Subj: The Sharks News - Issue 68 - Part 1
Date: 09/27/1999 9:50:00 PM Eastern Daylight Time
From: EBG Dragon
BCC: CrazedMogX


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\'|:::::::::::::::::|:| \:::::::\::\ \::::::::\\::::\:\ \::::\:\::::\:| \::::\\:::\| \:::::\:I'|::By: SeC:::|:|
\|::::::::::::::::/ \::::::::\:I \::::::::\\::::\'I \::::\'I\::::I \::::\\:::I \:::::\I \|::::::::::::::::/

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September 26th, 1999
Issue 68, Part 1

Table Of Contents
-Part 1
[Club News]
[The Newsletter]
[Message Board]
[Quitting The Sharks and Changing Your Screen Name]
[Shark Ranks]
[End Of Part 1]

-Part 2
[Part 2 Introduction]
[Shark of the Month]
[Shark of the Week]
[Shark Hall of Fame]
[Club Poll]
[EarthBound Poll]
[EarthBound Area Focus]
[EarthBound What If's]


Welcome to this week's issue of The Sharks News. This week we have different features and a semi-different layout. Enjoy!

Club News

A lot is happening right now in the Sharks. Member activity is still on the rise, many, many people have signed up for jobs, and the club is gaining a splendid array of new features.

I have finally solved all of the AOL problems, so now we should be able to continue with meetings and the newsletter without delays and cancellations.

Probably one of the biggest things in everyone's mind is the upcoming elections, please look at the elections section of this issue for voting information!

Many people lost their ranks when EB0und reset them, if you'll please simply mail me your rank prior to this, I wil be glad to give it back to you. If you don't mail me about it, you will not get your rank back, this is the last week I'm going to allow this. For further information refer to the ranks section.

Tokens are back, and so are a new set of jobs. I hope you will refer to the Jobs section to sign up for some if you haven't already done so. If you wish to know anything about the new tokens system, or are just curious to see who already has some, please go to the tokens section.

I'm sure you have all noticed, that the NL color has been changed back to black type and green background. If you despise these colors and have something to say,
mail me your opinion.

The Newsletter

The newsletter will now, HOPEFULLY, be delivered at:

10:00 E.T.
9:00 C.T.
8:00 M.T.
7:00 P.T.

on FRIDAYS. I wish to also thank you for not being upset over the fact that this NL was 2 days late due to AOL problems.


Believe it or not, our average meeting attendance has raised, and we get more people every meeting. We have a lot of fun at meetings with just chatting or maybe playing some scrambler. Come on in sometime. :) I'd also like to remind you, that Thursday meetings are not necessary for you to attend, they are just there if you are bored and have nothing better to do. :) I am very sorry about the recent confusion over meeting times! I asure you that THESE ARE THE CORRECT MEETING TIMES.

Meeting Place: Onett Arcade

Tuesday Meetings:

9:00 - 10:00 E.T.
8:00 - 9:00 C.T.
7:00 - 8:00 M.T.
6:00 - 7:00 P.T.

Thursday Meetings:

8:30 - 9:00 E.T.
7:30 - 8:00 C.T.
6:30 - 7:00 M.T.
5:30 - 6:00 P.T.

Saturday Meetings:

9:00 - 10:00 E.T.
8:00 - 9:00 C.T.
7:00 - 8:00 M.T.
6:00 - 7:00 P.T.

If you think the meeting times should be changed, please mail me your opinion.

Message Board

The Message Board is still going, if you'd like to start posting, go right ahead!
Current Message Board:
Sharks, The


Updates will now be sent only when they are needed. Sorry for those of you that liked hearing me ramble on about nothing. :)


Well, now we are going to be keeping our current webpage that MogBacca made, until I get three or more people to offer to help by signing up

Current Webpage: - The Sharks -

Quitting the Sharks and Changing Your Screen Name

If you wish to quit the Sharks, just click here.

If you are changing your screen name, or are going to, or have already done so, please
tell me! Otherwise you'll lose everything you gained in the club. :(


Welcome to the jobs section! Jobs allow you to help the club. Jobs also get you rewards! Each job has its own reward standard, though, so if you're wondering when you'll get your next reward, look at your job description! To sign up, please look at the bottom of this section!

Member Recruiter:

Purpose: To recruit new members.
Rewards: Get 6 members and you may have 1 promotion or 1 arcade game.
How To: Ask the person/group, have all of those who are joining e-mail EBG Dragon.

Room: 1/100 (MasterJ808)


Purpose: Make programs for the Sharks.
Rewards: Every program you make is worth 3 promotions or 3 tokens. Every new version of a program is worth 1 promotion or 1 arcade game.
How To: If you have this job you already know how to program.

Room: 2/10 (Kjleftin, Harisn)

Picture Maker:

Purpose: To make and/or find pictures for the Sharks.
Rewards: Every 2 pictures you make/find is worth 1 promotion or token.
How To: If you have this job you already know how to make and get pictures.

Room: 6/10 (ANT Zzzac, DekuNut619, MasterJ808, Charm7865, Ss20vegeta, EB2024)

Web-Site Helper:

Purpose: To make webpages and scripts for the Sharks.
Rewards: A site is worth 4 promotions or 5 tokens. 2 pages or scripts are worth 1 promotion or token.
How To: If you have this job you already know how to make webpages and scripts. Webpages and scripts will only be excepted in the following languages: HTML, DHTML, Java, CGI, VBScript, ActiveX, or Shockwave.

Room: 2/10 (MIKAL BEE, Charm7865)

Game Hoster:

Purpose: To host scrambler, trivia, and/or other games at Shark meetings and events.
Rewards: You will get 1 promotion or token for every four meetings or events at which you host a game.
How To: When you are at a Shark event or meeting, simply load up the game, ask for permission, then if it is given, run the game.

Room: 2/10 (Harisn, Ss20vegeta)

Newsletter Helper:

Purpose: To aid in the construction of the newsletter and/or provide votes or articles of your own.
Rewards: For every 2 articles or votes sent in, you will get 1 promotion or arcade game. For every hour of time spent helping with the NL, you will receive 1 promotion or token.
How To: Send in an article or vote you have made 1-3 days before the NL comes out. If your assitance is needed, you will be asked to help on the NL writing if you wish.

Room: 6/10 (NessPsiKid, JAY3983, IHI E A D, TAILS825, MasterJ808, Charm7865)

Newsletter Poster:

Purpose: To post the weekly newsletter for public viewing.
Rewards: Every four weeks you have successfully posted the newsletter, you will receive 1 promotion or token.
How To: Post the newsletter on a page that is yours, keep every issue there, keep it organized.

Room: 0/3


Purpose: To provide informative interviews with the people in the club.
Rewards: Every three weeks of interviewing, you will receive 1 promotion or token.
How To: Send the interview to me, 1-3 days before the newsletter is sent.

Room: 2/2 (ChanneLZXP, Harisn)

Meeting Manager:

Purpose: To monitor the meetings if no leader is present.
Rewards: For every meeting monitored, you will receive 1 promotion or token.
How To: Take charge of the meeting, allow people to chat and allow game hosters to host games.

Room: 3/2 (Kid OfSeph, NikeBoy453, MGSegaM)
*- If someone is not doing their job here, or isn't participating, they automatically lose the job.

Message Board Manager:

Purpose: To monitor our message board and TOS people who are using really bad language or are very heavily slamming someone. Also, read all of the posts, and notify me of anything big or unusual that might be happening.
Rewards: For every four weeks of MB monitoring, you will receive 1 promotion or token.
How To: Just mail me anything that you think is important to The Sharks that you see on the MB, and report any really, really bad abuse of of language or heavy slamming of a person to TOS.

Room: 1/3 (IHI E A D)

More jobs are in the making, if you have a job idea, or a question about jobs, mail me.

Just fill this Application and you can get a job.
E-Mail address:
Job Title:
Why should you have this Job:

Shark Ranks

--------------------Leader Ranks--------------------

Spectrum Shark (President)-
EBG Dragon

Gold Shark (Co-President)-

Silver Shark (Executive Vice-President)-

Bronze Shark (Senior Vice-President)-
(Open soon to all people of Shark Level 2 and up who want to try to run for it.)

Iron Shark (Vice President)-
(Open to all people of Shark Level 1 and up who want to try to run for it.)

-------------------Supreme Ranks------------------

Legendary Shark - (4 people)
CrazedMogX, DHG Down, MogBacca, Loma349 is dead, Chrack4

Premier Shark - (2 people)
JAY3983, Yeerk543

Elite Shark - (0 people)

Frankystein Mark II - (0 people)

--------------------Regular Ranks------------------

Jr. Frank - (0 people)

Jr. Frankystein - (1 people)

Pogo Punk - (0 people)

Yes Man Jr. - (0 people)

Skate Punk - (0 people)

Arcade Shark - (1 people)

-------------------Novice Ranks-----------------

Novice Shark - (1 people)

Shark Level 5 - (5 people)
Rebo1234, ChriSKW1,, NikeBoy453, TheRealGau

Shark Level 4 - (1 people)

Shark Level 3-(4 people)
BearBear13, Nikeboy453, Un667, Melvin 500

Shark Level 2-(14 people)
Bull218, ChanneLZXP, HI87, MasterJ808, RPGEmerald, The mitey1, Ness3Toad, NessPsiKid, Skitz Zero, AllanJr64, Joshx2000, Chocoabo, Bdog676, Kid OfSeph

Shark Level 1 (Starting Rank) - (87 people)

Antoid (If you do anything else rotten, you'll be kicked out of the club.) - (0 people)


I'm pretty sure this will be the most read section in the whole NL. :) We had a LOT of people run for positions, so take your their speeches...and well..VOTE. :)



Good Day everyone, I am OaPika64. I have been in The Sharks since Sector took over 2 years ago. Ever since Sec left The Sharks have been in a downward spiral. I believe that strong recruiters and strong leadership can lead to more members. Also a fashionable website can bring thoughts to AOL members that have played EarthBound. The Sharks need help now before it too late. Vote for me and help The Sharks!

-Bronze Shark Candidate


I would like to run for the Bronze Shark place! I have been with the sharks for a while and have great ideas to help rebuild the club!


Hey all you Sharks I'm running for SVP(Bronze Shark), Obviously. Well,as SVP I will do my best to prevent wars with other clubs, some thing I've done about 2 times for the Sharks,try and make anything that you Sharks want possible, and I will help with anything that the members or presidents might need help with,such as NL's, Web Pages,etc.And now the hard part....Vote for Me.


I've been in the club for nearly 2 years and I have lots of experience; its just that no one gave me promotions.


Hey Sharks, Jay3983 here with a speech on why I think I'd make a good Senior Vice President. I feel as though I am well qualified for this position.

Reasons why I think I am qualified

-I've been in the sharks since the 23rd newsletter, close to a year I think. Two weeks into being a new member, I was Shark of the Week, but since then haven't gotton it again. I've done a lot of work for the Sharks, being active, recruiting members, writing newsletter articles, and helping any way I can. Currently my rank is Premeire Shark, I was also the first ever Premeire Shark along with Cerineth.
Lately i've been typing articles for the newsletters. I've typed all of the charts in the strategy guide "Goods, Weapons, Items, Armor, etc." And I have started to type the EB Focus Area's also.

-That is just what I have done in the Sharks as a member, I've also been a President of my own club for close to a year. I know what it's like to be a leader. I Know what it's like to have a succesful club. I know what it's like to have a struggeling club. I know what it's like to be swamped with 250 e-mails after a newsletter is sent out. And I know what it's like to be up til 3 in the morning, putting the finishing touches on a newsletter.
-Being the President of my club, I have written every single newsletter by myself, the only help I get is from members sending in material. Under my leadership I put together a club that had nearly 250 members at one point, and 5 club websites at one point. Right now after a huge setback in the club, we have around 120 membersm all active, and 3 websites. I lost everything in my fav places and personal filing cabinet, which had everything related to my club, including the member list and old newsletters. But I didn't give up after that. I searched and I searched, finally I found someone who had the last newsletter, and I used the names off of the ranks list to start the club back up again. I never gave up.

This may sound silly, but, I've got good people skills, hehe. I'm not a leader who will ignore the members. I enjoy talking with the members, wether it be about wrestling, music, video games, how they just beat EB for the first time, anything.
A lot of new members in my club have IM'ed me and since then we've become good friends and talk everyday. Without the members there would be no Sharks, we are what make the club. If your a new member and low in the ranks, don't get discouraged, work your hardest and work your way of the ranks, it's the best way to get noticed in the club. Look at me, when I came into this club I didn't know a single person. Now i'm one of the highest ranks, and I have a shot at becoming a leader. Stick in there guys, you'll be up where I am someday.

Why I want to be a Sharks leader

-Being in the sharks as long as I have, I've always wanted to be one of the leaders and guide the club, be one of the guys all of the members looked up to. Now i'm getting that chance.
-Another big reason is the slump the Sharks have been in lately. Ever since SectorX19 we haven't had a stable leader for more than a month. Don't get me wrong, i'm not trying to put any of the leaders down or anything, but a lot of the members and some leaders are turning on the Sharks, and i'm getting tired of it. All I want to do is bring back the Sharks to when people couldn't get into meetings because the rooms were full, back to when everyone got a long.
-Being the president of my club has gotton a little boring, I'd like to try something new for a change. My club is based on the U.S released Final Fantasy games. While I love all these games and would die without them I'd like to try and lead an EB club for a change.

The man behind the screen name

This little section is for you guys to get to know me a little bit better. Give you some background information about me.

Name- Jay Foss
Location- Salem Mass
Age- 16
D.O.B- March 9th 1983
Hobbies- Video games, sports, fishing, track, snowboarding, bridge jumping,
Music: Metallica, Korn, Limp Bizkit, Orgy, Prodigy, Rage Against the Machine.
Grade- 10th, Salem Highschool- "Should be in 11th, hehe"
Fav Games- FF1, FF2, FF3, FF7, FFT, FFMQ, FF8, Legend of Legaia, Zelda, Earthbound, Secret of Mana, Illusions of Gaia, CoolBoarders 3, Brave Fencer Musashi, Mostly RPG games.

Thats all I can think of, check out my profile for a little more. If you guys have any questions for me, or want to talk, E-mail or IM me anytime.
Thank you all for taking time to read this. Right now I don't know who I'm running against, but good luck to you guys. Remember to vote for who you think will make the best leader,

Vote for Who Will Be Bronze Shark!

A. OaPika64

C. Yeerk543

D. NikeBoy453

E. JAY3983

Iron Shark


Hello, if you don't know me, or don't remember me, (and you probably don't) I'm Aeris500. Now I have more time on my hands than I when I used to be busy, busy, busy. I will help the club to the best of my ability, and if you were here a while back you'll know that. I was Shark of the Week twice because I always helped to find new members, and I was a regular participant in the message board. Now I'm getting more time, now that I've finished every single video game I've been trying to beat. Please vote for me, and I will do my best for the club!!


If I ran for Iron shark, I would bring the sharks back to it's peak (with the help of EB0, EBG Dragon, and the AVP.) The club would be like it was when SeC Was leading. I don't know how many of you were here when SeC was leading, but the sharks acutally had meetings that filled the chat room, newsletters were not big, but had a lot of good stuff in it that people liked to read. I would help bring all this back, with more new things. I have been with the sharks since SeC was Catapult19. Please vote for me to be the Iron Shark.


Hi! Tails825 here!!! Im running for the rank of Iron shark!!! If I am elected, i will do as much as possible to make this club better for all of you peeps out there who like this club. I will send in voting things, articles, and other things that the sharks might like. I'm not just doing this for myself, i'm doing this for the citizens of this club!!! We will give good NLs to the people, and all people have the right to stay in this club(except for the peeps who want this club dead). Thank you.

Shark lvl 1


Hey all, it's Cid..that guy that used to participate lots in Earthbound clubs. Uhh...I decided to run for the Iron Shark Rank because my rank allowed it and it'd be fun to be real active with EB again. start of my speech I'll talk about my history with EB Clubs. Ok...Long ago you may remember AON? I do..Well after that shit with Loma and good stuff like that I decided 'Hell, Earthbound kicks ass so I'll join the Sharks!'
LOL, that may have been what caused me to loose interest in the real world. I've been with the sharks ever since then which has been a long time(I'm not one to record dates of when I join/create clubs :P)
I frequented meetings..then SeC left and I joined the EB Gang and is/was semi active in there and yeah.
Now on to why you vote for me..and only me for Iron Shark...Well, for started, I like the internet. I'll get the job done as long as some club members take notice of what I do(All my clubs have failed quite patheticallly)
I can type pretty doing all those long articles and stuff(Like this) won't be a bitch to me and everyone else waiting for it to get done.
Oh yeah...I guess I have good leadership skillz.
I'm the kinda emotional on the field dude for the extremely bad football team I play on..but uhhh I think I'll start to stop now...
Oh yeah, my english teacher says I'm 'intellectually(did I spell it right?) sharp' so THERE...and for me!


Look Everybody, I may not be the most popular kid around, but I want to get the Sharks back on the fast rack, an, as your Iron Shark, I intend to raise the membership up to what it once was, I don't think I could do as good as SeC or BLu in getting members, but I will try. Also, I will try to keep corruption to a low point. I know Corruption isn't much of a problem, but you could always do better when there aren't any people using the leader. Also, I want to try to get a new rank system in order, one that, I think, will be much more fun (not that the one now isn't fun), most of it will stay the same, but I will take out a few and add some (maybe).

Vote For Iron Shark!

A. Aeris500
B. Kjleftin


D. NeoCid

E. TMGiygas


This is the new tokens section! If you want to know more about tokens, read on!

To get tokens:
1. Do jobs! (refer to the jobs section for more info.)
2. Help the club! Send in new ideas, or just give me some comments.
3. Participate a lot! If I find you are going above and beyond the normal call of participation, you will start receiving tokens.
4. Win the trivia! Isn't this one obvious? :)

To get prizes:
1. Get the required amount of tokens!
2. Tell me about it!
3. I'll e-mail or mail the prize to you. :)




Reward List:

Reward No. | Reward Name

3 Tokens

000000001 - 1 promotion

4 Tokens

000000002 - Any MIDI you request (If it exists)
000000003 - Any MP3 you request (If it exists)
000000004 - Any program you request (If it's free and if it exists)
000000005 - Any picture you request (If it exists)
000000006 - Any game code you request

5 Tokens

000000006 - A candy bar!
000000007 - A floppy disk!
000000008 - Annoying junk mail!
000000009 - Any Game Walkthrough you request
000000010 - A packet of seeds (NEW idea submitted by a very strange anonymous...)

15 Tokens

000000011 - Anything you ask for that's $5.00 or less*

30 Tokens

000000012 - Anything you ask for thats $10.00 - $30.00*

50 Tokens

000000013 - Automatic Premier Shark (Auto Legendary if already Premier)
000000014 - Anything from $30 - $50*

75 Tokens

000000015 - Anything from $50 - $75*

100 Tokens

000000016 - Anything you want from $75 - $125*

200 Tokens

000000017 - Anything you want up to $190*

300 Tokens and Up

999999999 - Anything you want that's equal in cost to the number of tokens*
(ex: 569 tokens - $569)

* = Some restrictions apply. The club president's decisions in these matters are FINAL.


End Of Part 1

This is the end of Part 1! Click the Next button to continue reading!

Subj: The Sharks News - Issue 68 - Part 2
Date: 09/27/1999 9:51:45 PM Eastern Daylight Time
From: EBG Dragon
BCC: CrazedMogX


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\'|:::::::::::::::::|:| \:::::::\::\ \::::::::\\::::\:\ \::::\:\::::\:| \::::\\:::\| \:::::\:I'|::By: SeC:::|:|
\|::::::::::::::::/ \::::::::\:I \::::::::\\::::\'I \::::\'I\::::I \::::\\:::I \:::::\I \|::::::::::::::::/

Click here if you wish to no longer receive mail from The Sharks
September 26th, 1999
Issue 68, Part 2

Welcome To Part 2

This part of the NL contains most of the votes and other member participation things.

Shark Of The Month

And you still expect me to get a Shark Of The Month??? I've only been here a little over 2 weeks! :P

Shark Of The Week

This week's S.O.T.W. is JAY3983! Jay has been very helpful! He has submitted articles, and is always ready to help! He has many ideas for the club, and I wish him the best of luck in his campaign to become the Bronze Shark. :)

Sharks Hall Of Fame

Here is a list of all of our past SOTW's! :)

#1. Lobosweepr(is no longer a Shark, obviously first ever SOTW)
#2. MagusZeal1(is now Lucky eb3, was once VP)
#3. DSTARMAN44(the first person to get SOTW twice)
#4. Poo Kato(is now FM X Files, was kicked out)
#5. DSTARMAN44(look at what I said above for his screen name)
#6. Tytee2(is now Tyteet2 and a Jr. Frank)
#7. MagusCrono(was once VP)
#8. Seriphosu(is no longer a Shark)
#9. Demon66331(later became Picco1o, is no longer a Shark)
#10. ICPklownz(is no longer a Shark)
#11. XSuperMogX(was the first person to become Frankystein Mark II)
#12. AGaweda(is no longer a Shark)
#13. EbJeffEb(is no longer a Shark)
#14. ToOcZ(found us many new members)
#15. Unfrgvn85(the first person to get SOW for two times in a row,he also got it twice in a row later, is no longer a Shark)
#16. Unfrgvn85(look above,under his name, is no longer a Shark)
#17. Moondoggey(was the first person to ever be AAVP)
#18. NessCraig(found us many new members)
#19. Calvin 84(is now AzIaN FoO)
#20. Mouse4894(is no longer a Shark)
#21. BassBall 2(is now Elite Shark)
#22. RDS3(later became TWSHyena, is now AVP)
#23. EmmonsKer(had to get rid of AOL, but is still a Shark)
#24. OnettNess(former leader of the EBG Gang)
#25. JAY3983(found us many new members)
#26. AGaweda(third person to ever get SOTW twice)
#27. ESL1021(found us new members, is no longer a Shark)
#28. AGaweda(first person to ever get SOTW three times)
#29. Unfrgvn85(second person to get SOTW three times, is no longer a Shark)
#30. Unfrgvn85(first to eve get it 4 times, second time he's done it two weeks in a row, is no longer a Shark)
#31. CPMont83(found us many new members)
#32. Iceandheat(made us two computer games, is also ATWCreator)
#33. BRIAN DX(found us many new members, former Shark President, is no longer a Shark)
#34. Fyredragon(found us many new members in his first week of being a Shark)
#35. Chumbakid7(found us MANY MANY new members,is no longer a Shark)
#36. Rebo1234(found us many new members using wonderful advertising)
#37. FLiPnOy21(found us many new members)
#38. Nikolai64(found us many new members, former leader)
#39. Septhroth5(no longer has AOL, but is still a Shark)
#40. PoSeR0001(became BLuIVIagic, now DHG Down)
#41. Mrshmlwbrd(alphabetized the Sharks mailing list for me, now Cerineth, is no longer a Shark)
#42. Mrshmlwbrd(alphabetized the people in the Sharks ranks, now Cerineth, is no longer a Shark)
#43. MogBacca(made our first proggie, was once AAVP)
#44. CrazedMogX(found us new members)
#45. DEDKENDS(found us new members)
#46. WorldF3(found us MANY new members)
#47. ECox758(found us MANY new members, JUST came back as
#48. Sabin Cole(found us MANY MANY new members)
#49. ANT NERZUL(found us many new members, is now Codeman098)
#50. Voltron401(found us new members)
#51. Sabin Cole(found us MANY new members)
#52. Rbrrducky2(found us new members)
#53. Madman 910(found us many new members)
#54. DEDKENDS(found us new members)
#55. DSTARMAN44(found us new members)
#56. AGaweda(found many EB files for the club to enjoy, 2nd ever to get SOTW 4 times)
#57. ADRIANANT(found us new members, is now ANTEBwizDX)
#58. Kjleftn(leads a club called The Chocobos, allied with us, found us new members)
#59. Aeris500(found us many new members,was SOTW twice in a row)
#60. Aeris500(found us many new members)
#61. DrugFreX3(found us new members,was SOTW twice in a row, now UnityPunk1)
#62. DrugFreeX3(found us new members)
#63. Michael D9(made us a new website)
#64. Rbrrducky2(did his job well)
#65. Roadhawk19(found us many new members)
#66. GOKU203334(found is new members, is now King Duky)
#67. Sabin Cole(found us many new members, has been SOTW 3 times)
#68. Voltron401(helped out with newsletter)
#69. Skorbel4(found us new members)
#70. Nikolai64(won VP election)
#71. SeCtoR X19(Lead The Sharks for 1 1/2 years, resigned)
#72. CrazedMogX(Won the Rank Contest, is now Legendary Shark)
#73. OAFrankFly(Helped stop a war)
#74. SwAmP KoW(Got many new members)
#75. Matingly22(former president)
#76. Rodimus401(Re-did the newsletter)
#77. Deafcon2 (Helped out alot, former leader of EBG, is no longer a Shark)
#78. Ava FM (Defender of evil forces)
#79. Loma359 (Helped restart EBUN)
#80. I am Golem(Became active, helped with message board and meetings)
#81. Loma359 (Helped the Club)
#82. EBG Ness (Helped the Club, former leader of EBG, is no longer a Shark)
#83. BRIAN DX (Led Sharks, is no longer a Shark, his second SOTW)
#84. Skorbel4 (Helped out a LOT!)
#85. AquaDuck34(Came up w/new ideas, did a lot of work)
#86. Mr N64 (Helped out, came to meetings, new members)
#87. MogBacca (Made the website!
Check it out!!!)
#88. Yeerk543 (Helped out, wrote articles, gave info)
#89. Cerineth (TONS of ideas, great help!)
#90. TWSHyena (Incredibly helpful - His 2nd SotW)
#91. EBG Dragon (Got new members)
#92. Yeerk543 (Helped Skorbel4 a lot)
#93. EB0und (Lead Sharks To Best Of Ability, Now Co-Pres.)
#95. JAY3983 (VERY Helpful, wrote articles, had many new ideas)

Special Thanks

The following people deserve some extra thanks for helping out The Sharks: (Not including JAY3983)
Kid OfSeph

Club Polls

Last NL's Poll:
1. Where should pictures be allowed?

A. Separate Last Part - 15
B. Other (Not at all) - 2
B. Other (Whole NL) - 3

Poll Result's Effect On Club: There will soon be a separate last part with pictures!

This Week's Poll:

1. Do you think the different rank categories should have special privileges?

A. Yes

B. No

C. Other

EarthBound Poll

1. Do you hope EB0 comes out for GB?

A. Yes - 26
B. No - 1
C. Who cares??? - 6

YAY! Go EB0. :) Maybe it'll be on the color version, too. :)


There is no Movie, Music, Game, or EB0 trivia this week, I want YOU all to send in trivia questions! Send in trivia questions!

Last Week's Trivia:

??? Trivia

1. What is in Venus's atmosphere that makes it so poisonous?
Hint: If you go to any old solar system site, they'd probably have THIS answer! C'mon! You know this. :P It also makes it VERY hot. :)
ANSWER: Carbon dioxide
Winners: Un667, TheRealGau, SKATEB1015, JAY3983
I won the ??? Trivia! Promo, please!
I won the ??? Trivia! Token, please!

This Week's Trivia:

EB Trivia

1. How much HP does Captain Strong have?
Difficulty: Easy
Hint: Play the game, it's very, very near the beginning. :P
Send in your answer!

EB Focus

This focus compliments of: JAY3983

Saturn Valley Village
Saturn Valley is a weird village with weird people living inside. The Mr. Saturns live here. All the Mr. Saturns look alike. They speak with a strange text which can get annoying after a while.

Items sold in Saturn Valley Village

-Insecticide Spray $19 -Post Card $2
-Beetle $8 -Bionic Slingshot $449
-Refreshing Herb $180 -Travel Charm $60
-Peanut Cheese Bar $22 -Great Charm $400
-Horn of Life $1,780 -Silver Bracelet $599
-Secret Herb $380 -Red Ribbon $179

Items in garbage cans and gift box

Rust Promoter
Broken Spray Gun
Sudden Guts

Enemies in Saturn Valley

Armored Frog Plain Crocodile Violent Roach
HP...202 HP...234 HP...209
PP...0 PP...0 PP...0
Speed...37 Speed...10 Speed...35
Offense...108 Offense...40 Offense...60
Defense...7 Defense...55 Defense...26

Saturn Valley Travel Steps
Talk to all the Mr. Saturns

They don't really tell you much, but one of them will tell you the password to get into the Belch Base. The password is, when the guard asks for the password, do not press anything. Stand still for 3 minutes without pressing anything and you will be let in. Go get a snack or something while waiting.

Give the password at Belch's Base
Read above. Wait 3 minutes behind the water fall.

Enemies in Belch's Base
Foppy Slimy Little Pig

HP...120 HP...616
PP...10 PP...0
Speed...1 Speed...10
Offense...29 Offense...45
Defense...9 Defense...71

Defeat Belch

Belch is very easy if you use the Fly Honey right away. This will stun him for the battle and all you have to do is bash away at him for a while.

Master Belch

Clean up in the Hot Springs
After the battle with Belch a small cave will lead you to the Hot Springs in Saturn Valley Village. Wash up in the Springs and talk to the Mr. Saturn next to the table drinking coffee for a neat story.

Go to Milky Well
From the Hot Springs there is a cave that will lead you to another shining spot.

Enemies in this area


Defeat the Shining Spot
Your 3rd shining Spot is guarded by a Trillionage Sprout. He's not to hard, defeat his 2 little buddies and pound away at him with the best attacks you have. Rockets and bombs will be good here.

Trillionage Sprout

Return to Threed
Once back in Threed everything seems back to normal, the sun is shining the zombies are gone people are out in the streets again. Take the bus into the desert. There will be a traffic jam on the desert rode, get out and explore for a while.

EB What If's

What if...

...Ness was possessed by a Ghost of Starman and while he was possessed he killed Paula, Jeff, Poo while he was fighting Giygas, and Pokey turned into a cannibal and ate Ness and Giygas then he started eating himself...maybe he is already a cannibal and thetas how he got so fat... - MGSegaM

...the club hadn't been taken over by EBGDragon?

in your What If's! We need more!!!


Well...all good things come to an end. :) I'm sorry this NL came out so late, but oh, well, that's the way it is. AOL always has to have some problem for us doesn't it? Anyway, thank you for reading, and I'll hope to be getting your votes soon. :) Bye!