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Howdy and Welcome to my ECR Memories Page. Here is where fans of The Young Riders met up to discuss our love for the show. We chose Luray, Va. for our first ECR, Virginia Beach, Va. for our second and went back to the mountains of Fort Valley, Virginia for our third. There was so much fun had by all from horseback riding, dancing, eating, old timey photos to bull riding. Thanks for stopping by! Hope you enjoy!

ECR 2000

On November 3-5, 15 fans met in the quiet little town of Luray, Virginia for the very first ECR. Below is a group picture of everyone who attended the first annual ECR. These girls are the Best and I'm sure there will be many more ECRs but none will hold the special bonds that were made that weekend in the mountains!

Kneeling:Jamie, Sid, Lil' Jen, Charla & Beth. Second row: Liz, Amy DC(slightly kneeling), Raye, Kathi, Laura, Gail & Dee. Third row: Jen DC, Theresa & Rhiannon. A big Thank You goes to Amy DC for the group pic.

ECR 2001

For our second ECR-we hit the town of Virginia Beach, Va. There were only 11 of us this time but we still had fun although we missed the ones that were with us last year. We also had a new fan join us-Michelle aka ChelleBelle. Click on the link below to see the pics of those four wonderful days.

Front row: Jen DC, Theresa, Lil' Jen, Michelle, Gail, Jamie, Beth. Back row: Sid, Amy DC, Laura & Rhiannon.

ECR 2002

On October 10, 2002 we hit the mountains in Fort Valley, Virginia. We had a great time and I'll soon be posting the wonderful memories from that weekend.

ECR 2003

While we only had 3 ECRs, life long friends were made by that group of TYR fans who had chatted in chat rooms, posted on message boards and took the chance to meet up in the mountains of Virginia. I cherish each one of those girls and am so blessed that I had the chance to meet such wonderful women! I would also like to take this time to THANK my wonderful son-Jonathan for helping me get this site up and running. I hope you enjoyed your visit.





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