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A lot is happening right now in the Sharks. Member activity is still on the rise, many, many people have signed up for jobs, and the club is gaining a splendid array of new features.
I have finally solved all of the AOL problems, so now we should be able to continue with meetings and the newsletter without delays and cancellations.
Probably one of the biggest things in everyone's mind is the upcoming elections, please look at the elections section of this issue for voting information!
Many people lost their ranks when EB0und reset them, if you'll please simply mail me your rank prior to this, I wil be glad to give it back to you. If you don't mail me about it, you will not get your rank back, this is the last week I'm going to allow this. For further information refer to the ranks section.
Tokens are back, and so are a new set of jobs. I hope you will refer to the Jobs section to sign up for some if you haven't already done so. If you wish to know anything about the new tokens system, or are just curious to see who already has some, please go to the tokens section.
I'm sure you have all noticed, that the NL color has been changed back to black type and green background. If you despise these colors and have something to say,
-I've been in the sharks since the 23rd newsletter, close to a year I think. Two weeks into being a new member, I was Shark of the Week, but since then haven't gotton it again. I've done a lot of work for the Sharks, being active, recruiting members, writing newsletter articles, and helping any way I can. Currently my rank is Premeire Shark, I was also the first ever Premeire Shark along with Cerineth.
Lately i've been typing articles for the newsletters. I've typed all of the charts in the strategy guide "Goods, Weapons, Items, Armor, etc." And I have started to type the EB Focus Area's also.
-That is just what I have done in the Sharks as a member, I've also been a President of my own club for close to a year. I know what it's like to be a leader. I Know what it's like to have a succesful club. I know what it's like to have a struggeling club. I know what it's like to be swamped with 250 e-mails after a newsletter is sent out. And I know what it's like to be up til 3 in the morning, putting the finishing touches on a newsletter.
-Being the President of my club, I have written every single newsletter by myself, the only help I get is from members sending in material. Under my leadership I put together a club that had nearly 250 members at one point, and 5 club websites at one point. Right now after a huge setback in the club, we have around 120 membersm all active, and 3 websites. I lost everything in my fav places and personal filing cabinet, which had everything related to my club, including the member list and old newsletters. But I didn't give up after that. I searched and I searched, finally I found someone who had the last newsletter, and I used the names off of the ranks list to start the club back up again. I never gave up.
This may sound silly, but, I've got good people skills, hehe. I'm not a leader who will ignore the members. I enjoy talking with the members, wether it be about wrestling, music, video games, how they just beat EB for the first time, anything.
A lot of new members in my club have IM'ed me and since then we've become good friends and talk everyday. Without the members there would be no Sharks, we are what make the club. If your a new member and low in the ranks, don't get discouraged, work your hardest and work your way of the ranks, it's the best way to get noticed in the club. Look at me, when I came into this club I didn't know a single person. Now i'm one of the highest ranks, and I have a shot at becoming a leader. Stick in there guys, you'll be up where I am someday.
Why I want to be a Sharks leader
-Being in the sharks as long as I have, I've always wanted to be one of the leaders and guide the club, be one of the guys all of the members looked up to. Now i'm getting that chance.
-Another big reason is the slump the Sharks have been in lately. Ever since SectorX19 we haven't had a stable leader for more than a month. Don't get me wrong, i'm not trying to put any of the leaders down or anything, but a lot of the members and some leaders are turning on the Sharks, and i'm getting tired of it. All I want to do is bring back the Sharks to when people couldn't get into meetings because the rooms were full, back to when everyone got a long.
-Being the president of my club has gotton a little boring, I'd like to try something new for a change. My club is based on the U.S released Final Fantasy games. While I love all these games and would die without them I'd like to try and lead an EB club for a change.
The man behind the screen name
This little section is for you guys to get to know me a little bit better. Give you some background information about me.
Name- Jay Foss
Location- Salem Mass
Age- 16
D.O.B- March 9th 1983
Hobbies- Video games, sports, fishing, track, snowboarding, bridge jumping,
Music: Metallica, Korn, Limp Bizkit, Orgy, Prodigy, Rage Against the Machine.
Grade- 10th, Salem Highschool- "Should be in 11th, hehe"
Fav Games- FF1, FF2, FF3, FF7, FFT, FFMQ, FF8, Legend of Legaia, Zelda, Earthbound, Secret of Mana, Illusions of Gaia, CoolBoarders 3, Brave Fencer Musashi, Mostly RPG games.
Thats all I can think of, check out my profile for a little more. If you guys have any questions for me, or want to talk, E-mail or IM me anytime.
Thank you all for taking time to read this. Right now I don't know who I'm running against, but good luck to you guys. Remember to vote for who you think will make the best leader,
Reward No. | Reward Name
3 Tokens
000000001 - 1 promotion
4 Tokens
000000002 - Any MIDI you request (If it exists)
000000003 - Any MP3 you request (If it exists)
000000004 - Any program you request (If it's free and if it exists)
000000005 - Any picture you request (If it exists)
000000006 - Any game code you request
5 Tokens
000000006 - A candy bar!
000000007 - A floppy disk!
000000008 - Annoying junk mail!
000000009 - Any Game Walkthrough you request
000000010 - A packet of seeds (NEW idea submitted by a very strange anonymous...)
15 Tokens
000000011 - Anything you ask for that's $5.00 or less*
30 Tokens
000000012 - Anything you ask for thats $10.00 - $30.00*
50 Tokens
000000013 - Automatic Premier Shark (Auto Legendary if already Premier)
000000014 - Anything from $30 - $50*
75 Tokens
000000015 - Anything from $50 - $75*
100 Tokens
000000016 - Anything you want from $75 - $125*
200 Tokens
000000017 - Anything you want up to $190*
300 Tokens and Up
999999999 - Anything you want that's equal in cost to the number of tokens*
(ex: 569 tokens - $569)
* = Some restrictions apply. The club president's decisions in these matters are FINAL.