons, then come back and exterminate Godon.

Paula and Poo, still in disguise, came to the front door and met Ness and Jeff. Unfortuneately, they also met a wall of guards. Poo had passed sector 1A, so he knew he was caught. He quit mirroring. Suddenly, a new delivery arrived, just as the guards were about to lead Ness, Paula, Jeff, and Poo back to their sectors. "Wait a minute..." thought Jeff, "That's Max's Viper..." The man got out of the transport car, opened the trunk, and opened the lone crate inside. Suddenly, Tracy popped out with the Baddest Gaia beam in hand. She shot down the guards. Then, the transporter revealed himself as Jack. He grabbed some sort of rifle and started picking off any guards that came near the four.

"I thought it was against your religion to take a life!" said Ness. "Don't you know that's the universal pussy excuse?" said Jack, "Me and Tracy will cover your exit. In the meantime..." Tracy finished "Special delivery from Escargo Express!" As Jack covered her, Tracy tossed Ness his Gutsy Bat, Paula her Holy Frying Pan, Jeff his Baddest Gaia Beam and his so-called GadgetPak, and Poo his Sword of Kings. Jack tossed Tracy a second rifle, and then told everyone that their clothes were in the car. Ness, Paula, Jeff and Poo got into the car, changed up, got out, and ran into the fryer. "Uhm, Jack?" asked Tracy, "What happens when we run out?" "We don't. Specially made by Dr. Andonuts. These shots are pure energy. The battery never runs out." "Sweet. Let's kick some more ass."

Ness, Paula, Jeff, and Poo made their way through the crowd, destroying any guard in their path. A full alert was launched. Ness put up an Omega Sheild around everyone and finally found the core, where Godon ran his operation. Suddenly, Godon appeared from the roof, and threw his long sickle staff at Ness. The pointy side broke through the sheild, and landed in Ness' thigh. He cried in anguish, and then collapsed. He was still conscious, so he motioned over Paula, Jeff, and Poo as Godon formed a new sickle staff. "I'll make it. Poo, pull the sickle staff out." Poo did so. Ness telepathed Tony.

Tony, are there any bandage wraps in Jeff's GadgetPak? asked Ness. Yeah. It's in the medical compartment. "Check the medical compartment of your GadgetPak for bandage wraps," Ness told Jeff. Jeff found the wraps. "Here," said Jeff, who handed the bandage wrap to Ness. He wrapped his wound and said "Leave that sickle staff here, so I can fend off anyone else that wants some, and face Godon." Everyone nodded and quickly ran into the core to face Godon, leaving Ness and his plan behind.

Paula, Jeff, and Poo reached the top of the core where Godon awaited. "Close your eyes..." said Poo, "He took his mask off. Jeff, give me your bandage wrap." Jeff gave Poo the bandage wrap and closed his eyes, and Godon turned around to reveal his face. Poo quickly acted and used Mental Metamorphisis, the type of mirror technique he learned from his master in Onett. He thought like the leapord, and suddenly, in his mind, he was the leapord. He moved around Godon, and bandage wrapped his face. Then, he returned to normal and sealed the bandage wrap with PSI Freeze. "OK," said Poo, "He's covered and he ain't getting uncovered. You can open your eyes!" Everyone opened their eyes, and Paula was the first to attack. Godon, who could see despite the bandage wrap, blocked with the staff part of his sickle staff. "I can do that too!" said Poo, who dived low, narrowly missed Godon stabbing him, and sliced Godon's hand off. It quickly regenerated with his black energy. Jeff figured it out right then and there. "He's weak against light attacks! PSI Flash'll help!" he said to Paula and Poo. "I wasted my last bit on sealing Godon's bandage cover!" said Poo. "Here," said Paula, tossing Poo a Magic Tart, "Make this one count!" Paula then started praying for light energy. 50% of the time, she got it, but only the dazzling light, which she rarely got, damaged him noticably. The same for Poo, who kept using PSI Flash until it tired out. "We need Ness," thought Paula aloud, "I think if we can somehow get mix that light energy with the dark energy...". She telepathed him.

"Ness," said Paula, "please, pull yourself together. We need you now! Charge that sickle staff with PSI Flash energy. It's a technique I've been practicing for a while." "Explain," said Ness. Paula told Ness how to do it. Ness followed her directions, and then asked Paula to lure Godon so he had a clear shot at him. Then, Ness started climbing the core tower, using the glowing sickle staff as a second leg. "Hurry Ness..." thought Paula. Suddenly, Godon knocked nearly knocked her off the core. Paula was holding on to the edge, knowing if she let go, it would be an 8 story drop to the bottom. Godon's finger charged with black energy. Suddenly, inches from the touch of death, the sharp point of a glowing sickle staff went right into Godon's face. Ness turned him around, looked into it's bleeding face, screamed "FUCK YOU AND GOOD RIDDENCE, SHITHEAD," and tossed it off. Godon fell 8 stories, and hit the bottom hard.

For five whole minutes, it's body emmited black energy, as the bandages that kept Godon from using his look of death turned completely black, and when the glowing sickle staff evaporated, it gushed black blood.

When he was done, Ness, Paula, Jeff, and Poo crowded around him. In shaky words, it said "Who are you?" Ness couldn't resist. He took a line from a magazine ad he saw, and said "I'm the good and the bad. You're just ugly." "And you shall be ugly," said Godon, "when the 10th minute strikes, you will burn in Hell." He directed the four to the core, and then disappeared in a blanket of hellfire and brimstone. A little door popped open on the core, and as Ness, Paula, and Poo were celebrating, Jeff went to check on the panel. There was a timer, and it read 9:30. Then 9:29, 9:28, 9:27, 9:26, etc., etc., etc... "Holy shit...THIS CORE'S ONE BIG BOMB! RUUUUUUUUN!"

Ness ran inside and found a guard at a type of PA system. "Tell everyone to evacuate," said Ness. "Who the fuck are you?" fiercely inquisited the guard. "DO AS I SAY OR I'LL KNOCK YOUR HEAD OFF SO HARD THAT THEY'LL USE IT AS A SOCCER BALL IN ENGLAND," screamed Ness, showcasing his baseball bat. The guard made the announcement. Then Ness told him to get out too. As he left the core, he made another pass at the timer. 8:30, 8:29, 8:28, 8:27...

Ness, Paula, Jeff, and Poo made it to the exit, got into the car, and told Jack and Tracy to get in. Jeff jumped into the driver's seat, and drove out quickly after clearing a large tunnel. "Clear Fourside," said Paula, "There's gonna be an earthquake caused by that explosion!" Jeff headed for the Fourside Tunnel, and when they reached the bridge, they slowed to a halt.

"Jeff, go! What are you waiting for? We have three minutes to get out!" "I'm out of fuel," said Jeff, "We'll have to run for it." "I thought you just filled it, Jack!" said Paula. "This is like a 7.7 L engine," said Jeff, "It consumes fuel like a bitch." "Dr. Andonuts gave us some special fuel for this car," said Jack, "It's in the trunk." "We have time to fill it, but what if we don't make it?" asked Tracy. "I'll stay behind," said Ness, "You guys go, I can make it." "Ness, no," screamed Paula, "It's only a stupid car." "If Max's Viper is wrecked," said Ness, "Jeff may be screwed out of it again." "Thanks, man," said Jeff, "But you don't have to--" Ness inturrupted "That's what friends are for. GO! We're down to two minutes!" Jeff stayed to pop open the trunk and get the fuel. "Before you go," said Ness, "If I don't make it, tell my Mom I love her and I'm sorry I broke my promise." "I will," said Jeff. Then he ran. Ness opened the fuel door, and started filling the tank. He had a minute left when it was finally filled. He got into the car, and for some reason, it started stalling. With 15 seconds to go, it sprung to life. He started racing out. 5, 4, 3, 2, 1...and then, the earthquake happened.

About an hour later, Anna Franklin was crying in her home. Apparently, Paula told her all about what had happened. She got up to the point where the car got stuck without fuel on the bridge, then had to suddenly make a phone call. Then, Anna turned on the news while Paula was making the call, and found that the "earthquake" was plastered all over the news. The reporter said that one unidentified man, 18 years of age, was killed when his Dodge Viper was shaken off of the bridge. Paula couldn't comfort her. She couldn't even tell her the rest of the story. Suddenly, they heard the sound of keys jingling. The door opened, and Ness walked through the doorway. Anna ran to Ness and hugged him. "Hey, ma..." he said. "I'm so glad you're back..." said Anna. "A promise is a promise..." responded Ness, "What is that on the news?" He saw the rest of the news report. "The Viper that was shaken off the bridge was reported stolen, it is currently being lifted out of the Fourside Bay." Ness smiled and said "Guess that shook you up a little...listen, pay some gratitude to Tracy. I wouldn't even be here if it weren't for her." "I understand," said Anna, who still had tears coming out of her eyes. "C'mon," said Ness, "I'll cook some food. In the meantime, forget this nonsense. The Super Mario Super Show is on The Classix Channel right now. Watch that and unwind." "I always wondered what made that show so good..." said Anna.

A week later, Ness and Paula were walking on the beach. Tomorrow they would be off to seprate colleges, so they just went to rekindle old times. Suddenly, someone bumped up against Paula. He apologized and sped off, laughing. "That guy must have been a pickpocket," said Paula. "There's only one way to find out," said Ness. Paula reached into her pocket and found that there was more there rather than less. She pulled out the extra thing she got, and found a small case. It said "To Paula, love Ness." She opened the case, and found a beautiful ring. it secured a little piece of paper. She took out the paper and opened it. It read "Marry me Paula." She screamed in delight and hugged Ness. Then, a funny expression crossed her face. "What's wrong," asked Ness, "that sounded like a yes..." "It's just that we're off to college tomorrow. We can't get hitched for four years." "Exactly," said Ness, "so we'll stay engaged for the four years, plan our wedding over the time off we have, and when we get out, we wrap up any loose ends and--" "Get married," finished Paula. She kissed Ness excitedly. "C'mon," said Ness, "I already have an engagement gift." He pulled out two front row tickets to that night's Aerosmith concert at the Summers Memorial Stadium. "Starts in five minutes. Wanna go?" "Sure," said Paula. The couple then headed to the stadium, never feeling more alive and in love.


-Jeff graduated from the Snow Wood Boarding School two weeks after the war with Godon. He now lives in an apartment in New York City and is one of the world's most brilliant scientists.

-Poo was crowned king of Dalaam when he returned. Since Poo was crowned, he has dropped the crime rate to an all time low, and is making a bid to enter the United Nations.

-Very few people have recollection of the concentration camp set up by Godon. Those that don't recall it ever found out that its destruction caused the "Great Fourside Earthquake".

-The "Great Fourside Earthquake" caused very little damage. However, it has scared construction workers and designers to build sturdier buildings with the help of Jeff.

-Ness and Paula did get married, and earlier than expected as it seemed. That's a whole other story, though.

-Ness later found out that the guard that assulted Paula was none other than Pokey Minch. He investigated how and why he lived after he shot him in the head. He eventually found out, but that's also another story.

The End

Kit's Feature Story (Titleless now)
Jer woke with a start, panting in terror as he sat bolt upright in bed and looked fearfully about himself, carefully scanning even the darkest corners of his small room as he searched for anything out of the ordinary.
Finding nothing, Jeremy turned his attention to the window beside his bed, peering intently about the lonely, windswept prairie that isolated his home from others in his village. Squinting in the surprisingly bright glare of the silver moon, Jer sat silently, watching for the slightest sign of movement as the fear in his dream continued to hold his heart in its icy grasp.
This recurring dream was getting out of control. In all of his fifteen years, Jer had seldom been troubled by nightmares. At least, not until the last month or so.
During the night on Midsummer Eve, only a month gone, Jer had woken from a sound sleep, disturbed by his own tortured screams. He found himself unable to remember what had frightened him so, and therefore thought nothing more of the dream. It must have been an isolated incident.
Strangely though, the dreams continued, subtly different each night. He knew this, though he could not remember any other detail from the dreams. Every night the terror grew more intense than the night before, and Jer dreaded the climax he could feel coming. From the very depths of his soul he dreaded it, for something in these dreams was too real to be forever lost in the world of waking.
Now, on the first day of a new month, the nightmares continued. Jer wondered if he was slowly slipping into the clutches of insanity. Though the thought sent chills down his spine anew, he felt he had to consider it. He had to tell someone. Maybe Krys would listen. He had met her in the hospital while she was recovering from surgery on a broken knee; eventually the new friends had discovered that they lived only a few miles apart. Jer knew he could not continue much longer without telling someone. Anyone but Krys would think he had cracked like an egg.
With a sigh of resignation, Jer slid carefully out of his bed, padding quietly in his bare feet across the room to switch on his light. A quick glance at the clock on his night stand told him that it was only twelve fifteen. He knew he wouldn’t sleep again that night. The dreams came earlier every night as well.
‘Maybe I’m just parinoid,’ he thought as he silently searched his room once more for anything odd. His reflection in the hanging mirror on the wall caught his eye, and he paused to inspect himself more closely, frowning bemusedly. His dark brown hair was toussled, an indication that his sleep had not been peaceful. It was getting a bit too long, he noted. He’d have his father cut it tomorrow.
Jer’s steel gray eyes, flecked with blue and green, returned his stare impassively. He had his mother’s eyes and thin lips. Or so he was told. Jer had never met her; she had died giving birth to him, her first and only child. His features and a few photos were all he had left of her.
The rest of his frame was slim, fragile looking despite the muscles he had built over the years. His summers of working odd jobs on neighboring farms had ensured that he had strength enough to do whatever his employers required of him.
Jer glanced down briefly at the scar that traced the back of his left hand and disappeared beneath his shirt sleeve. A thin, jagged, discolored line, it continued up his wrist and forearm, past his elbow, and ended abruptly only an inch or two from his shoulderblade. The story behind that scar was painful, and Jer preferred not to think of it, though his thoughts had been inexorably drawn to it lately. How he had been cut so badly was a mystery to everyone, even Jer himself. His only clear memory of the incident was of sudden and excruciating pain jolting him from a sound sleep one morning nearly ten years ago. The cut was fresh, with blood welling from the deep rent in his crudely sliced flesh. Jer had found himself soaked in his own crimson blood.
Other memories of the few moments before he feel unconscious that night were vague, consisting mostly of the sound of his own panicked screams ringing in his ears. Faintly, a quiet uncertainty tugged at Jer’s troubled memories. Had he truly seen a wickedly spiked tail slide through the glass of his window as though it were not even there? He could only begin wonder at the being to whom that deadly tail belonged.
Those days in the hospital where Jer slowly recovered from the shock of the incident, as well as the blood loss and the wound itself, were the beginnings of a strong and lasting friendship with Krys, a girl a year older than himself who had been his roommate. Only she had believed him about the tail. Everyone else attributed the memory to shock at such a serious injury. No one could explain how he had nearly killed himself in his sleep, though. A few more minutes of blood loss, and Jer would have been killed. It was amazing he retained the full use of his arm.
Jer glanced over his shoulder at his bed, the enemy that was a pathway to the unwanted dreams that haunted his sleep. ‘I’ll tell Krys tomorrow,’ he decided as he flicked off the light and returned to his bed. For a long while Jer stared out at the prairie, watching the moon-bathed landscape that breathed with a life of its own. ‘How wonderful it must be,’ he thought, ‘to be free of all evils in the world.’ Though Jeremy had thought it impossible, the swaying grasses, bowing to each regal gust of wind, soon lulled him back into a dreamless slumber.

Amateur Story Writing
I honestly don't have any new amateur stories! I know people have written them, and I went through ALL my saved mail... Please send them to me!!!!

End of Part 3
Sorry for the length, click next for Part 4!
Subj: Fwd: The Sharks News - Issue 63 Part 4
Date: 08/19/1999 10:29:12 PM Eastern Daylight Time
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Date: 07/03/1999 7:50:24 PM Eastern Daylight Time
From: EB0und
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BCC: CrazedMogX

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A Weekly Newsletter for all Sharks
Click here to be removed from our mailing list

July 3rd 1999
Issue 63

Intro to Part 4
Hey again! Welcome to Part 4. Here's the member's section! Enjoy...

Video Game News
The Battle Goes On As The 2 Best Video Game Developers Go To Work Again...
CPU:IBM Gekko Processor Emotion Engine
Clock Speed:400 MHZ 300 HMZ
Semiconducter Process:0.18 0.18-0.15 micron
micron technology technology
Graphics Processor:Being Graphics Synthesizer 150
Developed By ArtX Inc.200 MHZ,0.18 micron embedded
MHZ 0.18 micron technology DRAM technology
Memory Bus Bandwidth:3.2 3.2 GB/ sec
Software Medium:DVD , DVD/CD,Provided By Sony
provided by Matsushita(Pana-
Avalibility:Holiday Season 2000 Spring 2000 in Japan,Fall 2000 in US

Who Will Win??? We'll Wait And See......

Yes It's True, Pokémon Stadium Has Been Delayed....Again....It's New Release Date For The US Is March 2000....Those Lucky Japs.....They Make Us Wait....But I Guess We Will Wait....

Yep....They've Already Started....Final Fantasy 9...Talk About An On going Series
...They Haven't Even Released 8 In The US And They're Starting On 9 Already...

Video Game Codes

All-Star Baseball 2000

• Fly back to dugout

Enter "FLYAWAY" as a code at the "Enter Cheats" menu. Then, players will fly back to the dugout after an out.

• Small players

Enter "TOMTHUMB" as a code at the "Enter Cheats" menu.

• Big baseball

Enter "BCHBLKTPTY" as a code at the "Enter Cheats" menu.

• Baseball trails

Enter "WLDWLDWST" as a code at the "Enter Cheats" menu.

• Blackout mode

Enter "WTOTL" as a code at the "Enter Cheats" menu.

• Blurred graphics

Enter "MYEYES" as a code at the "Enter Cheats" menu.

• Lizard team

Select exhibition mode and choose Kaufmann Stadium. Then while playing a game, hit one of the signs that say "Win a lizard" to transform all players on the team into lizards.

• Unhittable fastball

Select arcade mode. Then while pitching, hold C-Down + A until the ball reaches the plate to throw an unhittable fastball.

• Change pitch speed

Hold Z to increase or R to decrease the speed of a pitch.

• Faster running

Hold Z to run faster.
Bomberman Hero

• Level select

At the title or options screen, press A + B + Z.

• Cheat options

When Bomberman is in his room, press Up, Down, Right, Up(2), Down, A, B, C-Left, C-Right, then hold A for approximately five seconds.

• Gossick World

Get all 24 Other-Dimension Bombs and a 5 on every stage (Bomber Star through Garaden Star).

• Slider Race

To get the first ??? on the options screen, get all 5s on all the stages (Bomber Star through Garaden Star). In the Slider Race, you race a snowman on your Bomber Slider with the best time recorded.

• Golden Bomber

To get the second ??? on the options screen, get 5s on all the stages (Bomber Star through Garaden Star) and beat Gossick. In this mode a gold card will turn Bomberman into Gold Bomberman. The best score from three stages will be recorded.

• Millian's Treasure Hunt

To get the third ??? on the options screen, get 5s on every stage (Bomber Star through Garaden Star). In this mode, a ship returning from Garaden Star filled with treasures blows up and scatters 24 treasures around all six stars. Your goal is to find all of them.
Cruis'n World

• Championship mode

Complete all 3 championship courses on easy, medium, and hard difficulty levels to unlock a secret championship mode.

• Bonus tracks

Complete "Championship" mode on the master skill difficulty level to unlock the Russia, Japan, and Florida bonus tracks.

• Moon track

Beat the game on "Cruise The World" mode under the easy difficulty level. Then, an animation sequence showing your car being transported to the moon will be displayed. Now the bonus moon track may be accessed after the credits.

• Speed Demon car

Obtain at least 9999 points in championship mode. Then the Speed Demon, with a 230 mph top speed, will be selectable on the car selection screen.

• Power level 1

Obtain at least 8 points in championship mode. Then on the car selection screen, press C-Up or C-Down.

• Power level 3

Obtain at least 100 points in championship mode. Then on the car selection screen, press C-Up or C-Down.

Power level 4

Obtain at least 500 points in championship mode. Then on the car selection screen, press C-Up or C-Down.

• Power level 5

Obtain at least 1500 points in championship mode. Then on the car selection screen, press C-Up or C-Down

• Alternate colors

Obtain at least 20 points in championship mode. Then on the car selection screen, press L or R.

• Two-tone colors

Obtain at least 150 points in championship mode. Then on the car selection screen, press L or R.

• Turbo start

Immediately after the commentator says "Set", hold Accelerate to get a turbo boost to start the race.

• Bonus cars

Go to practice mode and select "Practice Championship". Then, complete one of the following tracks in less than the indicated time to unlock the corresponding car.

Track Time Car
Australia 1:49.00 Surgeon
China 1:14.00 Enforcer
Egypt 1:07:00 Skool Bus
England 1:46.00 Bulldog
France 2:15:00 Tommy
Germany 2:27.00 Taxi
Hawaii 3:47.00 Monsta
Japan 2:48.00 Rocket
Kenya 2:06.00 Conductor
Mexico 1:46:00 Howler
New York 2:11:00 Grass Hopper
Russia 1:58:00 Rocket

• Shortcuts


Immediately when a blue scenic overlook sign with red arrow cones comes into view in Cruis'n World mode, take a hard left onto the off-ramp. Some trick points are awarded by this secret, when doing stunts. Another way to get trick points, is to do a two wheelie slightly behind a car. If done correctly, your car can perform a flip.


Just before the last ramp on course, steer left so your car is headed towards the left grassy area. Then a rock side wall on the left will appear. Steer just to the right of the wall. If done correctly, your car will automatically do a flip for more trick points. This trick comes in handy if you miss the jump.


Watch carefully after the third set of Kangaroos, to see a dirt road to the left. The trail leads to a ramp, were your car will have enough room to earn a automatic mega-flip. This trail could also be used as a shortcut.

• Car tricks

Dodge collisions

To go right through a collision or on coming traffic simply do a turbo boost by pressing Gas twice. This will make you jump over the car, and while jumping over the car you can perform a trick.


When your car is at the top of a ramp, press Left or Right.


Press Gas twice while on a straight road. This will also result in a small boost.

Side wheelie

Press Gas twice while taking a turn. This also helps to make sharp turns easier.

Side wheelie drift

Tap A and press A + B + Left or Right. -From:


Pop a wheelie on a jump (press Gas twice). Adjust your timing if this trick does not work at first.

Barrel roll

First, perform a sideways flip by pressing Gas twice while turning. Then move the joystick the opposite direction of the turn.

Flip Roll

Start a normal flip during a jump, then press B(2), A, B, C-Up while in mid-air to earn 20 points.
Doom 64

• Features menu

Enter "?TJL BDFW BFGV JVVB" as a password. Then the game will begin on level one. Now pause the game to access a new "Features" menu that allows level selection, invulnerability, map mode, health boost, and weapons/ammunition. You can also access the "warp to fun" levels 25, 26, and 27. Once enabled, the health boost and weapons/ammunition options may not be disabled. The invulnerability option will be disabled on level 32. Once enabled, the features menu will appear when any saved game is paused until the Nintendo 64 is powered off or reset.

Destroy all the barrels on Level 1 to access Level 32. The warp is in a secret room behind the starting location of the level. Save the first barrel to be destroyed last.

• Super status

Enter "W93M 7H20 BCY0 PSVB" as a password. Now the game will begin on the last level with 100 health, 200 armor, all weapons, full ammunitions, the backpack, and levels 29 to 31 completed. The inventory will contain three pentagram items that power-up the laser to be three times as powerful as the BFG9000 and activate the three switches in the last level to close the gates that spawn the monsters.

• Level 32 (Hectic) demo

Enter "RVNH 3CT1 CD3M 0???" as a password. Now a demo of level 32 will appear as the fourth demonstration sequence.

• Secret levels for special keys

Level 4 has a secret entrance to level 29.
Level 12 has a secret entrance to level 30.
Level 18 has a secret entrance to level 31.

• Death messages

After losing a life, do not immediately resume the game. Wait a few seconds and random messages will appear at the top of the screen for several seconds at one minute intervals.
Extreme-G 2

• All tracks

Enter "8KLSZKW76ZM7" as a password.

• All bikes

Enter "3GP8ZKW76ZMW" as a password.

• Wasp bike

Enter "55HZ1MH3H9H1" as a password.

• Spectre bike and Duel mode

Enter "HSFDCCV611FV" as a password.

• Mirror mode

Enter "HS3B9BQ9DGPL" as a password.

Extra multi-player levels

Enter "N31GG76CG9DZ" as a password.

Infinite weapon and shield energy

Enter "Extreme Contest" mode, then at the bike selection screen, press R. Enter "XCHARGE" as a name and then press Start. If you entered the code correctly, the word "Extreme" will be spoken. Enter this code again to return to normal mode

• Infinite weapons

Enter "Extreme Contest" mode, then at the bike selection screen, press R. Enter "MISTAKE" as a name and then press Start. If you entered the code correctly, the word "Extreme" will be spoken. Enter this code again to return to normal mode.

• Infinite nitros

Enter "Extreme Contest" mode, then at the bike selection screen, press R. Enter "NITROID" as a name and then press Start. If you entered the code correctly, the word "Extreme" will be spoken. Enter this code again to return to normal mode.

• All homing and multiple missiles

Enter "Extreme Contest" mode, then at the bike selection screen, press R. Enter "MISPLACE" as a name and then press Start. If you entered the code correctly, the word "Extreme" will be spoken. Enter this code again to return to normal mode.

• Complete race

Enter "Extreme Contest" mode, then at the bike selection screen, press R. Enter "RA50" as a name and then press Start. If you entered the code correctly, the word "Extreme" will be spoken. Then during a race, pause and select "Quit" to complete the race in your current position. Enter this code again to return to normal mode.

WipeOut mode

Enter "Extreme Contest" mode, then at the bike selection screen, press R. Enter "2064" as a name and then press Start. If you entered the code correctly, the word "Extreme" will be spoken. Then, all bikes will turn into futuristic ships resembling those from the game WipeOut. Enter this code again to return to normal mode.

Turbo mode

Enter "Extreme Contest" mode, then at the bike selection screen, press R. Enter "XXX" as a name and then press Start. If you entered the code correctly, the word "Extreme" will be spoken. Enter this code again to return to normal mode.

• TRON mode

Enter "Extreme Contest" mode, then at the bike selection screen, press R. Enter "NEUTRON" as a name and then press Start. If you entered the code correctly, the word "Extreme" will be spoken. Enter this code again to return to normal mode.

• Random circuit tracks

Enter "Extreme Contest" mode, then at the bike selection screen, press R. Enter "JUGGLE" as a name and then press Start. If you entered the code correctly, the word "Extreme" will be spoken. Enter this code again to return to normal mode.

• Pixelated graphics

Enter "Extreme Contest" mode, then at the bike selection screen, press R. Enter "PIXIE" as a name and then press Start. If you entered the code correctly, the word "Extreme" will be spoken. Enter this code again to return to normal mode.

• Wireframe graphics

Enter "Extreme Contest" mode, then at the bike selection screen, press R. Enter "LINEAR" as a name and then press Start. If you entered the code correctly, the word "Extreme" will be spoken. Enter this code again to return to normal mode.

• Full screen

Enter "Extreme Contest" mode, then at the bike selection screen, press R. Enter "FLICK" or "NOPANEL" as a name and then press Start. If you entered the code correctly, the word "Extreme" will be spoken. Enter this code again to return to normal mode.

• Spiraling screen

Enter "Extreme Contest" mode, then at the bike selection screen, press R. Enter "SPIRAL" as a name and then press Start. If you entered the code correctly, the word "Extreme" will be spoken. Enter this code again to return to normal mode.

• Overhead view

Enter "Extreme Contest" mode, then at the bike selection screen, press R. Enter "SPYEYE" as a name and then press Start. If you entered the code correctly, the word "Extreme" will be spoken. Enter this code again to return to normal mode.
FIFA Soccer '99

• Atlanta Attack team

Win the Champions Cup as Brazil on the professional difficulty level.

• Finding Ronaldo

Ronaldo may be found in the game as A. Calcio on the Inter Milan and Brazilian National team.
GoldenEye 007

• Hidden characters

Enter the multi-player mode character selection screen and display the last available character (Mishkin or Moonraker Elite). Then, press the following controller combinations: Hold L + R and press C-Left. Hold L and press C-Up. Hold L + R and press Left. Hold L and press Right. Hold R and press Down. Hold L + R and press C-Left. Hold L and press C-Up. Hold L + R and press Right. Hold L + R and press C-Down. Hold L and press Down. Now an additional thirty-one characters will be selectable.

• Cougar Magnum gun

Beat the game on the "Agent" difficulty setting.

• Bonus Egyptian level

Beat the game on the "00 Agent" difficulty level.

• Bonus Aztec level

Beat the Antenna Cradle level on the "00 Agent" difficulty setting.

• 007 mode

Beat every level, including the Egyptian and Aztec, on the "00 Agent" difficulty setting. Then, the 007 bonus game setting will become available. Options such as enemy health, enemy damage, enemy accuracy, and enemy intelligence will be adjusteable in this game setting.

• Double mixed weapons

Obtain two sets of paired weapons that appear next to each other in your weapon list and some ammunition for each gun. (For example, in the Military Archives level, obtain two Dostoveis and two Klobbs). Then, cycle through the weapons until two of the second set of weapons are ready. Now, quickly press the following set of buttons: Hold A button, then before the weapons cycle forward, press Z(2). Release A, then press A once Press Z to fire two or three times while the weapons are cycling. If done correctly, firing the weapon will lock one of the weapons during the cycle, allowing a mixed set.

• Copy cheats to another folder

Highlight a cheat from a folder, then hold A and keep that button pressed until instructed otherwise. Then, press B(2) to return to the folder selection screen, and press Z to select another folder. Now enter the cheat menu, highlight any code, and press Z. Then, press B and release A. Now select any level to begin the game with the cheat from the first folder.

• Same character in multiplayer mode

Set the number of players to "4" and select the desired character for player four. Then, change the number of players to "3" and select any character (including the same character that was chosen in the previous step) for player three. Now, set the number of players to "2" and select the desired character for players one and two. Note: Players one and two can never be the same character. Set the number of players to "4" and begin a game.

• Bonus multiplayer areas

Beat the second Severyna bunker, the Military Archives, and Water Caverns levels on the Agent difficulty setting. Then, these areas will become available for multiplayer mode.

• Bonus multiplayer characters

Beat the game on the "Agent" difficulty setting and Bond villains Mayday, Oddjob, Jaws, and Baron Samedi will become selectable in deathmatch mode. Note: They are not available in single player mode.

• Armed scientists

Shoot a scientist in the foot or hand twice with a silenced PP7 in any level that they appear on any difficulty level. Then, the scientist will fire back with Dostovel and may even throw a grenade.

• Paintbrush weapon

Begin a game in multi-player mode on a level that contains sniper rifles. Then, collect a sniper rifle before getting any ammunition or touching another character. Now press A(2) after getting the sniper rifle to use a paintbrush.

• Hints, tips, and tricks

Floating weapons

Locate the control room in the Bunker 2 level with the big screen. Place a remote mine on each of the eight televisions that are attached to the ceiling and destroy them. Throw mines, grenades, knives or fire the rocket launcher in the room and the weapons will float. If this trick is done during a single player game, the enemies will die with their weapons in their hands.

Invisible mines

Begin game play in multi-player mode. Place a mine on ammunition, then take the ammunition. Although the mine will still be at that location, it will not appear on your opponent's screen.

Falling mines

Complete all the objectives on the Runway level except "Escape in plane". Place a few timed mines on your plane, then enter and take off. You will see the mines fall out and explode when you are in the air.

Protecting Natalya

The easiest way to protect Natalya in the control room is to take out all the tables, except the one that she needs. This will give you a clean line of fire on the guards.

Kill Xenia easily

Continuously fire the AR33 armed with a full magazine as she runs towards you. Alternatively, position Bond adjacent to the bridge and shoot her. She can not hit Bond at this location.

In the Jungle level on the two harder difficulty settings, the best and fastest way to kill Xenia is to set three remote mines on the front of the bridge. (The front being the closest part of the bridge as you come upon it.) Run about half way across the bridge, until you hear the music. Then turn around and run off the bridge and to the right. When you are far enough away from the mines, turn around the face the bridge. (You should facing the bridge at a 90 degree angle). Natalya will run across the bridge. Xenia will cross paths with her on the bridge. When Xenia gets to the end of the bridge she will stop and look around. This is when the mines should be detonated. Since the explosion will not kill her, scroll back to the AR33 and hit her will approximately ten shots to finish her. If done correctly, she will not have a chance to fire back.

Kill Trevelyan easily

The best way to kill Trevelyan on the Cradle level is to blow him up. Get the armor, then run up the ramp. Kill the first onslaught of men (the 3 or 4 on the top of the ramp). One of them should have a grenade; if this does not occur, start again. After taking the grenade, run down and power down the dish as usual. Exit through the back door and Trevelyan should be down the ramp. Instead of shooting him, switch to the grenade and aim it straight down so that it bounces down the ramp. When the grenade hits the bottom it will explode and kill Trevelyan completely, with no lines, chasing, or other nonsense. Just run to the helicopter to be picked up to complete the mission.

This following trick works under any difficulty setting. In the Cradle, go to the bunker with the computer terminal. Go all of the way to the left of the door and turn around. You should now have your back to the wall, with the staircase directly in front of you and the door directly to your left. Shoot all of the men that walk down the stairs and out of the door. After about ten seconds you will hear an explosion, Trevelyan will start his "For England..." speech, and objective two will be complete. What happened was Trevelyan had dropped the grenade and forgot to run, thus killing himself. Now go in, destroy the terminal and leave.

Use two different guns simutaneously

Obtain any paired set of guns. Then, hold A and press Z(2). Release A, then press A again. Press Z two or three times to fire while changing weapons. If timed correctly, the weapon being fired will be paired with another weapon creating a mixed set.

Hidden guns

Locate the two boxes stacked on top of each other immediately before the first door on the left in the train level. Destroy them to collect a RC-P90 when playing under the Agent difficulty level. A DD44 will appear if playing under the Secret Agent difficulty level.

There are crates located near the "bunker" on the Dam level that also contain guns. Go to the switch, turn around, and shoot at the boxes directly in front of Bond.

Locate the control room with the master console in the Caverns level. Defeat all the enemies, then go all the way to the right to find two boxes. Shoot the box on the right, and another box will fall out. Keep destroying the boxes until two computers fall out. Each contains an AR30.

Silenced PP7s

There is a set of two silenced PP7s on the second bunker level. There is a guard with a safe key in the room with the two double doors. Go to the room with the safe to find the two guns and a GoldenEye operating manual.

Return into the vents

Begin game play in the Facility level in multi-player mode. Enable turbo mode and face the door. Press C-Left immediately after jumping on the toilet to pop back up into the vents. Note: Another way to accomplish this without turbo mode is to hold L + C-Right + Analog-stick Left + Z.

Bottomless pit

First, earn the Bunker level for multi-player mode. Start a multi-player game at the bunker with grenade launchers, mines (any type), or any other type of explosive weapon. Take the explosive weapon outside the bunker. Move in the opposite direction from the bunker's entrance. You should come to an invisible black wall. Look down and toss any type of explosive. The explosive never hit bottom.

Extra time on Train level

An additional twenty seconds can be added to your time on this level under the 00 Agent difficulty setting by killing Xenia. Run in the room and position yourself in a diagonal line with General Ourimorv and Xenia. Shoot Ourimorv and keep firing as he dies to quickly kill Xenia.

Destroy the Egyptian level trap guns

The automatic trap guns on the Egyptian level are not indestructible; they can be blown up with explosive weapons.

Kill Baron Samedi permanently

Kill Baron Samedi two times with the golden gun, then find him a third time. Shoot him and change the controller type to "Domino". As the game is ending, continuously press the Z on controller two very quickly. Keep hitting the button during the ending sequence and you will be able to shoot Baron Samedi in the head with the golden gun. Note: This trick works better when a turbo controller is plugged into port two.

Find the tank

Begin a game on the Runway level (Level 3). Go outside, then move all the way to the right. The tank is located around that corner.

Ride the tank

Bond can drive the T-54 tank by climbing aboard and pressing B on the tower. Use the Analog-stick to steer, and switch to tank rounds to shoot targets.

Tank cruise control

Get into a tank and start driving. While driving, switch to the tank cannon. Reach the desired speed, then hold down the aim button (R by default), and release the Analog-stick. The tank will now drive in a straight line by itself.

Another guard tower

Begin a game on the Dam level (Level 1). Go to the middle (second) tower on the dam. Use your sniper rifle at maximum magnification to look the opposite way that you will bungee jump to find another tower across the water. This tower was going to be used in the game but was only left in for viewing.

Dancing characters

Begin a multiplayer match. Have both players face each other within sight. Have one player stare at the other player while the other player looks straight at the ground. (It will appear as if the other player is staring at his or her toes.) Then, have the character that is staring at the ground rapidly tap the "strafe left" and "strafe right" buttons. That character's arm will start to swing up and down as if he or she is dancing the Hustle. Have Jaws do this for a particularly funny effect.

Temporarily disable opponent's auto-aim

Disarm yourself during a multi-player game by selecting Down until no weapons are held. Your opponent's auto-aim will not function, making it very difficult for your character to be shot. This trick is especially useful when you want to make a quick getaway to grab more power-ups and don't want to face a better-equipped player.

Invisible flag

Begin a game of "Flag Tag" in multi-player mode. Find the flag, but do not pick it up. Instead, scroll through your weapons until your characcter is unarmed. Hold Fire and pick up the flag. The flag will now be invisible, and your character can kill the other players in the game. Note: Releasing Fire or scrolling the weapons will end this trick.

Destroying cameras easily

Cameras can be destroyed with a single shot from any gun if they are hit directly in the lens.

Shoot during ending sequence

Set the game controls to "Domino" and complete a level. Then, press Z on controller two to fire whatever Bond is holding during the current scene. Natalya may also be shot at the end of some levels.

The News... With BRIAN DX!

Hello Valet, this is BRIANDX with "the news"
EcwValet: ok
BRIAN DX: What are your thoughts on big purple ballons?
EcwValet: ballons are fun. good for children

BRIAN DX: Jon, this is BRIANDX with "the news"
jon ls god: keedoke -- whats up??
BRIAN DX: You know I heard TrendyWendy works at a McDonalds, are these shocking accusations true?!
jon ls god: hehehehe -- nah -- she works at a yoga place.

BRIAN DX: Deafcon2, aka EBG Ness, it's me BRIAN DX with "the news"....
EBG Ness: Cool.
EBG Ness: Hiya.
BRIAN DX: I understand you worship the ground Ricki Martin walks on, no?
BRIAN DX: (play along)
EBG Ness: Yes, I just looovvve Ricki Martin
BRIAN DX: Livin the Viva Loca baby!

BRIAN DX: Hello Sktiz, it's BRIANDX here with "the news".........
BRIAN DX: Asking the IMPORTANT questions
Skitz Zero: Hello. Well, you go ahead and ask then.
BRIAN DX: Skitz......if you had my love and I gave you all my trust would you comfort me?
Skitz Zero: No, I most certainly would not.

IRC: The New way to chat online

E-mail:; ICQ: 17781057

When I got the NL lsat time, noticed something in the ranks section. Yes you might only care about your rank, but I noticed some members get the newsletter throught a seperare E-mail service. Now they might be AOL members, then again they might not. Well what if they want to enjoy a good Sharks meeting on their own computer, yet they don't have AOL, how are they able to come? Well right now they are not able to.

Well now I suggest an idea that might work for all, IRC chat. What is IRC? IRC stands for Internet Chat Relay, and it is what an increasing amount of websites (like are using instead of that slow Java client. You can do almost the same things you can do on AOL and maybe even more. You can send files to someone while chatting with the room, called a channel. There are also ways to kick annoying people out of the chat, but then again that power can be restricted, or even used on you. Another great feature is that you can chat elsewhere at the same time, which is very good.

Intrested, in trying this? Good! First of all though you need a program in which to connect to a server,
mIRC is a good choice for beginners. Next you need to know the server in which the desired channel is on. Finally connect to the server and off you go! I hope this dream of creating a better link between our non-AOL users and AOL users can come true, but I need your support. Post on the message board, E-mail me here or here, anything to show your support, and maybe, just maybe, it will come true

End of Part 4
That's it for Part 4... Click Next for #5 - The EB section! Subj: Fwd: The Sharks News - Issue 63 Part 5
Date: 08/19/1999 10:29:27 PM Eastern Daylight Time
From: CrazedMogX
To: CrazedMogX

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Date: 08/08/1999 8:37:25 PM Eastern Daylight Time
From: CrazedMogX
To: CrazedMogX

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Date: 07/21/1999 8:38:40 PM Eastern Daylight Time
From: CrazedMogX
To: CrazedMogX

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Subj: The Sharks News - Issue 63 Part 5

Date: 07/03/1999 7:51:26 PM Eastern Daylight Time
From: EB0und
To: EB0und
BCC: CrazedMogX

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A Weekly Newsletter for all Sharks
Click here to be removed from our mailing list

July 3rd 1999
Issue 63

Intro to Part 5
Hey again! Welcome to Part 5. Here's the EarthBound section! Enjoy...

EarthBound 64 News
Straight from Japan yesterday (June 27, 1999)! EarthBound 64 ACTUALLY has a SET RELEASE DATE!!! EarthBound 64 is now scheduled for release on DECEMBER 9, 1999!!! (Though it is not known whether this will be a Japanese, American, or simultaneous release date). It is also said to be on the new 64MB (TWICE the size of ZELDA 64!) PAK! It is also rumored that, for the first time, you will
be able to see your father... MORE as it becomes available!

Information from BearBear13

Earthbound Area Focus: (Previously EB Place Focus)

This Weeks Area Focus is: Twoson Part 2, and also Happy Happy Village

-Get the Franklin Badge from Paula
-Defeat Pokey's Friends
-Defeat Carpainter and get the Jail Key
-Free Paula
-Go through the Eastern Caves
-Defeat Mondo Mole and get Lilliput Melody
-Return to Twoson
-Bring Paula to the Polestar Nursery
-Get the "Wad of Bills" from Everdred
-Go to Chaos Theater


Get the Franklin Badge from Paula: This has to be the easyiest task. Just go into the cave north of Happy Happy Village, and you end up at this fenced in house with some spiteful crows around it. All you have to do is go in there, and talk to her!!! She'll give you the Franklin Badge just like that!

Defeat Pokey's Friends: Another easy task! You can take out Pokey's Friends with using bash a few times, and you can probably get rid of them without even wasting any PP. His friends are very easy. His friends are Blue Cultist and a Spiteful Crow. There HP Combined is barely over 100!

Defeat Carpainter and get the Jail Key: Wow! Another easy task! Go into the Carpainters Building place where there are about 100+ Cultists. All you have to do is find the path thru and go staight to Carpainter. With the Franklin Badge, it should be simple to defeat him. Just to be safe, use PSI Rockin most of the time. As soon as you toast Carpainter, he'll cough up the Jail Key with little protest. Take it to Paula's Cell. She'll grab her Teddy Bear and say good riddance to jail. The bear will absorb punishment until Paula has gained some HP.
Enemy Guide:
Enemy Name: Carpainter
HP: 262
PP: 70
Speed: 9
Offense: 33
Defense: 45

Free Paula: Take Carpainters key to Paula's Cell, which is the same place where you found her last. She'll grab her Teddy Bear and say good riddance to jail. The bear will absorb punishment until Paula has gained some HP.

Go through the Eastern Caves: Go through the Eastern Caves for 2 reasons. 1 reason is to build up Paula's HP. The other reason is so you can find Mondo Mole!

Defeat Mondo Mole and get Lilliput Melody: You've met other moles in the caves, but none this brutal! This mole just won't give up! Make sure to have Paula's max. HP at atleast 70! Only the most experienced Bounders should try before that. One attack from Mondo Mole can kill Paula even at that level of HP. If all is lost use Paula's "PRAY" command! YEA! I said USE it! Even though it has random effects, sometimes it makes Mondo Mole lose 200 HP and die if you have atleast 298 off of him. ONLY USE THIS IF YOU HAVE NO OTHER OPTIONS! Don't get down on yourself if you lose to him the first of second time. After you manage to man-handle the Mondo Mole, head through the hole in the the cave and record the melody of the tiny footprints before heading back to Happy Happy Village.

Enemy Guide:
Enemy Name: Mondo Mole
HP: 498
PP: 161
Speed: 9
Offense: 37
Defense: 50

Return to Twoson: Easy task, go back the way you came! Be sure to bring some food to restore your HP! On the way back, be sure to fight as much as you can, for Paula's sake!

Bring Paula to the Polestar Nursery: Go to Polestar Nursery to get the Hand-Aid from Paula's mom.

Get the "Wad of Bills" from Everdred: YAY! So much money, and not much to do with it! Everdred will give this to you for saving Paula, and the town.

Go to Chaos Theater: Go to the Chaos Theater, and use your Backstage Pass to go in, and talk to the manager after the show. Give him the money. After that, go outside, hop onto the Runaway 5 Bus, and ride off to Threed!

Are you a REAL Earthbound fan?
By Matingly22
Some of you may recognize this article from the MSN- I made it awhile ago for the club, and after awhile posted it on other Message Boards, etc. I decided to re-put it on here- check it out; and take the test!

Do you consider youself a true hardcore fan of Earthbound? If your not sure, take this test and see how you score, and find out if you truly are, a HARDCORE Earthbound fan!
Also, you don't have to send the test to me, its just for yourself, or to compare with others.
Even if you don't care if your a hardcore EB fan or not, take the test anyways! Its cool!

"The Hardcore Earthbound Test"

This test consists of 60 questions/obsessions/etc. to see if you are the TRUE Hardcore Earthbound Fan! If you answer one question, then give yourself 1 point. At the end, add up all of your points, and see what kind of Earthbound fan you are classified as!
Now it's a poll!!! CLICK your score result!!!

(Check off, or Highlight, or whatever the ones you answer to. These 13 questions have to do with general obsession that would prove that you are an Earthbound fanatic.)
1. You have dedicated a part of your bedroom to Earthbound.
2. In a big fight/argument, you called the other person an enemy from Earthbound.
3. You treat the Earthbound cartridge as if it were your only possession in the world.
4. You have drawn whole maps, new characters, etc. for a new Earthbound game.
5. You have ever written a death threat(or something similar!) to Scary Larry(the Gamepro editor who rated EB).
6. You bought/or will buy another copy of Earthbound just for the box.
7. Someone has begun dissing Earthbound, and you give him a bloody nose(or at least put up some kind of fight) in repsonse.
8. You actually own the Earthbound/Mother1 soundtracks.
9. Whenever there is any slight news about Earthbound 64, you go insane.
10. You've basically turned your computer into an Earthbound computer.
11. You have turned many of your friends/relatives into Earthbound lovers(add 1 bonus point if they have gone totally Earthbound mad)
12. You can hum every single Earthbound song, with ease(add 1 bonus point if you can hum them in the exact order that they came up in the game!)
13. You have pretended you were an Earthbound character at times.
14. You sing along to Runaway 5's music everytime it plays.
15. When eating food, you pretend your eating magic cake, or mammoth burgers, or luxury jerkys, etc.
16. Whenever you beat Earthbound, you go to every single town/villiage and talk to every single person 1 last time.
17. You still have all of the Earthbound Scratch 'n' Sniff ads put away somewhere.
18. You have a signed banana peel from your favorite star.
19. When you FIRST heard about Earthbound 64, you nearly passed out.
20. When you FIRST heard about Earthbound Zero being "released" over here, you nearly passed out.

Earthbound Challenges
(These next 13 questions have more to do with playing the game itself, instead of obsessions for EB. Highlight, or check off, or whatever way you choose, the ones that you pick.)
1. You have ever gotten the Star Pendant, Sword of Kings, Gaia Beam, and Gutsy Bat all on 1 file.
2. You have ever gotten the Star Pendant for Ness, Paula, and Jeff.
3. You have searched every place in Earthbound for a secret character, or hidden level.
4. You can recite every character's PSI Powers(1 bonus point if you name the exact levels that you get most of them on!)
5. You have 1 permanent file with every single character built up to level 99, with maximum powers, etc.
6. You have beaten the game with every character under level 60.(1 bonus point if they were under level 50!)
7. You have beaten the game, or at least gotten VERY far with that Buzz Buzz game genie code!
8. You know all of the main bosses strengths and weaknesses, without looking at the player's guide!
9. You can recite an entire quote before the character even says it, because you know all the sayings so well.
10. You know the HP, PP, and psi of all the enemies(or at least know the approximate amount).
11. You have tried to develop a strategy to beat the game without Paula.
12. You have beaten Earthbound at least 10 times.
13. You have translated tarah rama's monkey's language one way or another(1 Bonus Point if it came out to be something useful!)

Social Life Status (These next 15 will deal with your current social life. If you relate to all of these, then I'm worried about you.)
1. You have stayed up until 3AM or later playing Earthbound.(1 Bonus Point if you were playing it since 3PM!)
2. You have failed a test because you played EB instead of studying.
3. You've been attracted to a girl because she liked Earthbound.(1 bonus point if her name was Paula!)
4. You have tooken your Earthbound strategy guide with you on vacation.
5. You have cancelled a date/or any other important event so you could play Earthbound.
6. When your friends come over, you force them to watch you play EB.
7. You have ever dressed as an Earthbound character for Halloween.(1 Bonus point if it wasn't Halloween)
8. You have spent hours trying to hack into Earthbounds ROM(1 Bonus point if you did!)
9. You have recorded every EB song onto a cassette.(1 Bonus Point if you have turned the cassette on for party music.)
10. You have re-created the EB towns out of legos.
11. While in the bathroom, you have brought your EB Player's Guide in there with ya'.(LoL, you are sad if you checked this one off)
12. You have written stupid things like this, or anything similar for Earthbound just for the hell of it.
13. You have ever gotten into a huge brawl while arguing that Earthbound is the best game.(1 bonus point if it was a good friend of yours!)
14. You have secretly wished that a girl from EB was real, so she could be your (girl)friend.
15. You've ever considered a friend less intelligent because of the way he/she plays Earthbound.

Some Very, Very Sad things
(Ok, if you answer any of these, then your truly sad. Very, very sad.)
1. You have created nude pictures of Paula and Venus.(1 Bonus point if you posted them on the internet!)
2. You've ever held a 1-man Earthbound party.(1 bonus point if you tried to order Mach Pizza.)
3. If your house caught fire, the only thing you would save was your copy of Earthbound.
4. You have had suicidal thoughts because you wanted to play EB and your SNES was broke.
5. You have ever said "I love you, Paula".
6. You have ever said "I love you, Venus".
7. You have ever said "I love you, Ness". (2 points for this one!)
8. You have had your underwear custom-designed so they have an EB Character/EB Club logo on them.(1 bonus point if you never take them off!)
9. You have ever tried to look up Paula's dress during the game.
10. You've ignored chest pains to continue playing Earthbound.
11. You have created a real Happy Happiest cult in real life.
12. You have dreams that you live in Eagleland and you are out to save the world. I don't mean just 1 dream, I mean almost ALL the time!(1 Bonus point if you have an ongoing storyline in your dreams.

For every one of those that you checked off, give yourself 1 point. If you checked off the bonuses, then give yourself an extra point. The highest possible score you can get is 76, and I know that there is NO ONE out there who will get that! When you finish, see what your score means, and what type of Earthbound fan you are.

If you scored:
0-13 points
: Maybe you like Earthbound, but you can't compare to some of the true Earthbound fanatics out there.
14- 25 points
: Not bad, but your still not an Earthbound fanatic yet.
26- 45 points
: Very good! Your a pretty big Earthbound fanatic!
46- 65 points
: Your a true Hardcore Earthbound fan! Congrats, but your also scaring me a little!
66+ points
: You have gone too far. Your not an Earthbound fanatic, your just a freak if you got this high!

There you go! Thanks for reading!!!!

By: EB0und, AquaDuck34, Loma359, and Cerineth
(Don't mind the sig there - I'll fix it next week!!)